My AEs, at

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My AEs, at

My AEs, at last~

Name: Silvan

Pronouns: she/her

Age: about 14

Personality: Quiet around people, often wants them to leave her alone and gets irritated when they don't, likes being by herself

Likes/dislikes: Loves nature, especially forests and the night sky; also likes folk/movie music. She enjoys being
around the other AEs, since they tend to be trying to shine themselves
and let her say however much she wants when she feels like it. She also
has a passion for lemonade and moonstones. She dislikes loud, bossy
people or anything foolhardily dangerous; she hates being bullied or
having to defend herself. Despite this, she is strong; it's just that she's of a quiet personality. Oh, and she also dislikes arguments.

Shipping: Possibly, with some boys

Speaks like: /this/

Appearance: Short brown hair, hazel eyes, medium height


Name: Vireo (a few of her very close friends can call her Vir)

Pronouns: she/her

Age: Fifteen and a half

Personality: Full of fun, able to make anyone laugh, incredibly good at
mimicking voices and people. She's nearly always happy and positive
about life; she's acutely aware of the beauty of the world around her
and takes it in with everything she has.

Likes/dislikes: She loves the world and is disgusted with anyone who
doesn't appreciate it. She's also a very "people" and "city" person;
definitely extraverted. She loves chocolate cake and terraces; she
doesn't like intense heat or a particular shade of yellow-green.

Shipping: Definitely, with boys

Speaks like: ^this^

Appearance: Long, wavy, golden-brown hair, green eyes sparkling with
merriment, slightly on the tall side; she loves to wear slim jeans and
ankle boots.


Name: Ibis

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 19

Personality: Fun to be with, knows a lot, understands people very well.
She's quick to help anyone who needs it. She likes to be around other
people, but sometimes needs some time alone to relax and be herself, so
basically an introverted intuitive.

Likes/dislikes: She loves drawing and expressing herself in other ways,
as well as just being with her friends; she also likes reading and
parties. She's also somewhat flirtatious when she feels like it ;) She
dislikes voles, pencil sharpeners that don't work, and going back on a

Shipping: Open, with boys

Speaks like: ~this~

Appearance: Black hair, usually worn in a braid; brown eyes; tall;
usually wears light blue cloak, longish dark blue dress, and boots.



Name: Aldebaran (no nicknames!!!)

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 21

Personality: Charming, very nice, sure of himself, maybe the tinsiest
bit cocky, but he does care about the people he likes; relaxed and fun
around other people, never at a loss for words and easy to get along

Likes/dislikes: He likes some kinds of pop music and fireflies (for some
reason), also being with people; he dislikes

Shipping: Open, with girls

Speaks like: {this}

Appearance: Handsome, black hair, brown eyes, tall


Name: Eri |Don't ask me how I got that name, because I have no idea - Vir says it stands for Electronic Recording Instrument, but that is positively not it--|

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 14

Personality: |I'm very fun to be around. I think. *giggles nervously* Maybe not at my best with strangers, but very loyal to friends.|

Eri, I think I'm supposed to be doing this?

|Too bad ;)|

Likes/dislikes: He likes horses, despite being a boy, and his hobbies include hiking and history. He dislikes heavy metal and classical (music).

Shipping: Maybe

Speaks like: |this|

Appearance: Untidy brown hair, possibly a little shorter than average, brown eyes

submitted by Amethyst, and many AEs
(July 14, 2023 - 10:51 am)
submitted by top
(August 5, 2023 - 6:16 pm)

|Passion fruit sorbet? That sounds weird and exotic and interesting and wow I have to try it. Other than that, I'd say some of my favorite foods are cHoCoLaTe ChIp CoOkIeS (Ibis makes some amazing ones), and a lot of fruits, and steak. I also love pizza, because obviously ;)|

|Do you have a favorite color? I like all shades of green and a sort of turqoise-y color that I saw once.|

submitted by Amethyst, with Eri
(August 9, 2023 - 8:59 am)

-Passion fruit sorbet is delicious! You must try it! It's absolutely amazing especially during the summer! And yes, pizza is amazing. The ultimate question: Does pineapple belong on pizza?-

-Yes, I have a favorite color. I love all shades of purple, especially midnight purple.-

-Speaking of midnight, I'm a night owl. How about you? Are you a morning person or a night owl?- 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, With Lyra
(August 9, 2023 - 6:45 pm)

|Does pineapple belong on pizza? My opinion is that pizza belongs on pineapple ;) I hope that made at least some sense. But no, seriously, I think that yeah, pizza can taste better with pineapple, but the ultimate pizza experience doesn't have to include it; also, pizza CAN taste perfectly fine without pineapple.|

|Neither a morning person or a night owl, really. I'm most active during the afternoons, and stay up as late as I can contrive to. Meaning that I usually wake up verrrry late.|

|So, um, favorite season? Favorite book?|

submitted by Amethyst, with Eri
(August 12, 2023 - 6:09 pm)

-I rather enjoy pineapple on pizza. I haven't tried the other way around before.And yes, pizza can taste absolutely amazing even without pineapple!-

