What do you

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

What do you

What do you do in real life?

Hey guys, Blue here! So as you can see above, I was wondering what y’all are like off the CB. I know I’m quite different online vs. offline, (though neither version of me is fake, just different ways of me expressing myself). And more importantly, what do you spend your time doing? School schedules are great, long-winded descriptions are awesome, and basically anything if it talks about what you do IRL.

My turn!

I’m actually loads different offline, which most of you will probably not be. For starters, I swear... a lot. Like, uh, every-other-sentence lot. Of course, I can’t do that on the CB. I spend most of my non-school-or-sleep time at Alberta Park, a medium-size (four city blocks, about) park that’s mostly playground, with multiple little playstructures scattered about. Well, that’s where I start, anyway. Then I usually find one or more of my friends there, and go off racing, playing video games, getting ice cream, getting into fights (like, fights,) and doing very fun and slightly illegal things. 

During summer, there’s movies and a free-lunch program that comes with activities in Alberta Park, plus loads of street fairs, block parties... There’s also a street a couple blocks away (like, three or four) that’s covered in shops, where I go a lot and have rapidly been losing my money to. (There is a bookstore. How am I supposed to just walk by that?)

I’m public schooled, and go to a K-8 school. I’m in middle school, though, (sixth grade aaa) and the elementary and middle schoolers are pretty separate. There’s a certain ‘group’ I hang out with, plus my friends Alex, Cole, and Estefania, but a lot of my friends don’t go to my school and I know them because they live nearby. We switch classes for things, which is kind of weird as I’m not used to it. I’m sort of ‘the new kid’ because I transferred, but, y’know, in a friendly type way. I don’t act like a new kid, at least I don’t think I do. And everyone is a bit, because the middle school is a lot different than elementary.

Wow... that was longer than I expected. If you read the whole thing, I applaud you. 

So what’s your life like? 

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Here
(September 12, 2018 - 9:37 pm)

Wow, that's so interesting. I feel like we would get along really well irl.

I'm in grade seven, and I have really awesome friends. A few days ago was my birthday and they organised a treasure hunt around the school in order to find a gift. It was so kind, and probably my best birthday ever.

I'm a slightly awkward, theatre obsessed and nerdy thirteen year old. Someday I want to travel the world and see things that can't ever be captured in a movie or book. I play sports and spend my time after school hanging out with friends, reading, doing Kung Fu and rock climbing. I write in a journal and keep a special box of secret belongings under my bed.

submitted by Arrietty
(September 13, 2018 - 3:12 am)
submitted by TOÔÖÒÓØÕŌP!!
(September 13, 2018 - 11:26 am)

I love these threads! 

I'm in Grade 5, and am the oldest in my class, my birthday being the 3rd day of school. I like art and spend hours trying to capture myself in manga. I read a lot. By a lot I mean staying up 10 minutes before midnight. I'm a Southern gal, and if I met anyone up north, they'd say I have an accent. I'm moving soon, but literally across the street. I do struggle with friends, or I used to. Now I have 3 good friends and have steady friendships. I write, and I may start my first NaNo novel soon. And, well, yeah. That's me.    

submitted by Secret
(September 13, 2018 - 4:14 pm)

I'm going anon, just in case anyone I know sees this or something, but I also swear quite often. It's a bad habit- so I'm making an attempt to 'swear off swearing'. I'll post something else here under my real name later.

submitted by ;)
(September 13, 2018 - 8:22 pm)

I was really offended by this at first and I don’t know why like no it is not a bad habit it is a genuine way of expressing ourself in this world but I don’t actually feel like that so... my brain is strange.

I’m really happy at all the comments this is getting! My threads don’t usually get that much people on them but I only just made it and there’s so much already!

submitted by Blue Moon , age 11, Here
(September 13, 2018 - 9:36 pm)

Sorry, I should have been more clear. It's a bad habit of mine. Anyone who wants to swear can.

But we won't post it on Chatterbox.


submitted by ;)
(September 15, 2018 - 10:16 am)

I feel like us literary folks just get along well, on internet or irl! 

