
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



So, Vyolette made a very casual comment on the #GetRidOfCAPTCHA thread ( Something along the lines of "I want to know I'm talking to real kid." Now me being me, I went and attacked her with a barrage of philosophy. What makes a robot different than a human? What if you succesfully created a child-like AI? How are you different than a robot? Aren't you both just neural networks? Sorry, Vy.

So, anyway, I figured we should have a thread for such stuff. Please keep it civil. 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Ephermal
(November 4, 2018 - 9:35 pm)

Yes, life is very overwhelming. I'm sorry to hear about your cold! I hope it goes away quickly. Life has been really crazy lately, but nothing really worth boring the CB about ;)) 

Good to know about the impersonations. Hopefully they are gone now. 

*blushes and grins all at once* Thank you! I mean...yay! Uh...I'm looking forward to it... *turns and runs to the AE ball thread on DtE*  

submitted by Silver & Storm
(November 14, 2018 - 8:03 pm)

Oh yeah! Clones add a whole 'nother problem to this thought experiment, and I love it!

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Panthalassa
(November 13, 2018 - 10:05 pm)

Oh yeah! Clones add a whole 'nother problem to this thought experiment, and I love it!

Onyx says cbza. Hm... 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Panthalassa
(November 13, 2018 - 10:06 pm)

Hello, coyote, it's good to see you again! How have you been these past few months? 

Hahaha! I love it too. Yeah clones are a really interesting subject. A friend of mine had to write a persuasive essay about clones, which forced her to take a side in the argument on whether clones are "good" or "bad". She didn't really have an opinion one way or the other, but for the school assignment she was forced to take a side. It sparked a really interesting discussion, so I thought I might bring it up here. 

Maybe Onyx is saying "CB alakazam"?  


submitted by Silverwaxwing
(November 14, 2018 - 8:14 pm)

Hey, Silver! Nice to see you, too! I've been alright. Some stressness and such with school and stuff, but eh. How've you been doing?

Yeah, I don't think clones are necessarily good or bad either. But, well, it is illegal to clone humans, like, everywhere, due to moral quandraries, so.

(In bit of a rush at the moment, will discuss more later.)

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Asteroide B612
(November 14, 2018 - 9:14 pm)

I can relate to stressness. Life seems to go barreling on without considering one's well being sometimes. I've been pretty good, although it's snowing right now (which isn't bad) but I'm cold (which is bad). 

I think the fact that it is illegal has something to say about the whole process. I believe someone tried to clone a tyrannosaurus once, but don't quote me on that, because I don't know for sure. I personally think that cloning is a really interesting technology, but that it seems kind of dangerous. I haven't done much research on it though, so I can't say for sure.  

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(November 15, 2018 - 3:04 pm)

Quick simple explanation of cloning:

DNA from the subject animal is implanted in an egg cell. The egg cell is then implanted in a surrogate mother, who gives birth to a baby version of the cloned subject. The clone is genetically identical to the original animal because it received all of its genes from that animal and not from two different parents.

Except, y'know, sometimes it fails. And then the clone... dies.

And even if it worked, if "souls" are what give a human their mind, then maybe cloning wouldn't give it one. Or maybe souls don't exist. But if you raised the clone in the exact same environment as the original, would it be the same as the original in every respect? Nature or nurture? Clones would be a good way to test that.

Anyway. Rambling. Lemme sum all this stuff up in one famous philosophical argument: The Ship Of Theseus.

Once there was a really cool general dude. His name was Theseus. While he was alive, he won tons of battles for his country and stuffs. But wait, then he died. Oh noes! Anyway, his country decided to honor him by building... dun dun dun... A SHIP! Yeh. 

Slowly, over many years, the ship began rotting. When one board rotted, the people were quick to replace it with a new one. Eventually, in fact, the entire ship was made of new boards. Not a single part of the original ship remained.

So, is it the same ship?


Basically. Whatchy'all think? 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Panthalassa
(November 15, 2018 - 11:03 pm)