-I prefer to sleep in until very late, but Aries would just wake me up, as he is a morning person, unfortunately. Anyways, my favorite season is probably spring. I love seeing the flowers grow out of the melting snow! As for my favorite book, I have many favorites...let's see, perhaps the Chronicles of Narnia?-

-How about you? What's your favorite season and book?- 

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, With Lyra
(August 12, 2023 - 6:41 pm)

Aah this is so late, my most sincere apologies :((

|Yeah, spring is a time when things really start up and begin again. However, for favorite season I'd really have to say autumn - I love the colors the trees turn, and everything about it is just so me. As for favorite book - eek. So hard to choose. I love the Chronicles of Narnia too, especially Prince Caspian (though I've gotten into very heated discussions with Amethyst and the other AEs about that), and I also love books like The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare; currently I'm reading All Creatures Great and Small by James Heriott, and it's pretty fun.|

|And, well... for other questions, would you rather ride a bird or a dolphin? (supposing such things were possible)|

submitted by Amethyst, eek sorry sorry sorry ://
(August 17, 2023 - 8:31 pm)

-I haven't read those books yet, but they sound interesting. Are they good?-

-Personally, I'd rather ride a bird, soaring through the sky, as opposed to riding a dolphin, since I'd prefer flying over swimming (though Aries would disagree very much). How about you? Which one would you rather ride?-

-And if you were an animal, which one would you be?- 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, with Lyra
(August 20, 2023 - 6:15 pm)

|Yes, they're good :) At least, I personally enjoyed them.|

|Well. I wouldn't enjoy going underwater so much (seeing as how I can't even understand scuba divers), but riding a dolphin on the surface of the ocean might be fun. Even so, I think I agree with you - flying through the air would be more interesting. More exciting.|

|Eek, a difficult question. I'd probably choose to be a bird (such as a hawk) or maybe, though this is pretty random, a hedgehog. Nice to have pRiCkLeS ;) What would you choose?|

submitted by Amethyst, and Eri
(August 25, 2023 - 11:11 am)

-Yes. And even if I preferred swimming, flying would practically be swimming through the air. More sights to see, as well.-

-Birds are pretty nice, especially since they can fly~ Like being an owl would be nice, with all that night vision. As for hedgehogs, the prickles would probably be useful in a house full of other AEs constantly bothering you...But overall, I would choose owl.-

-Speaking of animals, do you have any pets? Or if you don't, what type of pets would you want?-

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, With Lyra
(August 26, 2023 - 11:43 am)

|The consideration of the view was actually what convinced me to pick the bird ;)|

|Ha, yes, astute observation. Prickles are good for keeping other AEs away! And no, I don't have any pets - Vir came home today with a golden retriever puppy, which I shall immediately claim as partly mine, so I suppose that sort of counts. For pets I'd want, really I'd like to have an entire pack of dogs of all kinds - huskies, golden retrievers, collies, you name it - as long as I didn't have to take care of them. More realistically, I've considered getting a gerbil: small, easy to take care of, and fun. What about you?|

submitted by Amethyst, and Eri
(August 29, 2023 - 3:46 pm)

-Gerbils sound like a good pet. I also don't have a pet, unfortunately, unless you count in Twilight, the CAPTCHA (she says <tiapa> by the way). I think dogs would be a nice pet, like a husky. Meanwhile, Astra is sure to have a whole load of pets soon, seeing that she's obsessed with woodland animals and goes out into the woods each day, though I'm pretty sure a woodland animal as a pet would be illegal. Though yes, a smaller pet would be easier to take care of, but I think I might be up for the challenge, if I get a little help from Astra.-

-Speaking of other AEs, how do you get along with them? Are all of them super annoying or one in particular, or maybe you actually get along with one of them?- 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, With Lyra
(August 29, 2023 - 7:27 pm)

|Oh wow, is Twilight anything in particular? Like a mouse, or a cat, or anything like that? As long as we're counting captchas as pets, I might as well mention Origami and Fifa, two captchas of Amethyst's - they're hedgehogs.|

<And we don't count as pets!!!!!>


|Ack why don't you go off and play together?|

<Because it's interesting to listen to romances. Don't worry, we'll go off behind the sofa and not bother anybody |^>^|>

|No, I'd like you to leave the room properly. How'd you get here anyway?!|

<Hedgehogs can get anywhere. But never mind, we're going (for now). fdnzw!>

|Hedgehogs can be very annoying. Never mind. Yeah, I would think a woodland pet would be illegal. Astra reminds me a lot of Silvan, somehow. Maybe they'd get along together... what's Astra like?|

|Well, I really don't get along well with most of them, in the true AE tradition. Vireo and I argue almost all the time, and I'm usually at odds with Aldebaran because of the way he acts. Ibis and I have rare moments of arguing, but usually she gets me pretty well and I get her, and Silvan's fairly quiet so not much chance of annoyance there, thank goodness. It's amazing how noisy and chaotic it gets even so, though. How about you?|

submitted by Amethyst, with Eri
(August 31, 2023 - 9:06 pm)
submitted by Amethyst, top
(August 18, 2023 - 3:28 pm)
submitted by TOP Wolf, age topping
(August 24, 2023 - 8:03 pm)
submitted by Topethyst
(September 1, 2023 - 8:56 am)