Book chat thread

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Book chat thread

Book chat thread

Hi! I remembered that a few months ago we were going to make a book chat thread but either it got buried or we never got around to it, so if you're still interested we can use this thread! Just to kick off the conversation...what have you been reading lately? I've been buried in books that I have to read for school (1984 x_x) but I'm also reading Cinders and Sparrows, which is a spooky book about witches & haunted castles. It has lots of classic fantasy tropes but it's pretty fun to read. 

submitted by Lupine@Celine, age she/her, Flourish & Blotts
(October 29, 2023 - 3:02 pm)

Hi! I am a Harry Potter fan, but I haven't read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. I looked it up and it sounds really interesting, but I don't know if I want to read it because I kinda like sticking with the originals for that kind of thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Nimona movie is sooo good. I made a playlist with some of my favorite songs from the soundtrack. It kinda has a punk vibe, which I don't usually listen to, but sometimes I'm in the mood for it. What kind of music do you like?

I finished Like a Charm, and it was OK. It was mainly focused on neurodiversity representation, which was cool because you don't see that often in books. The rep did feel a little heavy-handed at times, like the author was repeating the same points she'd made over and over again. And I didn't love the writing style--it just felt kind of bland. But it was alright.

I also just finished The Brave, which is a magical realism upper middle grade set on an Ojibwe reservation. It was really profound and kinda sad but ultimately hopeful. The main character has this interesting condition (idk if it's a real thing, I should look that up) where he counts the number of letters that people say when they talk to him.

Right now I'm reading the Moonstone for school; it's a 19th century mystery, which should be fun (?) We will see. I don't usually pick up old books on my own. 

We were talking about Troubled Girls on the book club thread--have you read any of Anne Ursu's other books? She's one of my favorite authors and I got to interview  her once over video call for my book blog (!!) which was amazing =D My other favorite book of hers is The Real Boy.

That is all for now, happy reading!

submitted by Lupine
(January 27, 2024 - 4:39 pm)


oh, yeah. I get that. I don't read any of the PJO/WoF adaptations partly for that reason (though I am watching the PJO tv show). :)

I watched the trailer for Nimona and it looks super good!! But also just remembered... Nimona's pretty proudly LGBTQIAP+.... so unless I get like 1 hour and a half of free time all alone at home all of a sudden... :/

I like literally all music except for 3 songs! I can't say I know too much about punk though... unless the Linda Lindas are punk? In which case, I LOVEEE punk! :D which btw, do you know about the Linda Lindas? They're great!! They're a group of Asian/Latinx(?) girls - 2 sisters, 1 cousin (?), and 1 friend who's basically family, ages 12-18 I think - who make music together!! And they're so inspiring and actually really good!! Plus their lyrics are like yayy!! They sing about real issues, things that have happened to them, their cats... :)  also I actually met them irl and they seriously seem really genuine and nice and funny, so I'm a supporter :)

what kind of music do you like? I think you mentioned mxmtoon? What's your favorite song by her? I pretty much have Cliché stuck in my head quite a lot now because... uh yeah it's pretty accurate, even with squishes or plushes or whatever *blushes* :)

I looked up The Brave and ok woah I already seriously love the cover wow. And it sounds really, really good. Like, really good. I think that condition is a real thing... I've heard of it before?, but don't trust me, ofc. Have you ever read The Door of No Return? Your description of the book reminds me a bit of that for some reason (amazing book btw). But I'll make sure... to add it... to the list... ok I've really gotta stop doing this soon.

Hmm.. for The Moonstone, do you mean 18th century? If so... I mean, it sounds interesting enough, and I'm fine with older books - love love love Jane Eyre, as well as remember loving Little Women (I read it in 4th grade when I was bored though, so don't really remember that much) and The Jungle Book (same thing but in 5th grade), all 3 of which are also 18th century I think, but... doesn't really seem like something I would want to read? Unless it's good?

