SCHOOL!I hate my

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

SCHOOL!I hate my

I hate my school!!! I am only 10 years old and I am in 6th grade I only have a few friends to help me out with my elbow and I need help! Most of my friends are not at my school or not in my grade so I'm all alone! :-(
PS do you like the smiley face with the nose!

submitted by Makenzie S., age 10 & 3/4, PA
(September 30, 2009 - 4:42 pm)

First of all, I have always been the youngest in my class. I'm barely fourteen and in grade ten and a half. (don't ask :)) So I rather know how you feel there.


Second, it is a good thing to learn to do things all alone sometimes. I
know it's hard, I know it's painful. I know it hurts. But you will be
alone a lot in your life, have few people to depend on. Do as much as
you possibly can to learn how.


Third, you're not alone. There are hundreds of friends waiting to be made right outside your door - looking on the same shelf as you at the library, sitting next to you in class, eating across from you in the cafeteria, twisting their ankle at the park, anything. See everyone in the light of a potential friend. And - I don't recognize your name, but pardon me if you've been on here for a while already - we Chatterboxers are totally willing to do whatever we can. I realize that we can't study with you, can't do face-to-face things like that, but we're here to encourage you, to give you tips. Let us know what you're having trouble with, and we will do our very best. 


I do like the nose. :-D




submitted by Emily H. :), age 14, Sparks, NV
(September 30, 2009 - 6:43 pm)

As far as the friends go, I know how you feel. I started

being homeschooled in the sixth grade, because my

past few years of public school were stressing me out

alot. But then it was a little harder to make friends,

because I wasn't surrounded by a bunch of people

every day. And alot of times I felt alone, too. But

you're not. If you need help with your elbow, ask

someone. Maybe you could start talking and become

friends with that person. And always keep in touch

with your old friends. Through one person you can

meet a variety of people. :)

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 1, 2009 - 2:25 pm)

Thanks a lot!  You guys are sooooo nice!!!!!  :D :D :) :)Smile

I could really use the help!

submitted by Makenzie S., age 11, PA
(October 1, 2009 - 5:44 pm)

Aw! I know what you mean. :o( (Big-nosed smiley) I'm really sorry you're having trouble. Emily H. is right. We'll be your on-line friends! P.S. I'm staring 7th...

submitted by Lovely Lunegood, Beyond Time & S
(October 1, 2009 - 8:29 pm)

I know how you feel. I haven't ever skipped a grade (I took a test to see if I could but the people grading it never even gave me my scores back), but I don't really have many friends either. Only *thinks* about 3 and a half (if 2 halves make a whole –- and in friend-related matters, they usually don't), actually, and none of them are in any of my classes. Well... I have two half friends in 1 of my classes each (if you've never had a half friend, I don't really have time to explain), but that hardly counts. And since a lot of people have been spreading preposterous rumours about me, and everyone believes them, it's hard to make more friends. That isn't helped by the fact that I have trouble starting conversations. I can easily join a conversation that's already been started, but I have trouble making new ones. I'm not interested in any of the same things as everyone else, either, so it's hard to find things to talk about with the few friends I have. That can work out fine for a while, but it usually ends up in us drifting away from each other, so gradually that we don't even realize it until it's too late.

Sadly, I don't have much of any advice. I wish I did, but if I knew how to solve the problem, I would've gotten rid of my own.

submitted by Ima
(October 1, 2009 - 8:03 pm)

Hi, Mackenzie, and welcome to the CB. :) As Emily said, everyone on here is really nice and will be your "online friends." ;)

In regard to school, just try to be outgoing and *coughAGcough* "be yourself." Also try joining extracuriccular activities, because you'll meet plenty of new people who you're sure to have at least one thing in common with. :)

I know what you mean about dreadful school years, though... *gestures in abstract way to fifth grade last year*...

submitted by Mary W., age 11.76, NJ
(October 2, 2009 - 3:02 pm)

Thanks! Actually school has been O.K. lately because my mom said I could have a little party with my good friends!!   YAY!!!   :-D

submitted by Makenzie!, age 10!!!
(October 5, 2009 - 4:32 pm)

School has been god for me.

My pre-algebra teacher gives my class sweets!

My advanced language arts teacher is awesome!

I like all my teachers!

Ima, you don't have friends in your classes?

I have friends in my classes, but one of my friends isn't in any of my classes!

My school hasn't spread any rumors about me yet, go me! 


You guys have a worse time at school than I do!

For me, the worst parts of school are getting up at 6am and homework...

submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 4, 2009 - 10:58 am)