The Pianist Group

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

The Pianist Group

The Pianist Group


The Piano Group? I guess that's what our group name should be? Oh wait, no. The Pianist Group rings better since we both play piano.

OK, so to start, I'm going to ask about piano, 'cause that's one of the things we have in common. So what songs do you play? I am currently learning two songs: Nocturne No. 7 in G Minor by Dennis Alexander, and Midnight Rhapsody by Melody Bober. At least, that's what I remember.

Ooh, and I was also wondering do you have any AEs? I have literally one, she's not very developed yet, but her name is Mira. I don't have any others yet. Maybe you could help me? I could help you in return!

Also wondering do you play with legos? (oh and just a warning, I use "also" and "also wondering" a lot) I like to play wiht legos, but right now I have a sort of - builder's block I guess? - and I technically can't build anything because not only have I used up almost every brick in my legos, but I have a cluttered area to build, and totally no space for anything else. And what would I build, anyway, with the very little amoutn fo bricks that are left to build with? So I'm taking a break from legos. Until I can tell and motivate myself to rip down my lego creations, and sort them back into my lego drawers.

I like humor, that's one thing about me.

Can't wait for a reply! (and a blooming friendship)

-Nut Le Squirrel 

submitted by Nut Le Squirrel, age 10, Cloud Zone, Dreamalina
(May 3, 2022 - 6:36 pm)

Hi! I'm just going to call you Rora, sorry about earlier, as you can see I have a guinea pig named Nut so I'm rather partial to the name :)

I'm learning Liebestraum by Franz Liszt for a recital piece in June, and it's coming along swimmingly, as far as I can tell. I'm also playing Allegro k.3 on the side and some Mendelsohhn. (gosh I hope I spelled that right.)

I one and a half AE's, but I never use them. The first doesn't have a name, because I originally named her Ariel, then switched to Gabriella, then I think she was Adira and eventually I lost track. Anyway, she's like the fiesty one. Basically. Oh, and she plays softball. Then I have another AE I used, like once. Her name is Laylani and she's really shy and she only talks in song lyrics. What is Mira's personality like?

I have a fair bit of legos, because my aunt gave me a giant set once for my birthday, with all these cool things you could build. But the only trouble is you can't build everything, you have to only build one at a time. So I built the first thing and was like, "No! It's too beautiful; I simply couldn't take it down-" cause I'm dramatic like that. And it still stands today. *somber note plays*

What Harry Potter house are you in? I'm officially Gryffindor, though I feel more like a Ravenpuff., what's your favorite subject in school? Mine is probably science. Or social studies.

- Phoenix Tears 

submitted by Phoenix Tears, age 13 she/her, Revolutionary Grape Jelly
(May 4, 2022 - 10:37 am)

(Wow it actually let me fit Rora @ Phoenix Tears)

Well anyways Hi!

I have never heard of any of those piano pieces, but I'm sure they're great! I can actually play Fur Elise! (But not very well lol it's really fast and my fingers trip up) I also have a recital in May! Wait, lol it is May. I have it on like May 21st or something. (speaking of May, today my teacher put a little poster on our class slides that had baby yoda on it, and it said, "May the 4th be with you." Just so funny cuz literally all I know about Star Wars is baby yoda and may the force be with you. Never watched it) I believe it's Mendelssohn.

Oh! Wow that's a lot of names. I have a good idea for you. You should make your AEs sisters, so one sister is Ariel, another is Gabriella, and the last sister is Adira. See? Then you can keep all the names and make it sound like you have 1 and a half AE. I don't see you on the AE threads, and no wonder you never use them because I don't see them anywhere. Ooh Laylani sounds pretty! So she only says stuff when the other AEs are singing? Well, Mira is not super developed...she's ten years old and lives on Strawberry Farm. I drew her, and in my opinion she's super cute. Maybe I can attach her in a shorter reply? So she's basically my very first avatar and I made her into an AE...? I was thinking maybe I was going to make Rora into an AE, cuz she's my character from one of my millions and trillions and billions of stories, but I haven't yet. 

