friend issues

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

friend issues

friend issues

Hey everyone I thought this thread would be helpful bc for me, it's like i have new friend issues every week. And im homeschooled. Heh...

Rn for me its this one girl whos a year older than me, and she just keeps leaving me on read. Then whenever i ask her if shes free to hang out (about every week and a half) she says, oh srry im not free busy with testing... I don't understand why, but it's probably because im the most desperate friend ever. Or maybe thats not why! I just....wish people would understand me more. My anxiety already makes me feel like all my real friends hate me, or think im weird, and..welp, you know, thats awesome! 

Anyone else feel this way? Because i really hope im not alone. Ughhhhh


submitted by ~Amarillis~, age 12 eons, Hills of Smog
(May 5, 2023 - 3:32 pm)

THANK YOU for starting this thread. I have so many friend issues, it's crazy. 

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(May 5, 2023 - 7:04 pm)
submitted by SpinningTOP
(May 10, 2023 - 4:02 pm)


submitted by toppity, age toptoptop, it's amarillis
(May 12, 2023 - 8:26 am)

I kinda have friend issues I guess, but mostly issues with actually hanging out with the friends.

so, my best friend (let's call her Joy) and I love to hang out- it's like the one thing in life that makes me happy. but, Joy's family is very busy through the weeks and goes on vacation often. this means I'm lucky to see Joy twice a month :( 

and then there's another friend we'll call Aria. she, like me, is homeschooled and lives relatively close. we get to see each other very often. but, we're almost exact opposites. irl, I'm very loud, confident (ish), outgoing (ish), and have many intrests Aria has never heard of (such as Star Wars and Zelda). Aria is quiet, humble, and a bit shy. she is interested in things I honestly don't give much thought to, like dogs and softball. we do both like art and yelling at our younger siblings (even if I have one and she has three). my mom wants me to hang out with Aria more, but I have no idea what to talk about or do.

then, there's my friends at track practice. I'm good friends with them, but I don't ever see them outside of track (apart from one jogging past my house once). at track, talking and socializing aren't really allowed. kids have gotten punished for talking while doing after-practice stretching. 

advice would be appreciated, especially about Aria, as her birthday party is tomorrow and I'm invited. after tomorrow, advice about Joy would be great :) 

submitted by Darkvine, age idk, Hyrule
(May 12, 2023 - 10:36 am)

Hm. That really is a tough situation. Honestly for your friend "Aria" I suggest just talking to her and telling her what you're thinking, which, I know, is kind of cliche, but yeah. Also just be genuine and kind about it, because from what your saying, it's not that you dont want to be her friend, you just don't really have any common interests.

Also, although this might just be what I would do, try to do new things with her and see if you can form common interests. Maybe its an activity, ie. rock climbing, or just a book you guys both like. 

And talk to your mom! Sometimes it feels like they'll never get it, but i've had a lot of stuff where when i finally went to my parents, i felt way better. it's nice to know that someone's got your back. If they dont respond well, that's their loss. They should understand how your feeling!

Wow..I really wrote a lot. That happens when I try to be helpful, and then i end sort of blabbering lol.

About the track friends, i would have some adults or even you and your track friends talk to the coach about the whole 'not being able to talk' thing. I mean I get it when your running because it takes a lot of strength to chat while keeping a good pace, but... During the after-practice stretching? 

And if you have an email or a phone, get your track friends' contact info! I find it really helps to connect with people. Or if you don't have either, you can use parents to get together.

That's all for right now, and if my advice is terrible, I'm sorry. It's what I would do, but not everyone is the same so..

Sorry for the long post lol. 

submitted by ~Amarillis~, age 12 eons, Hills of Smog
(May 12, 2023 - 1:14 pm)

So I have these friends (I shall dub them... Lupa and Nova).  I've been hanging out with Lupa since sixth grade and Nova since seventh.  A year and a half ago, this other person who I guess I'm friends with now but called me his friend long before I thought of him the same (we'll call him Cosmos) started sitting at our lunch table.

Cosmos has autism which pretty severely affects his social skills.  He is mostly unaware of social norms and boundaries which have made him pretty unpopular at my school.  He also has had very very few friends in his lifetime (in fact, mine is the only birthday party he's ever been to) and he sees levels of friendship VERY differently than other people.  Like, he and I talked a few times and then he considered me his best friend.  He also doesn't know how to recognize social cues-- I've seen people be VERY passive-agressive toward him and he doesn't even know they don't like him.

