I'm back with

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I'm back with

I'm back with a new survey. Hopefully will try to make some more of these consistently. 

1. If you had to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
2. Favorite actor(s)
3. Dream pet (can be fictional)
4. Favorite holiday
5. Your best friend is crying beside you in the lunchroom. How would you comfort him/her?
6. Favorite brand of markers
7. Favorite clothing store
8. Coffee or tea?
9. Song(s) you've been loving recently
10. First letter of your name
11. In your opinion, what is the most important value in a friendship? 
12. Reading or writing?
13. If you are making a friendship bracelet, what would the color combos be?
14. Salty or sweet? 
submitted by Survey Master
(March 5, 2020 - 9:26 am)
submitted by Top!
(March 21, 2020 - 9:13 am)