Who loves Coke

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Who loves Coke

Who loves Coke and brownies???? ME ME ME!!!!!! I am eating them right now and I just spilled coke all over the floor. Lovely. This can now be used as a random thread!!!!

submitted by Julia, age 12, Oregon
(August 12, 2009 - 3:05 pm)

Nice.I like coke but coke slushys better,brownies ehh there all right but i dont like them much.Also you have to try the new blizzard at DQ it is awsome

submitted by Rachel P, age 11 12 soon, GA
(August 12, 2009 - 4:28 pm)

I love blizzards! I don't think that I've tried the new one yet. What flavor is it? I think that my favorite is their raspberry truffle blizzard! :):):)

submitted by Julia, age 12, Oregon
(August 12, 2009 - 5:50 pm)

TOP!!! Please??? Top thread! Go go!

submitted by Julia, age 12, Oregon
(August 12, 2009 - 4:29 pm)

I don't drink Coke but I LOVE brownies!

submitted by Cara
(August 12, 2009 - 9:16 pm)

Me hate coke. Coke me hate. Me love brownies. Brownies good and fattining. Coke bad much. Spikes on tongue. Tongue bad feels. Coke bad brownies yum yum.

why am I talking like this?

submitted by Adina , age 1997, Mostly in fanta
(August 12, 2009 - 10:15 pm)

I DON"T like Coke. :) I don't really like any soda with caffeine, actually. I can't sleep at all whenever I drink even a tiny bit of caffeine.

submitted by Maddy, age 15
(August 12, 2009 - 10:59 pm)

I don't drink Coke. Or any soda, for that matter.

submitted by Allison
(August 13, 2009 - 8:15 am)

Hi Allison!

I can't have either, sorry.
submitted by Hi Allison - Lena
(August 13, 2009 - 8:15 am)

I hate Coke and all carbonated beverages. Just another excuse for the kids at school to make fun of me, but whatever... :(

I'm vegan, so I don't really eat brownies or Blizzards. I'm allergic to dairy and eggs anyway, so even before I went vegan, I never tasted them. Sometimes, though, my mom makes these really good brownies without milk, eggs, or cream. I love them.

submitted by Ima
(August 13, 2009 - 10:55 am)

Goodness! why does everyone hate coke??? Or can't have coke??? I love them both, Julia, I just have never tried them together. I will, though! :)

submitted by R~D~, age 13
(August 13, 2009 - 11:16 am)

Oh I love Coke and Brownies! I should make some brownies today, yeah that'd be yummy. I could just make them for no reason at all. I don't get coke much, only on special occasions and stuff like that. Caffine doesn't do much to me, you know. I once had it right before bed and I went to sleep right away! I would kill for Coke and Brownies right now. :)

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, MN
(August 13, 2009 - 11:52 am)

I know, caffeine doesn't affect me either! My sister can't get to sleep even if she drinks a tiny bit, but I conk out like I haven't had any at all! :):)

submitted by Julia, age 12, Oregon
(August 13, 2009 - 2:53 pm)

hehe yeah, I never understood why sometimes my parents wouldn't let me drink coke before bed when I was younger.

submitted by Maggie S., age 13, MN
(August 14, 2009 - 10:14 am)

YAY! Another coke lover!!! My friend doesn't like soda because she says it makes her throat hurt from the bubbles, so I can understand why people don't like it, but I LOVE bubbles!!!!!!! 0o00oO0o0Ooooo-my really lame attempt at making bubbles :):)

submitted by Julia, age 12, Oregon
(August 13, 2009 - 2:56 pm)

I don't really like carbonated beverages either, unless it's rootbeer in rootbeers floats, yum!I like flat soda. Does anyone else out there like flat soda?

Oh and whoever was wondering what new flavors of Blizzards there are, it is tagalongs, and thin mints. I tried thin mints, and tried a few bites of tagalongs from my siblings. They are both really good. But they put green food coloring in the thin mint icecream to give it color. Ick!Ick!Ick! Why oh why do people have to put food coloring in EVERYTHING??????!!!!! I understand decorating cookies and cupcakes to make it look like something speciphic. But other than that I draw my line. Here it is! __________ Heh heh. *Blushes from people looking at her like she is crazy (which she kinda is)*

submitted by Hannah P., age 13, GA.
(August 13, 2009 - 4:15 pm)