I'm southern too, Secret. In fact, I live on a farm with my two goats, two flocks of chickens, and a whole bunch of little bunnies. And I work part-time at my grandparent's farm. They have a strawberry patch in spring, a sunflower patch in summer, and a corn maze and pumpkin patch in the fall. I feel like if you know me on the CB you probably know exactly what I'm like off the internet. I go to a homeschool resource center, which is really cool. Any other homsechoolers hybrid schoolers out there?? Ummm... I'm into basically everything from comic book superheroes (Nightwing is my fave) to theatre to poetry. I have a whole bunch of siblings. So yeah, not too exciting! 

submitted by Rose bud, age 16, SC
(September 13, 2018 - 8:53 pm)


I'm in ninth grade and homeschooled, but go to high school classes on Friday. I'm taking "official" Spainish and Biology, and even though it just started I don't really like either. Math and logic are my favorite subjects and I do those at home. I also live in Suburbia(tm) and hate the fact that I can't walk anywhere. You must drive, and sadly I cannot drive yet. 

Anyway, I have a music co-op thing where I'm taking Concert Choir! It's pretty fun so far. The first day was mostly handouts and getting fitted for concert attire and new people getting their voice tested, so the only thing we actually got to sing was this round about how tacos are so wonderful. Pretty fun.

I like making stupid videos with my siblings and a tripod that I borrowed from someone and haven't returned yet. I named my little company "Alizarine Productions" and I actually made a logo for it! Just a picture with a song (doo doo doo doo doo doo doo DOO) in the background, but I think it's pretty cool. I actually have the image file, I'll attatch it.

Otherwise, I spend my days working on school, drawing stuff, wasting time online, designing impractical buildings, coming up with ideas for everthing, wishing I could travel the world, bonding/arguing with my four little siblings, and being driven to various places. Uhg. Someday I'm moving to a city where you don't have to burn miles to get to literally everywhere.

Here's my Official Logo: 

My official logo.png
submitted by Alizarine, age unknown, whereabouts uninteresting
(September 14, 2018 - 7:02 am)

Fun! I don't actually swear, but I do get just about as close as I can. (HINT: starts with C. Rhymes with 'rap'. I say it in, like, every sentence.) I don't really do too much with my life... I stay inside ALL. THE. TIME. I'll go downstairs and hop on the Xbox if it's my turn for MCSM. I read so often that I'm surprised a copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire hasn't glued itself to my face. I write poetry and ski lodges. I practice voice. I'm on a soccer team, but the only position I actually look forward to playing is defense. When I'm with my dude friends, I play rough and annoy them and joke around. When I'm with my friend Levyn we do karaoke and put on weird plays about mac'n cheese Poptarts, but I don't have friends over often. I get chores and schoolwork done quickly so I can get on my phone and Chatterbox and play Plants vs. Zombies. 

So... yeah. I often get bored on the weekends because I don't have many hobbies. I spend time just sitting on my day bed, thinking about novels I want to write. There's nothing that interesting where I live (Central Illinois: WAIT, THAT ISN'T CORN RIGHT THERE!!!!! THE EARTH HAS EXPLODED!!!!!!!!) So, um, yeah.  

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(September 14, 2018 - 10:54 am)

Huh, it's interesting to read all this about you guys. I guess it's my turn.

I'm pretty different online than I am in real life. But like Blue said, neither version is really fake. I'm a lot more social online with you guys, and in real life I hardly ever talk, except if I'm alone or just with close friends. I think I can come off as rude, but I try not to. I'm working on fixing my antisocialness. I love reading, writing, and theatre (you probably already knew that), and I also am in choir, which I love. I also love singing a capella. Our school had an a capella group last year (and this year, auditions are coming up), and I was in it. It was soooo much fun. I really like to draw, and while I'm still not great, I'm improving. During my free time, I'm either reading, writing, drawing, on the CB, on another site, or occasionally hanging out with friends. My family has two dogs, two birds, and nine chickens.

