Make a Friend

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Make a Friend

Make a Friend

Cause, why not? I'll pair up all who have entered on September 5, that way there is plenty of time for all who wants to enter can. I've noticed that people fill out a for AFTER the date set to pair up, so that's why I made it a month long stretch. Anyway, form is below-


Prefered pronouns:

Rough age (or exact!):




Favorite book/s or series?

When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is:

Already been pair up with, or know irl:


submitted by Friendmaker
(August 5, 2023 - 9:22 am)

I found it!

submitted by Nyxie
(September 9, 2023 - 10:47 am)

Tsuki, do you want to make a thread or should I?


submitted by Sylver
(September 9, 2023 - 6:34 pm)

hi :D would you mind making the thread?

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(September 9, 2023 - 8:04 pm)


submitted by Sylver
(September 11, 2023 - 8:09 pm)

Hey! I've noticed that Peregrine Falcon isn't the most active CBer, and I noticed that you @ her a lot and so I came to see what was happening... And I was reading through your form and I noticed that we'd probably get along nicely! Did you want to make a friend thread with me? You can absolutly say no, and I will NOT get offended! And ofc, when Peregrine Falcon does respond you can make a thread with her still not like you are abandoning... Anyway, just wanted to say that we could make a thread and and...

*trails off in embarrassed silence*

*hides face in hands* 

*awaits answer* 

submitted by @Celine,it'sHawkstar
(September 16, 2023 - 3:20 pm)


I am so sorry I didn't reply to your comments!! I have been so busy (and tired) with school that I haven't been able to check CB. I know exactly how it feels to be "ignored" or have someone not respond to messages. I am very sorry that I put you through this. I kind of thought this thread was dead...again I am very sorry. Please accept my apology, and if you don't want to do the chat tread that's is perfectly fine with me!! Also I might be only active on the weekends. I hope you understand!

submitted by Peregrine Falcon, age Fledgling, At the tree
(September 16, 2023 - 4:59 pm)

First of all,

@Hawkstar, thank you (so much woah)! I would love to make a thread with you! *reads form* I think we would get along nicely too, thanks for noticing then reaching out and offering (it's awesome you can do that)! Aghh sorry I took so long to answer, I was at an hours long birthday party! Did you want to make the thread or should I? I'm fine either way! So excited to talk!! :DD

@Peregrine Falcon, of course, no worries! Btw, I didn't feel "ignored" at all, I figured you were probably busy so it was totally fine to wait (it didn't even feel that long, I can wait in line for hours and not get bored and it only feels like a few minutes, so, truly, no damage done, and feel free to take as long as you need whenever to respond of course! :) I definitely still want to do the chat thread, do you want to make it or do you want me to? I'm fine either way! And it's totally fine if you can only check on weekends, I'm excited to talk! :D PS, hope school gets better! I can understand how it feels to be busy/tired with school (which, speaking of, ACKK I STILL HAVE TO DO A BUNCHA HOMEWORK IT'S DUE TOMORROW AND THE DAY AFTER BUT... oh well cuz I'm a master procrastinator and can only make myself do homework when it's late at night due the next day/early in the morning the morning of turning it in (I'm doing the latter this time) for no reason at all except yes (Ik, it's horrible, I used to be (way) better, but then covid)!), and, as I've already said, please don't feel any pressure at all to check the CB! If you're up for it, you're up for it, and if you're not up for it, you're not up for it! I won't feel ignored or anything of the like if it's the latter! :D

(however, you guys are both warned how much I write. So... yeah sometimes I may need to take a break from my own rambling too, just beware what you're walking into here! And I don't blame you if you choose not to respond for a while because your brain is like: TOO. MUCH. TEXT. CAN'T. THINK. SHUTTING. DOWN. :) 

submitted by @Hawkstar&PeregrineF, age she/her(?), It’s Celine
(September 17, 2023 - 2:12 am)

Thank you so much! Umm well I'm not sure who will create the chat tread...well I'm here right now so I can do it? It that all right with you?? 

submitted by Peregrine Falcon, age Fledgling, At the tree
(September 24, 2023 - 6:28 pm)

Welp... and now I'm here 2 months later?? :/ by some miracle if you're still checking this thread (though pls correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you're on right now?), or randomly find it again like I did (while looking for something else), yess, I'd love to make the thread with you!! Should we do This Month? And.. idk, should I do it? Should you do it? Who should do it? XD  well, I'll just say that if you do see this, pls feel free to create the thread wherever you'd like! I'll try to be better with checking!

also you're amazing btw and thank you so so so so so much you've made a pretty big impact on my life by helping me to rediscover nature which I somehow lost sight of

and, again, totally fine if you also arrive 2 months late or 3 years late or not at all :) 

submitted by Celine@PeregrineF :), age Imherenow2, hehee sorry
(November 21, 2023 - 5:03 pm)

Also who knows if you see this but just got The Hawk's Way today after first putting an order in the first day of school!! Yay!! :D

submitted by Celine@Peregrine F
(December 18, 2023 - 5:02 pm)