Personality q

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Personality q

Personality quiz!!  ( comment and tell me if you like it)

1.  if your best friend says you were being mean to her you...

  a.  get really mad     b.  argue and say she is just as mean   c. realize she is right and try to be nicer

2.  Tomorrow your report is due you...

a. finish it tonight  b. you finished it during recess because you didn't wan't to do it at home  c.  You already finished it a while ago

3.  Tomorrow is your BFF's b-day party you...

a. rush to the store on the way  b. give her something you always wanted  c.  get her the perfect gift

4. Your friends are going to the mall and they ask you to come you...

  a. ask mom/dad for $  b. say no and stay at home  c.  grab your wallet and ask for a drive




  OK. if you answered mostly a's you are a little bit of a slacker and sometimes cause fights, but even if you are late you always get the job done.  Even though you cause fights you often end them too.

If you got mostly b's you are a bit of a push over.  You love your alone time and always get the job done.  You are very personal and independant.  Remember to put time for friends and fun in your life

If you got mostly c's you are very loving and easy going, you love to be with your friends.  You are responsible and trustworthy too.  You always get the job done right and early. 

                                   Hope you liked my first of many quizes! Bye!




submitted by Kirsten, age 11, Europe
(November 27, 2009 - 8:19 am)

All C's but my personality is more like a B.

submitted by Emilie L., age WA, 14
(November 29, 2009 - 6:55 pm)

I got mostly bs and cs. Fun quiz!

submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(November 30, 2009 - 2:00 pm)

1. c. Realize she's right and try to be nicer

2. a. Finish it tonight

3. c. Get her the perfect gift

4. c. Grab your wallet and ask for a drive

No one ever says I'm responsible. I tend to be more irresponsible. Oh, well. Fun! Thanks, Kirsten.

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12.6, Somewhere
(November 30, 2009 - 2:30 pm)

Just to let everybuggy know the mall can be any store that you like or even a cafe.  Just basically a place to hang out/spend money.

submitted by Kirsten, age 11, Europe
(November 30, 2009 - 4:04 pm)

Let's see... I got all B's except for one. Yup. I'm a bit of a pushover. ;)

And by the way, I'm back! Again! You're probabaly getting tired of hearing that!

submitted by Lovely Lunegood
(December 2, 2009 - 7:43 pm)

Heh. I'm the only one who got mostly B's.

submitted by Lovely Lunegood
(December 2, 2009 - 7:45 pm)