Quotes, funny sentences

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Quotes, funny sentences

Quotes, funny sentences or comments

Orrrr just random things you or other people you are around say! So, post quotes from books, movies, polar bears, and people! Ones that are helpful, true, or super hilarious are welcome, of course. and other things that you can thing of


a quote from someone i dunno who-

'If your father thinks he's so imortent, remind him that this country honors fathers for only one day of the year, and that pickles get a whole week' 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Peace, tranquility and chocolate
(September 19, 2023 - 2:46 pm)

Ooh, I've been meaning to make this thread for a wHiLe, thanks for making it splendidly (love your location/age! And also funny quote!)!

I'll post some links later but first of all (lots of these are probably funnier in the moment but I'll try my best)~

- "No talking, even if you're apologizing to the dead body." -my drama teacher a few weeks ago (you can see why he's the drama teacher. And, btw, we were playing Mafia and killed an innocent villager, that's why)

- H (my classmate): *finds a volleyball in the drama room (we have lots of random stuff lying around, don't ask)* (to the drama teacher) Hey! Could I keep this ball?

Drama teacher: sure! As long as you don't do anything deranged with it (no disrespect, this is just what he said)!

H: awesome!! *starts to stuff the ball in his backpack*

Drama teacher: wait... you mean permanently?!

H: uhhh...

Drama teacher: *makes a give-it-to-me motion*

H: *throws the ball to the drama teacher*

Drama teacher: *tries to catch the ball with one hand and spectacularly misses*

H: hey! Great catch!

Drama teacher (watching the ball roll under the piano (didn't I tell you we have lots of stuff? I mean, the music room's literally next door, why isn't the piano there? We don't even use it!) but apparently seems to have given up on getting the ball): thanks! Ok, Class time!

*5 minutes later, H is playing with another ball*

Drama teacher notices.

Drama teacher: heyy... where did you find that ball?

H: oh, just on that couch over there *points*

Drama teacher: I didn't even know we had that... why do they leave random things just lying around here for kids to just play with?? *confiscates yet another ball*

... trust me, it was funny. This was today. 

-"Ok, you can all be demons for 3 more minutes!" -drama teacher, again, sometime between the last two occurrences, telling us how long until break is over and class starts again 

-"When (drama teacher) is laughing giddily, something bad is coming..." - my classmate, today 

and ACKK I HAD SO MANY STORED UP NOT JUST FROM DRAMA FROM THE FIRST WEEKS OF SCHOOL BUT WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS THREAD I FORGOT THEM ALL!!! Except for this one which I had the sense to actually store on a doc and not just in my mind...

I'll post it later! 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age she/her(?), The FireMist Sea
(September 19, 2023 - 5:45 pm)

Ok, here it is (while I was doing work in the library, suddenly I heard this):

-R: ok, I like gossiping, but not about other people, about my cat  

P: what's there to say about your cat?

R: *starts talking about how their cat barfs everywhere and ruined their rug and...*

And also,

-I (to B): do you what PE stands for?

B: Physical Education

I: no, pointless exercise!

B: ...

B: good point. 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age she/they(?, The FireMist Sea
(September 19, 2023 - 7:16 pm)
submitted by TOPstar
(September 19, 2023 - 7:06 pm)

There was this kid, according to my wood shop teacher, who thought of a way better acronym for pemdas1. It was please end my day at school.

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(September 19, 2023 - 9:34 pm)

Ooh fun :D

M (my friend) - hey look at this thing I drew! ( show super adorable seal which is my weakness)

Me - (promptly falls off chair and disappears from camera)

M - oh no...I think I killed her...

Idk if that was funny, but she does this to me every time lol... 

submitted by Rora
(September 21, 2023 - 6:18 pm)

It was!

also, here is one of the many awesome links of these: http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/chirpatcricket/node/464936

many of these are hilarious but I gotta say my favorite even though I don't know what groletta is has gotta be:

"We were sitting in advisory, and it was quiet, and everyone was on their laptops. My friends and I were talking on a group chat, but of course the rest of the class didn't know that. We had been talking about how to get revenge on a dude in our grade who doesn't like Groletta (a different story for a different day,) and out of legit nowhere I broke the silence and said:

"We will make him fear."

and both my friends, without looking up, said in unison


And the whole class was terrifed. We bask in out new found power. 

submitted by Jade J., age english, school

(December 15, 2020 - 2:48 pm)"

it just makes me feel so POWERFUL!! And if you imagine it... how can you not laugh?! I'll just be randomly going about my day, then remember this, then burst out laughing!!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(September 22, 2023 - 1:24 am)

not a funny quote, more of my favorite quote by anyone/thing ever:

but courage need not be remembered... for it is never forgotten! 

submitted by Darkvine, Zora's Domain
(September 22, 2023 - 1:45 pm)

"Maybe it's just the parking garage vibe." -me, earlier today

"Stop! you are a carnivore! you don't need blueberries!" -my mom, to a cat

"I will name him Spud. there, now you can't throw him away." -also me, about a sprouting potato 

submitted by #TopThisThread, vine
(January 7, 2024 - 4:02 pm)