Got any ideas

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Got any ideas

Got any ideas for Christmas gifts? It's kind of early, but I want to start making them so I have time to make them.

submitted by Rachel P, age 12, HOGWARTS
(November 11, 2009 - 6:46 pm)

Buy them a package of erasers, the kind that you can stick on the end of a pencil. It's a great gift for the tricky grownup types!

submitted by Emilie L., age 14, WA
(November 12, 2009 - 10:54 pm)

It looks like you're in the same predicament I was in last year.  I wanted to make a gift for my parents, but I had no ideas.  Then, I came up with this miraculous idea (or maybe I got it from a friend, I don't remeber).  I made these little multicolored cards on my computer, good for one chore, or something.  I made a set for each of my parents. It included: vacuuming the floor, making meals, playing a concert (I play violin and piano) and things like that.  They were easy to make and were quick to print.  My parents absolutely loved them!  So for parents, it's a good gift.  That's my insight so far.  Maybe I'll think of more as the season comes closer....


submitted by Leaf, age 12 1/2, on a tree!
(November 21, 2009 - 11:39 am)