AE Ball! Soooo,

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Ball! Soooo,

AE Ball! Soooo, yeah this is your totally average ae ball... not. Are you, like me, tired of boring shipfests? Well, actually, i'm not, but my fellow aes are, soo... But anyway, in this, we will start out at a perfectly normal AE ball, but soon we uncover a mystery lost in the depths of time. Here's the signup sheet:













Name:  Lydia Wilds

Gender/pronouns:  Female, she/her.

Ship: None. (Note from Blazestar: Yet. Open to shipping with boys or girls) (Note from Lydia: Shush.)

Appearence: She has straight white hair to her shoulders, dyed black except for one white streak and styled into sharp points. Her skin is very dark, and she has a single scar down the side of her face. Her eyes are a brilliant swirl of all the colors in the spectrum,ever changing with her moods, and when she looks at you, her eyes seem to flame and glow with an unearthly light. She basically wears the same thing as doctor strange, because she's an AE. She's also in peak physical condition.

Personality: welp, you'll find out.

Hobbies: Reading, dnd.


Powers: Ice


Other: umm...


Name: Blazestar

Gender/pronouns: Male, He/him.

Ship: Vivian.

Appearence: Short, spiky red hair, bright green cat eyes, and dark skin. 6'0"

Personality: meh, is an Ambivert.


Hobbies: dnd, reading, being active (gasp!).


Powers: is a Catshifter

Other: N/A 


Name: Reganam Eironhart Halvanfoot Traikinus.

Gender/pronouns: Male, he/him

Ship: yeah, uh, don't bring this up around him, but his previous ship left the cb.

Appearence: could be Blazestar's twin brother, save for his black hair and brown eyes.

Personality: crazy, extroverted, partyloving moron.



Powers: he will literally blow up if he drinks coffee.

Other: meh.



This will work like an RP. There will be food, drinks, a pie war, and other AE ball-y things. 

submitted by Lydia, Catsclaw's AE, age 12, The Shadows
(October 1, 2018 - 7:07 pm)

Hmm, yes..  Considered on the smallest scale possible, a proton, for example.  It is barely anything, so it would be simple enough for every part to be exactly correct.  But then, perfection is relative, is it not?  Much like silence.  This room is the quietest place in the world to someone who is deaf... She paused and looked around, but to me, well, yes, it is getting a bit loud in here.


submitted by Wendy
(October 11, 2018 - 4:57 pm)

Coroline: Well, Saki likes girls anyways so...yeah. No ship. -Neko

Saki looked up, licking powdered sugar off her lips. She smiled brightly after a pause. 

“Why not?” The AE chirped brightly. “It’s Beryl, right?” She giggled, and twirled onto the floor. “Not waltz music, but that makes it more fun right? Maki must be so annoyed...” 

submitted by Saki L.
(October 11, 2018 - 5:01 pm)


Um... Okay...? Question. What happened to Ocean Song?

*Pokes head in* You don't want to know... It was tragic... *Runs off*

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(October 11, 2018 - 6:11 pm)


Everyone around me is either throwing pies or slow dancing, two things that are completely not what I want to do. But I’m perfectly fine just sitting off to the side and checking my Instagram, although I do kind of wish someone would notice me. What use is a good outfit if no one sees you? I look around for someone to talk to, someone else who thinks the pie war is completely ridiculous, or even someone who would want to slow dance.


And I’m back outside again. I can hear commotion inside, but I could really care less. It’s not like anything interesting is happening at a ball. This is completely boring. I recognize a few people from the chat thread, but none of them are really my friends. I bounce my soccer ball and kick it around, thinking about a bunch of random stuff and wondering the ever-wondered questions of what will happen when die and how the universe was created. Exhausted, I’m about to flop down on the ground and stargaze when another AE comes outside. 


submitted by Alex & Hannah
(October 11, 2018 - 6:27 pm)

