Chatterbox: Down to Earth



But do it slowly. 

None of us have the slightest idea who anyone is, because when we went on "vacation" a lot of new people joined, and to cut the the point, there's basically no one that we recognize anymore, and about twice as many Æs as there were before. 

We can't handle it.

Exactly. Now, since Leafpool gets only thirty minutes of computer time Monday through Thursday, she's unable to sign us up for any roleplays or anything. She herself hasn't done any roleplays since the beginning of the year, when she banned herself from them.

And no offense, but we wouldn't even know how to start getting to know all of you. So we'd--

--Like you to introduce yourselves to us--but be considerate of us getting overwhelmed with dozens and dozens of Æs. We're technically extroverts, I think,

I'm not.

Yes. But we don't know any of you. So. Just tell us your names and a little bit about you. Thanks.  

And to any of you who don't know us, we're Leafpool's Æs from the olden days.

Quote unquote.

We just recently came back, but we've done next to nothing to get acquainted with the others since, well, we have absolutely no idea how. 

I'm Arwen.

I'm Serene.

And I'm Jarnen. *Sticks hands into pockets of trench coat*

Tell us who you are! 

Hazel says miee. She wants to be included too. She's the CAPTCHA, which should be obvious.

submitted by Leafpool's Æs
(October 23, 2018 - 9:59 am)

Hold on a sec! I gotta tell you about Sea Glass and Nymph!


Yes, really, or else how will they know, uh, stuff about you?

By talking to us and seeing us around, maybe?

I guess so, but this way's faster. And I feel like I should. 


Okay, so that's Nymph. She's pretty grouchy and doesn't care much for people, but at the same time they're sort of fascinating to her. She's also very headstrong and almost always does what she wants, regardless of the consequences, which can and has gotten her into trouble before. She's also a shapeshifter and gender-fluid, but uses she/her pronouns anyway, or they/them if it's confusing.


This is Sea Glass, my cinnamon roll. Xe uses xe/xyr pronouns and spends a lot of time at the beach. Xe's pretty quiet and awkward, thinking a lot and perpetually terrified of offending anyone, though xe can also be moody.

Okay, I'll stop bothering you now. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 3, 2018 - 7:57 pm)