Yessssssss I love legos! Aw, that's too bad. Well, yeah, I'm like that, too, because right now I have a Malificent castle that I built from scratch, and it's been there (gathering dust) for awhile. Aren't you ever like, "Besides, I took so long to build it, and there's this one piece that won't come off. So there." Also wondering (see, I warned you about 'also wondering' XD) what the first thing is?

Oh I haven't finished the Harry Potter series, I got to The Goblet of Fire and stopped. And that was like a year ago, so I don't have Harry Potter fresh in my mind. Like, I don't remember anything...

Ah yes, I like ELA when it isn't grammar or a R.A.C.E response, if you'd heard of it. Like, you have to get it. I like writing, which is...Language arts? My social studies curriculum is NOT awesome and I am sorry to break your heart by saying it. It's called Studies Weekly and my mom AND my sister both think it's terrible. So there, quoting the words of Kinkajou.

Oh and do you read Wings of Fire? I got to the 11th book and stopped. My favorite book is The Brightest Night, the 5th book! It's so awesome because the main character in it is such a great character!

Also lol when you replied it sent the post WAY BACK into the Down to Earth, so I was searching and searching...and then I just clicked on Submitted By and it was right there. So when a thread gets replied to and gets its very first comment it goes to the back of all the threads that were ever posted, and to get to it, just click 'Submitted by' and then you see it!

All this time...

That's all for now! (next can we talk about's currently my favorite movie)

- Nut Le Squirrel

P.S. ~Mira~ wants to say something....

~"Um...hi? I'm Mira and I'm ten years old."~

~"Do you have any strawberries? I'll give you some in return!"~

~"...Please? Just three?"~

~"I'll give you ten in return then. Sound fair?"~

~"Do you even like strawberries?"~

"Oh Mira, quit it. You already have 999,999 strawberries at home that you haven't eaten."


~"Those are goozeberries."~


(I guess I'm adding in a new AE really quick, ~Mira's~ older sister: #Lyre# like a greek lyre


#"How many times do I have to tell you those are "goose-berries", not goozeberries!"#

~"I want strawberries! You're the one who ate the last one without telling me!"~

#"So? I don't like gooseberries."#


~"Neither do I. But that doesn't mean it's okay to eat the last strawberry."~

#"Oh, Mira. You have to learn to eat gooseberries when it's all we have. Mom said we're having them stewed for lunch."#

~"Then I want cherries!"~

#*Pops last cherry in mouth*#


~*Stars at Lyre in anger*~

#"What? You didn't tell me you liked cherries. Until now."#

~*leaves room*~

"Lyre, you better not eat the last grape when Mira asks for it."


#"Of course I won't."#  


OK! That's all for now you can see how undeveloped my AEs are. XD

Oh yes, and here's a picture of Mira: 

submitted by Rora @Phoenix Tears, age 10, Cloud Zone, Dreamalina
(May 4, 2022 - 2:24 pm)

Hello Rora! I've been on a sort of unplanned hiatus from the CB this past month I guess, life has been crazy :/ All the teachers are absolutely PILING on the work and it's all going to come crashing to a close this week. Anyway, they'll take my laptop then too so I won't be on here nearly as much in the summer.

Laylani talks normally usually, it's just the words she says are already written into songs. It's kind of fun because I absolutely LOVE collecting song lyrics and tucking them into little corners of my brain to be pulled out later :) I love how Mira's dress looks like a strawberry! You're right, she's very cute and fun! 

I think the first lego thing was like a house, but just like the layout of a house (no walls or roof or anything) but it had little windows and doors and furniture and all that fun stuff.  There was also a car that could actually drive, so that was fun. But then I didn't feel like taking it down so I never built anything after that.

Yes, I really love creative writing, but I absolutely LOATHE essays and whatnot. They're hideous. In social studies I really like my teacher, and we're studying ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia and Ancient China. 