Which means if you want to tell him something, you've got to be very blunt about it.  And here's the problem with that:  He has anxiety and depression and is prone to falling into deep depressed states once he picks up even a little bit that someone is upset with him.  He spends a lot of time in the guidance counselor's office at school.

Nova and Lupa do NOT like Cosmos.  AT ALL.  They get really annoyed with him and just generally do not like being arround him.  Cosmos has no idea and even thinks they're his friends.  I honestly don't know where he got that, though, because the annoyance is practically tangible whenever they're in the same room.  They Really.  Strongly.  Do. Not. Like. Him.

(contd later but my computer is about to die and i really don't want to retype all this) 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(May 12, 2023 - 5:14 pm)

Uggh, I feel you guys. I've been feeling increasingly unhappy with my friendships :(

So first I have a friend who doesn't go to my school anymore, so she's always wanting to call me and talk about the latest gossip and that sort of stuff. The thing is, I don't care about gossip and I really hate talking on the phone. So I've been putting off calling her and I just didn't even answer the phone last time, and now she might be mad, so that's great. 

I have two school-friends that are both extroverts, and the one always talks so loudly, and has no sense of self-consiousness or personal space, which I am very sensitive to. The other is always talking about her sports things and saying, "Oh, I'm so worried for my track meet, I don't think I'll get a good time," or whatever about ten times per conversation. I'm trying to be supportive of her since she really cares about her sports, but I'm not involved in any of that and find it very boring (especially with her repeating everything ten times in a row). Sometimes I'm not sure why I'm friends with them because I feel kind of trapped in those relationships, and they don't care about the things I care about. And I'm just so tired of extroverts right now.

I also have another friendship that's perfect, and we both have so much in common. But this friend and I are both so quiet that we don't really talk to each other, and I find it so hard to start a conversation with her (she probably feels the same about me though). I really want to get to know her better, but we both like communicating over email better. 

There are only two more weeks of school for me, but my parents always want me to invite friends over in the summer and "have some fun" with them. They don't seem to understand that I like spending time with myself more than with other people. Of course I can have fun talking to a friend for a while, but nothing is the same as going on a walk by myself to somewhere where no one else is and just sitting in silence. I feel like no one really understands me, and I can never be who I really am with other people. Sorry for all the deep stuff. I'm not usually a complainer, but this is like an outlet for me. 

submitted by Flamarestii, *sigh*
(May 13, 2023 - 11:50 am)

Ohhhhh here we go.  I just recently cut off a few toxic friends and thought I'd figured everything out, but no.  I started at a new school in November, knowing nobody and feeling very socially akward, and my first friend was this girl I'll call V.  She was super cool at first and through her I made a bunch of new friends.  But over time she's been... not a great friend, to say the least.  All she wants to talk about is herself, she complains constantly, she's super self-centered, always gets involved in things that aren't hers to get involved in, and esentially has a hero/main character complex.  These things frusterate me so much and heavily affect our friendship, but every time I try to call her out for it she plays the victim and turns everything on me.  I'd love to tell her how I feel, but she can be really rude and I don't want to lose my other friends...

submitted by Sterling, age they/fae, lost in a fantasy world
(May 13, 2023 - 6:43 pm)

ugg I relate to all of you guys so much. I've been having such a hard time lately with friendships and things. I went to a really tiny middle school. Like really really tiny. My eighth grade graduating class was 14 kids and the eighth grade there now is 8. I've known these kids my ENTIRE life but I've always had poor social skills. In eighth grade we started hanging out all the time, like every weekend and like I had a friendgroup and that made me happy but they we'rent exactly close to me. My best friend since second grade (lets call her Ivy) left for seventh grade but came back in eighth and she had changed a lot. Her parents moved her out of the city during quarantine and she got severly depressed. She was very on and off and would freak out on me at the most random times. I felt really alone at that time becuase although I had this group of friends, they ignored me and cut me off and regarded me as boring because my parents had severley restricted my social media, electronic, and tv intake until this past summer. So thas a quick back story.

