i have some

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

i have some

i have some crazy friends *cough cough KIT KAT cough cough* and we always have tons of fun. especially because HALLOWEEN is coming up!!! We r goin' trick or treating together and I'm being a vampiress and she is being a ......*ask her urself* so i was just wondering IF YOU'RE GOING TRICK OR TREATING WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE??????

submitted by Snickers, age 14, US
(October 16, 2009 - 8:39 pm)

Please don't be scared away by what I am about to say.

Here on the Chatterbox, we appreciate capitalization, proper punctuation, NO chatspeak, such as "urself", and good grammar.

P.S. I'm going to be a HPB.

P.P.S. I'm known by three names- Cara, CC, and Ducky.

submitted by Cara
(October 16, 2009 - 11:23 pm)

I personally have no problem with occasional /chatspeak/, it's /text talk/ that gets on my nerves. (For the record, Snickers was using text talk.) S'okay, though, I guess...

More to the point, I'm still going back and forth about my costume. Regarding trick-or-treating, Kathy and I always go out together and then sleep over her house, so that's what we're doing.

Midnight on Halloween NaNo starts, so we're going to be doing that as well. :D

submitted by Mary W., age 11.83, NJ
(October 17, 2009 - 3:50 pm)

No offense, CC, but many of us really don't mind if someone says, 'urself.' Almost all of us have used abbreviations at times and, in my opinion, it really doesn't matter how someone says something as long as it's understandable.

submitted by Ima
(October 17, 2009 - 9:44 pm)

I decided that I am going to go trick-or-treating this

year. :D My friend is going to come with us, and some

of my brother's friends, too, so it'll be fun. I'm going

to be a... *drumroll* 1950s waitress! XP It gets harder

and harder to think of a good thing to be, and I've never

went as something like that before. It'll be funny. I'm

even going to carry around a little black notepad and

pen and take people's orders *is kidding about the taking

people's orders part...*. Yay! XD

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 17, 2009 - 4:01 pm)

For Halloween I'm going to be a fairy. I want to be a Juniper fairy if we can find any juniper sprigs. Who else here likes fairies?

submitted by Hannah P., age 13, GA.
(October 17, 2009 - 7:05 pm)

I FINALLY found a costume!  I am going to be a pilgrim!  Sorry, this is not a home-made costume.  Actually, it's forty yeas old!!!  It was my grandma's, (when she was thinner ;).  She sent my sister and me a bunch of costumes that she wore, or ones that she somehow got.... Anyway, it is a bright red pilgrim dress with yellow and white flowers dotted everywhere, and there is also a bonnet.  I am going to braid my hair in two braids, and I am carrying a basket to carry my candy.  I am so excited to wear it, becuz I love dresses. I just really never get the opportunity to wear them; my church isn't very fancy, sadly.  :) :) :) :) :) :)

submitted by R~D~, age 13
(October 18, 2009 - 9:01 pm)

I'm being a mad scientist!

submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 18, 2009 - 7:42 pm)

I like your name. Are you someone new, or are you someone that's already been here? To answer your question, I don't know! I might be a character from everyone's least favorite show, but I won't get into that......

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12.5, Somewhere
(October 19, 2009 - 2:13 pm)