The red-skinned AE seems kinda flustered, but before he can really say anything besides "uh, okay," I'm leaning my skateboard against the wall and grabbing his arm, dragging him into a slow waltz, as he looks a little too nervous to do much else. "Your name?" he asks. "Reese," I tell him, grinning. For the first time in like, ever, I'm worried about the fact that I smell too much like spray paint for anyone to want to be near me. But he doesn't seem to mind, so that's good. I still feel a little self-conscious though. I mean, I'm still wearing my halter top, jeans, and sneakers. Everyone else looks kinda fancy. I'm worried. I've never been self-conscious before. What's wrong with me? Before I can think more though, he's saying something. "Sorry, what?" I ask, embarrassed. 

submitted by Reese
(October 11, 2018 - 7:49 pm)

My names Sebastion, by the way.” Sebastion says as they started dancing together. He was quite surprised when he realized that Reese was such a good dancer, as he tried to follow Reese’s feet since Sebastion wasn’t the best at slow dancing.

The ballroom began to become quiet as more people started to slow dance. Soon, it seemed like everyone knew what they were doing, and suddenly Sebastion felt like a fool. “Why would I even come here? Everyone’s too... fancy and... stuff” Sebastion muttered to himself. He felt like a fool as he swayed side to side.

He could tell his face was getting redder, but he never wants to show himself venerable, so he quickly turns his head. “Oh? What’s wrong?” Reese asks, slightly confused as why Sebastion was acting so strange. Without thinking, Sebastion answers “”I’m just... *sigh* I just feel like everyone here.. know what there do. I’m a new AE, so I’m guessing it’s normal, though?”

submitted by Artimerrx
(October 12, 2018 - 6:10 am)


"My name's Sebastion, by the way," says the red-skinned AE. 

"That's a cool name," I tell him, blushing a little. It takes all my strength to keep from kicking myself. I never blush! 

Despite the fact that I'm concentrating hard on not stepping on Sebastion's toes, I hear him mutter to himself, "Why would I even come here? Everyone’s too... fancy and... stuff." His already-red skin is turning redder. 

"Oh? What's wrong?" I ask him, blushing. 

"I'm just..." He sighs. "I just feel like everyone here... know what they're doing. I’m a new AE, so I’m guessing it’s normal, though?" he says. 

"Uh, well, I'm kinda new too," I tell him awkwardly, hopping backwards a little to avoid stepping on him. "I mean, I don't really know what I'm..." I clear my throat, unsure of how to finish the sentence. Sheesh, why am I being so freaking awkward? 

Night Vision~

I walk through the ballroom in my way-too-stiff dress. Why did Agent Winter make me wear a dress? She knows I hate them as much as she does. I search around for Kaden, though he doesn't appear to be here yet. 

I sigh. 

Kaden's never here. 

I look longingly at the AEs with their partners, slow-dancing in the center of the room. Reese even has a partner. How did she find one so quickly? I'm suddenly jealous. 

I still have no idea what I'm doing, so I try to inconspicously make my way over to the drinks table. When I reach the table, I lean against the wall next to Agent Winter's skateboard, which I'm assuming was put there by Reese. She's always stealing Agent Winter's skateboard. I tug on my hair awkwardly, hoping someone will show up. Sam's leaning against the wall across the ballroom with her don't-talk-to-me face on. 

I wonder why she can't find an AE to be shipped with. (Sarcasm alert.) 

Suddenly, while I'm still surveying the ballroom for Kaden, someone taps me on the shoulder. "Wanna dance?" says a voice, which I'm assuming belongs to whoever tapped me. 

I whirl around.

"Uh, sure," I say.  

I ship Sebastion and Reese! Artimerrx, what do you think? And also, the AE who tapped Night can be anyone who wants to dance with Night. It could even be Kaden... *hopeful*  

submitted by Agent Winter's crew
(October 12, 2018 - 3:36 pm)

“Uh, well, I’m kinda new too,” Sebastion sighs with relief. “Wait, really? Great! At least I’m not the only AE that’s new here...” Without thinking, Sebastion starts tapping his fingers on Reese’s shoulders, piercing his lips. He starts to calm down more, and being more genuine with the way he dances. 

Reese clears her throat, and says, “I mean, I don’t really know what I’m...” then she stops. “Hmm?”  Sebastion says, as he starts getting impatient. “When’s the next song gonna start? It seems like it’s been taking forever...” Sebastion thinks to himself, before looking at Reese. Sebastion giggles as he realizes that he’s been tapping his fingers on Reese’s shoulders for long than he should have. 