So, yeah, that's me. Just out of curiosity, do any of you speak multiple languages?

submitted by Quill
(September 14, 2018 - 3:12 pm)

I speak fluent Norwegian! I also know English (of course) and weird bits of Hindi, Spanish, and French- for example, I can read the Hindi alphabet but I only remember s few words. So I guess if I ever have to ask someone how their colorful banana is doing today, I can. I can also read French (though I’m not fluent) but not speak it, and I know the bits of Spanish that most American kids do (uno, dos, tres, quatro, sinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, dies, holá, gracias, queso)

submitted by Blue @ Quill
(September 17, 2018 - 8:39 pm)

okay, I spend a lot of time outdoors rock climbing and mountain biking, I live on a mountain, so there are a ton of places to do stuff like that. I also hang out with my friends Claire and Gigi watching movies and eating ice cream. And swimming in the pool. A Lot. I stay up really late reading, so I sleep in, which I can do, because I’m homeschooled. I went to a public school k-6th, and I’m going back in 8th, but I’m doing one year at home to take a “break” I miss seeing all my friends every day, but other than that, I like it. I’m also really into musical theater.

submitted by Moonlightelf , age 13
(September 14, 2018 - 3:28 pm)

Hmmm, I'm in grade 6, and I'm in a school that's cafeteria food sucks. I have a lot of friends, and we don't see each other, except on some occasions and at school. We have this thing where we simulate a Hunger games. It's really fun, especially when it's your turn to become the gamemaker. We also recently started an OC competition, where there's one theme, and you have to draw an OC that fits that theme.

I have a lot of extracurricular activities, like piano, art, and robotics. I play Minecraft and Love Nikki, and spend most of my time talking online with my friends and reading ebooks. 

submitted by Insomniactic
(September 14, 2018 - 7:42 pm)

I can tell we'd be fast friends. Trust me, I swear a lot too :>

Anyway, offline, I have a really ambiguous scheduel that consists of waking up late, mooning around the house, skipping breakfast half the time, and cooking. There's not much to do in my house, though I do go out to meetups and the like a lot. I should probably also make a difference between my at-home life and not-at-home life. At home, I'm skipping around a stupid fantasy land of junk food, art, and video games, and I'm constantly on the phone with my sister. Not at home, I'm either still in that weird in-my-head-world with friends, or wearing some really subdued colors and stone-faced in some art class or something like that.

There is a drop in that I've been going to twice a month full of fellow LGBTQ+ kids, and that's pretty neat. There's also a few anime clubs I go to. Um... my friend whose name I'll abbreviate to an A. here comes over a lot and we do crafts and goof around. Every few months my sister visits for four days, give or take a few, and we also do crafts and goof around. I spend a lot of my time on the computer either on the internet or doing music... I'm not that much of an outdoor person but I walk around my block a few times each day for the sake of excercise (I take an umbrella to avoid tanning or sunburn) and my street is really quiet. I guess there isn't much else to say? Oh, right, I talk to my dolls.

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, not where you live
(September 15, 2018 - 1:02 pm)

This thread is so cool, it's interesting to get a little window into your guys' lives! Personality-wise, I don't think I'm too different online and in real life, though how I present myself on CB very much changes depending on my mood.

I'm a pretty talkative person, an extrovert, I get energy and feel best when I'm around other people, especially my friends, though I do also value my alone time. I'm a dancer and an actor and a writer and an artist and a violin and have a tendency to try to do way too much at once. It takes quite a lot to get me well and truly angry, but that just means that when I am, you know you've messed up. And I've been told I can be scary when I want to be. (I don't mind that— I kind of like people being scared of me. Maybe that's not a good sign.)

And Blue, I feel you on the swearing. I try not to do it excessively, but it is for sure a habit. :P 

I'm currently a freshman in high school. I go to a really good school, and classes are sometimes hard and sometimes boring but mostly pretty fun. I have a lot of really awesome friends, and seeing them every day is the best part about going to school. I get very good grades and am somewhat of a perfectionist about it.

My classes are Bio (I like science, but not my teacher), Accelerated Geometry (it's an honors class and HARD), World Civ (boooring, my teacher lowkey sucks), French (super fun!), English (my favorite class, my teacher is awesome!), and Orchestra (okay, I guess, except that the other kids are older and don't talk to me).

My school is very open air and spread out, with a lot of space to walk around and cool places to sit. At lunch the seniors all fight for the AUX cord and play loud music and there's sometimes stuff like sno cone machines or rap battles or pep rallies or clubs putting on presentations at The Stage.

When I'm not in school/ballet/theater, I spend my time listening to music, hanging out with my friends, watching YouTube, drawing, writing, and practicing my violin/piano.

And... yeah, that's the gist of it I guess! 

submitted by Abigail, age Old enough, Inside my head
(September 16, 2018 - 11:02 pm)