I think I read, like, three Wings of Fire books and then gave up because I didn't feel like trying to hunt down such a large series at my library. But I do own the first two books and I occasionally reread them, they're really quite good. I really enjoy Tsunami, she's such a good character!

I'm wicked excited for the summer. (Though it's scary that I'm going into 8th grade!) As soon as school lets out, we're going to Europe! Do you have any summer plans? 

Also, do you have any pets? I feel like we may have covered this topic, but I'm not sure. I have a sweet little guinea pig named Nut, and he is absolutely ADORABLE. I really want a cat, but I don't think that's going to happen because 1) Nut and 2) My dad and I both have pretty bad allergies to cats :(

Phoenix Tears

P.S. Reading back over this, the number of times I wrote "absolutely" followed by a word in all caps is four. That's so funny I wrote that so many times!

P.P.S. Unnamed CAPTCHA says "xigre." Tiger? Tigger?  

submitted by Phoenix Tears@Rora, age 13 she/her, Revolutionary Grape Jelly
(June 5, 2022 - 9:16 am)

Hi Phoenix Tears!

Oof, that's pretty bad. I have very little assignments this week, so not quite so bad.

Thank you! Her sister was made-up on the spot, and her name's Lyre. Oh yeah. And Lyre loves cherries.

Ooh! Sounds cool! I have built literally all I can out of my legos. It's a little crazy, there's almost no bricks left.

OOH! Creative writing is the best!!! I totally agree, essays drone on and on, and on, and on, and ON! And then just reading it makes you fall asleep. Ooh! One thing about me is I'm actually Chinese, so it's cool you're studying Ancient China, though I can imagine the loads of homework you might get on it.

You know, sometimes there's just times when you don't feel like doing something. It's like there's always a time to do read, but then you don't feel like drawing! I get that feeling a lot. Yes, "Squidbrain" is one of my favorites from Tsunami! The graphic novels are cute, but I mostly read the audiobooks. Or I guess LISTENED.

Yes, even thought there is still summer school to do, and it will be so hot...I'm going into 6th grade, which is scary for me because I will be turning ELEVEN in November!! Yes, we do! School is done on June 10th, and so we're going to Lake Tahoe the day after, and then going to visit our grandma in Northern California. Then, I believe in July, we will be flying to Maui. So pretty packed, I guess?

No, but the funny thing is that I went to Pet Smart the other day and I saw the most ADORABLE little hamster!!! I am still head-over-heels in love with it. And the next day, we went to a DIFFERENT Pet Smart, and I saw the cutest dog at something called Doggie Daycare. But I couldn't get any of those pets. :( However, we used to have a hamster named Kimchi. She was really anxious, and passed away. We buried her underneath one of our plants that has grown so big. And yes, I, too, am allergic to cats...Even if they are so cute. BECAUSE, we saw FOUR kittens at Pet Smart and they were just so hard to resist!!!

Enjoy your summer!

-Nut Le Squirrel

P.S. Yes, that's funny! And such a coincedence!

P.P.S. I found a way that Rora is a nickname for Nut Le Squirrel. You could just see it as "Squirrel" has 2 r's, and "Rora" has 2 r's as well. Does that work? Or can you think of a better one? 


submitted by Nut Le Squirrel, age 10, Cloud Zone, Dreamalina
(June 7, 2022 - 4:59 pm)

Hi Rora, I'm so sorry I haven't responded yet! I promise I haven't forgotten, I'm just crazy busy and I can't find the time. I'll try to respond later today, if I can.

submitted by Phoenix Tears@Rora
(May 11, 2022 - 7:25 am)

Hi Phoenix Tears!

It's kinda funny there's someone else on Chatterbox named PhoenixFeather so close to your name!

Yes, and I believe you! I have been busy for a while, so totally wasn't able to go on the CB!


May your days be not-so-busy? 

-Nut Le Squirrel 

submitted by Nut Le Squirrel, age 10, Cloud Zone, Dreamalina
(June 2, 2022 - 5:19 pm)
submitted by Top Le Squirrel
(June 3, 2022 - 1:44 pm)