Random Survey Time:

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Survey Time:

Random Survey Time:

1. If you were an animal, which animal is most like you? (Not what you WANT to be, what you are like...)?


2. Have you ever had a "music video moment", or where it's an amazing moment, like the kind you can look back on your whole life, and you will be smiling and laughing?


3. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?


4. What is your strangest quirk?


5. What's the highest you've ever fallen from?


6. Have you ever fallen in love?


OK, my answers:


1. A hawk. (I love being up high, I have angular features, I am calculating and have 20/20 vision, I am protective of my friends and cold and cruel and vicious to my not-so-friendly-friends.)

2. Yes, I have. Some times sledding in the woods behind my friend's house were the most magical times.

3. Yes. (When my cousin got shot in Iraq, when I think about what if my friend died tomorrow, and you never got to say good-bye, or how much they meant to you.)

4. Ummmmmmmm...a lot of stuff. I do have a tendency to bounce/vibrate my leg when I'm sitting. If I try to do the "Thinker" pose at the lunch table, I will probably end up poking my eye out with a French fry due to it bouncing up and down.

5. About 10 or 11 feet up in a tree. Remember, I'm like a hawk; I love being up high. Unfortunately, I have a magnetism towards the ground.

6. Oh, yeah. But only strongly twice. Once in sixth grade. And once now. (Hint, hint. Stories involved. Very sweet stories about all my friends and how sweet they've been.)


So, what's ur answers to the above questions, my lovely online friends?

submitted by Kit Kat
(December 2, 2009 - 8:15 pm)

1. I really don't know. Maybe one of my friends could figure that question.

2. Yeah. When I see all my friends from my previoUs year goofing of and laughing together, not fighting.

3. No. Yes, I had some horrible times but I've never cried myself to sleep.

4. I have no clue!

5. I never even know how high I jump from.

6. Kit Kat, I'm only 10!

submitted by Ashley t., age 10, Michigan
(December 5, 2009 - 5:27 pm)

1. If you were an animal, which animal is most like you? (Not what you WANT to be, what you are like...)?

What am I like? Erm. I vacillate between Kipling's cat - want to wave my wild tail and walk by my wild lone - and a golden retriever who wants to be friendly and sociable and reliable. I guess a horse would be best for me - domestic, subservient, but with a twinge of ferocity behind it all that breaks out ever now and then. :D

2. Have you ever had a "music video moment", or where it's an amazing
moment, like the kind you can look back on your whole life, and you
will be smiling and laughing?

Where I can look back on my whole life? Yes. And that moment was the inspiration for a poem. Smiling and laughing? I more wanted to cry. But I think I answered your question.

3. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?


4. What is your strangest quirk?

Strangest, in the superlative? You don't know what you're asking for, girl. :) Erm. Too many. . . . I guess maybe my complete inablity to use a bookmark. Instead, I use whatever happens to be handy when I lay down my book. Chairs, seat belts, pianos, hearths, clocks, pillows, dish towels, dishes, other books - you name it, I've used it. Besides supersonic jets. Haven't managed one of those - yet.

5. What's the highest you've ever fallen from?

I dunno. I'm a reckless type, see. Maybe when I fell down my great-grandparent's stairs as a little kid. Maybe jumping out of a tree more recently. :D

6. Have you ever fallen in love?

With what? :) As far as books, words, wind, pencils? Yes. As far as males? Only a hamster, a horse, and a small dog. Love is totally twisted by our culture. Falling in love? Love was designed to be an act of the will, followed by the emotions. Please don't get me started on that. I have other things to do today. 





submitted by Emily H. :D, age 14, Sparks, NV
(December 6, 2009 - 4:12 pm)

1. Possibly a Fairy. Yes, I know, Fairies aren't real. They could be reading this, you know! I firmly believe in magic. I think that Fairies, Unicorns, Nixies, Mermaids, etc. are real. Call me crazy, but I think that they're real. Yes, I could use some head surgery, I know. Give me the number of your best brain surgeon, and I'll call him. ;-)

2. I don't really remember.

3. Yup, unfortunately. I'd prefer not to say when, but I might answer if you pressured me.

4. See Numero Uno.

5. Probably about two feet.

6. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Once with a celebrity, (not very hard) and once with a guy I actually know. Trying to figure out if he likes me.

submitted by EW, age 12.6, Somewhere
(December 6, 2009 - 4:44 pm)

1. If you were an animal, which animal is most like you? 

I don't know. Maybe a cat? I like to wander around on my own and climb things, I tend to land on my feet (metaphorically speaking), I'm independent and love irony, which I think most cats do. But I could see myself as a bird, too.

2. Have you ever had a "music video moment", or where it's an amazing moment, like the kind you can look back on your whole life, and you will be smiling and laughing?

Oh yeah... and soap opera moments too. I like the music video ones better :) 

3. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

Maybe once. I haven't cried much in ages. 


4. What is your strangest quirk?

I don't know. Not that I don't have any quirks, but I can't think of any particularly weird ones.


5. What's the highest you've ever fallen from?

Um... not very high. I like to climb, but I'm careful about it. 


6. Have you ever fallen in love?

Uh... yeah... which led to above-mentioned soap opera moments...

submitted by Falmiriel
(December 6, 2009 - 7:15 pm)

1: A birdcat. I know that birdcats are completely made up, but I had a dream once where you looked in a mirror and saw what animal you symbolized, and I was a birdcat. It was cool, I could fly and I had talons and a beak, but I also had a cat tail and fur and cat ears. Yes..... I'm weird.... but. Anyway. I'm a birdcat.

2: Not that I recall.

3: Loads of times. I'm a worrywart, see, and I think of all the childhood treasures I had that got lost, like the Mexican jumping beans that got stolen or my special rock that was shaped exactly like a bowl that got smashed. Sigh. I've gotten better, though.

4: I'll just list them, since I don't have a top quirk. I can see "non-real" things like fairies and ghosts, I'm crazy, I am a complete bookworm, I'm crazy, I too can't use a bookmark, I'm crazy, I am mysterious and goofy at different times, I'm crazy, I am a tomboy (I don't like that term because it makes people think of a 'boyish girl'), I'm crazy, I make up odd words, and the list goes on and on. Oh, did I mention I'm crazy?

5: I fall only when I'm close to the ground. I have something with me that makes my balance perfectify when I'm up high. So the highest I've fallen is about three feet. Off the monkey bars, and I'll tell that story later. 

6: Never really in love, nope. Not even crushes. 

submitted by Mango
(December 9, 2009 - 5:24 pm)