“This is more awkward then I imagined it would be! Everyone here is like, thirteen!” Then he stops, and realizes what he just said. He covered his mouth with his hand, and thought, ohmygosh this is bad. “...Reese?”

note: I really think it would be illegal to ship Reese and Sebastion, cause Sebastion is kind of a 400 year old demon with a horrible track record for cheating on people, while Reese is 13. XD but I don’t know the boundaries of CB, so eh.  Also I HAD to draw Reese, like seriously 

submitted by Artimerrx, age 432, Nowhere
(October 13, 2018 - 12:32 pm)


I'm so glad I've got something to do now...honestly before I was feeling kinda awkward. Dancing with Saki is amazing- she's so funny and cheerful. "We should get to know each other more." I say between spins. "What are some of your... favourites. Favourite food, favourite pastimes ...?" While I wait for an answer I think to myself what fun Saki is to be around. Not romantically, of course, and that's what's so special.

submitted by Coroline
(October 12, 2018 - 12:04 am)

Maki noddedf "Indeed. And even then, we are only discussing literal silence." A melancholy look settled over her. "For who can escape the voices in their heads. Even the trees hear themselves fall."

Neko rung again.

"Honestly, what is it now?"

"Is unsmart a word?" Her CBer asked.

"No. Good-bye."


submitted by Maki Tenebris
(October 12, 2018 - 8:42 am)

Saki nodded. “Good idea! Well...honestly I eat too much junk food.” She laughed “In case you didn’t notice. In my free time I mainly hang around on the internet to be honest, but I read a lot as well. How about you?”

submitted by Saki L.
(October 12, 2018 - 4:14 pm)


"I'll eat anything you throw at me!" I grin. Saki laughs. "I also like hanging around the CB. And reading I guess, but I'm more into active things." 

Saki nods, out of breath. "Do you wanna have a break?" I say. We've been dancing for ages now.  

submitted by Coroline and Co
(October 12, 2018 - 7:21 pm)

Here's a pic of my AEs in normal clothes, by the way. (I have a feeling it will show up sideways, but maybe not.) 

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(October 12, 2018 - 8:21 pm)

Saki panted, nodding. She walked to the side, getting a glass of water. 

submitted by Saki L.
(October 12, 2018 - 8:20 pm)

I watch most of the rest of the AEs swirl in variously graceful motions, each gazing at their partner. Mixed emotions churn in my heart. On one side, I am happy for them. On another, I'm curious about what it feels like to be in a ship with another AE. On yet another, I inwardly laugh at them. The looks on their faces are a general breed of 'I really wish I wasn't such a dope at dancing' or 'I should have worn something better' or 'Oh help what was I thinking I can't handle this', all overridden by a general look of happiness and admiration for the other. I straighten my jacket. It's more elegant than a traditional sailor's uniform, and instead of a cap, white primroses cascade down from just above my left temple, hanging just above my shoulder. My jacket is more fitted to the curves of my body, which leaves me a bit self-conscious. I hate the feeling of the looming possibility that I may appear gaudy. I walk slowly over to the refreshments table. Staring at the multitude of foodstuffs, I suddenly realize that I'm not actually that hungry. I settle for a glass of water. As I sip the cold water an AE comes up to me from behind. Without looking back, I know it's a guy. The footsteps aren't dainty enough to be a female AE's. He taps me on the shoulder right as the music changes.

"Good evening, Captain. May I just call you Xanara?" I turn around, blushing slightly. I recognize the voice. I bow. He returns the gesture.

"Please, call me X."

"Okay, X. Care to dance?"


*Barges in* WAIT I GOTTA SEE WHO'SE GOT THE MANLINESS TO ASK MY GIRL X TO DANCE!! *Security hesitates* 'Kay you can drag me away now... *Is lead away because security doesn't have the heart to drag me away*

Okay seriously though is anybody willing to dance with Cap? 

submitted by Captain X
(October 13, 2018 - 1:00 am)