My mother didn't exactly give me a choice over where I went to high school so i went to the high school version of my middle school which was equally small. There had been a lot of drama in my middle school I really didnt want it or them to follow me to high school. But then I became friends with this girl (who I'm going to call Rose). Rose had joined that school in seventh grade and has so many friends i was shocked. Everyone she meets falls in love with her but she's not even that good of a person. Her "love language" Is bullying and at first I went along with it but then it started to hurt. She called my interests embarrising because she wasn't interested in them. She would randomly tell me she wasn't going to talk to me for spring break or the weekend simply because she needed to forget about our school (she hates it there) and that I would remind her of it because I go there. At the same time, Ivy was becoming entirely unrecognizable. She took pride in the fact that she stole ice cream from target, that she got terrible grades, that she wanted to drop out of high school after freshman year. I was there for her all of last year but now when I told her I was miserable and depressed she brushed it off and said "well I'm not" She drives me crazy and whenever I see her, I feel so depleted afterwards. She doesnt listen to me. I keep thinking of dropping her but then I remember all the good times we had and how I've known her since I was tiny. But then she posts on her instagarm story about harming herself, about how she has delusions and I wont even go into the fact that she tells other people that she has schizophrenia and pretends to talk to the air when were with our old classmates but not me. She says she has PTSD from her parenst making her grow up too fast and making her parent her little sister but I know her parents almost as well as I know my own and they treat her and her sister like Queens. 

On top of this, Rose met a few of my old classmates though some of her friends and now she's closer to them than I ever was. I feel so lonely and I only have like two close friends but they both make me feel miserable. I dont know what to do about any of this.

Yikes this is a long post sorry :l


submitted by oldish books, age 15, where the wild things are
(May 14, 2023 - 6:59 pm)

Agh I'm so sorry friendo that sounds like a really tough situation :( My general, very unprofessional opinion is that if your friends are making you feel awful it is not worth it. And if you're worried about Ivy's mental health, I would strongly suggest anonymously telling a school guidance counselor, since you shouldn't have to deal with that yourself.

To lighten the mood, did you know that there are TWO words for the smell of oldish books? "Biblichor" and "vellichor." 

submitted by Lupine
(May 15, 2023 - 11:58 am)

Yeah i've been toying with wondering whether I should drop her or not for a while. Also we go to different high schools so i dont know if that would work lol.

Also no I didn't know that! I love learning new words, especially ones that mean things of that sort. I will definatly be adding both biblichor and vellichor to my vocabulary :) 

submitted by oldish books, age 15, where the wild things are
(May 15, 2023 - 4:32 pm)

My friend problems don't feel very significant in comparison to y'all's, but I guess that's what this thread is here for so if this sounds unnecessary you can scroll past...

There's a girl at my school who I have had a platonic crush on the entire year. She's a huge nerd (I think she would be perfect for the CB), especially about fiber arts which I didn't even know you could be a nerd about; she loves fantasy books, she likes art, she likes AURORA, she's basically a cheerful magical being who has a lot of cheerful magical friends so she doesn't really need me at all. I've spent the entire year trying to work up the nerve to talk to her, and it's only really succeeded within the past week (literally one of the last weeks of the school year) because of a group project in English (we had to make a playlist based on American identity, and made the entire thing Asian, it was very fun). So now we're...good acquaintances? Almost-friends? It's definitely progress but feels kind of anticlimactic after a YEAR of effort on my part. Why is it so hard to talk to people???? Also why do I get so attached to people I barely know??? *cries* 

I'm going to try to ask her to hang out during the summer...wish me luck. Do any of y'all have any other ideas? I haven't had to make friends since middle school so I'm very rusty...and also very nostalgic for third grade when you could just walk up to someone and say, "Do you want to be friends?" And they'd say yes and it would be so simple...

submitted by Lupine
(May 14, 2023 - 11:28 pm)

LITERALLY.  I have a few SUPER AWESOME classmates who I kind of idolize and get real attached to when we've barely talked and want SO much to be friends with... ugh

captcha says aigyh.  captcha is right. 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(May 15, 2023 - 11:35 am)

Ahh I know it's so painful T_T I also agree with the aigyh

submitted by Lupine
(May 15, 2023 - 7:40 pm)

Oh! This actually kinda happened to me last year. I ended up really liking someone and wanting to be friends with them like, the last few weeks of school. I got their contact, we texted a bit over the summer, and became closer next year. And yk how I did it? I said "here's my number," explained that sometimes sending me messages doesn't work super well (they really don't, it's super annoying) asked "could you send me a test message to make sure it works?" And they did, and then I had their number and we texted about our favorite show over the summer here and there, and then when we came back to school we became even closer. Turned out they were a lot less scary then I thought? Crushes, both platonic and romantic, are people who we easily forget are also humans because they seem really perfect, but the truth is that they are real people just like us, so you can treat them that way. 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(May 15, 2023 - 8:09 pm)