I am reading Breadcrumbs - for the book club! - right now, but not much progress so far... it's so far pretty ok though, but honestly not my favorite - to be fair, I'm only like a chapter in... still. I've never heard of the real boy before... what's it about? And no way you got to interview Anne Ursu?? For your book blog??? Soooo coolll!!! :DD

anyways I should be asleep so g'night! But before I go, I've been meaning to ask for months now... on your art (which, btw, I always absolutely adore you're seriously an amazing artist!!), do you write "hua" as a signature, because a lupine is a type of flower? Just curious, bc if so, that's also really cool :)


ok yup thanks I'm tired rn you can probably tell bye! :) 

submitted by CelineTopping Bright, age Le Miz NO, Math Class tomorrow! :D
(January 29, 2024 - 2:31 am)

OH MY GOD you met the Linda Lindas IRL??? Like at a concert or something? THAT IS SO COOL!!! I need all the details of this interaction please. They're my favorite! I got into them after "Racist, Sexist Boy" went viral, but all of their music is so good. I love them because hello, diverse feminist teenagers making rad music, but also they are extremely good at what they do, like you said. They are also basically the only punk I listen to, lol. I also love that they have songs about their cats. xD

As for mxmtoon, it's hard to pick a favorite song, but I'm basically in love with her "dawn" EP. It's one of the first things I listened to from her, so it feels nostalgic, but all the songs are really beautiful and sentimental too. 

I'm sorry you can't watch LGBTQ+ stuff at home :( A lot of my friends' families are like that. It's messed up that that is still such an issue. 

I just finished watching the PJO show and I thought it was really good. The actors portray the characters really well (and tbh I kind of liked them better than the book versions...maybe because I could relate to them more? Idk). I can't wait for the next season. It inspired me to restart the Heroes of Olympus series, which I never finished. 

The Real Boy is about a magician's apprentice who discovers a *dark secret* about the magic system of the world he lives in. The main character, Oscar, is really sweet, and he has a best friend/partner in crime, Callie, who is also very slay. 

My art signature is actually my IRL name in Japanese! (I knew it's a Chinese character too, but I didn't know the pronunciation in Chinese, so thanks!)

Question of the day: What are some of your favorite graphic novels?

submitted by Lupine, Amphibia
(January 31, 2024 - 11:46 pm)

Helloo!! Sorry it took me so long to respond :/

yes yes and yes to everything you said about the Linda Lindas (including yes, I did meet them irl)!! It was pretty awesome, I got to listen to them talk about how they balance school and music-making and why they chose the instruments they did (Mila's hands at the time were too small to play anything other than drums XD, and some (all?) of the members came into the band not knowing how to play their instruments, but now they're great! :) ) and they totally got way off-topic when they were talking about some of the things haha, and there was this one little girl in the front who in my opinion was sorta attention-seeking and annoying but Ig I was like that too as a little kid so I can't talk (oh and yeah btw all the kids got to have front row seats it was great) and she kept on waving her hand and she was like "Linda Lindas!! Linda Lindas!! Can I have a hug?" and everyone awwed and I was like uhh ok, so each of the Linda Lindas came and gave her a hug and then then she was like "Linda Lindas!! Linda Lindas!! Can- uhh" and it's like she really just wanted to shout their names haha but had nothing to actually say so then the Linda Lindas asked her "what's your favorite dinosaur?" and I was like YESS that's awesome!! What a great question! :)

...yeah that turned rambly. Anyways! I got to take a picture with Eloise who is, like, super cool in my opinion (all of them are super cool honestly) so that was great, and honestly I think the best part besides meeting them irl was that I got to feel all the vibrations shooting through the floor as they played and like the whole atmosphere and energy was great. I used "great" way too many times in the last two paragraphs...

Hmm I'll have to listen to her Dawn EP later... I've been putting this post off to find time but then when there is time I keep on forgetting and use up that time to do other things (yeah I still have to listen to a bunch of BTS songs and half of My Head is an Animal by Monsters and Men and the whole of Lowlight by lor via CB chats and music club haha (not that I don't like all the music recs, the CB's introduced me to some of my favorite songs ever and I love discovering new music (not me making up a whole choreography for Little Talks... ahem)!) so it's sorta slow-going).

yeah :/ it's honestly not as much my family's totally against LGBTQIAP+ stuff, it's just that idk if they are, and am too chicken to find out haha. Also my family like doesn't even know I know exactly what "gay" means, much less anything else... which is a reasonable assumption given that a few years ago I thought the only meaning of the word was "happy" haha :) but yes it's messed up that it's still an issue... :/ and even sort of the ignorance out there isn't great (e.g. me a few years back, and last time I checked one of my good friends was also convinced that transgender wasn't a real thing, I think bc she's also lived most of her life in ignorance and out of the blue I was reading a book where the MC's trans and to her it was just like "everything you know is false! What can you believe anymore?" so... I don't think you can really blame her. The ignorance is bad. But I can't be talking bc I shy away from topics like that irl...)

Yay! I'm glad it's getting a lot of good reviews! I've only watched the 1st episode bc I've convinced my whole family to watch it together, so we have to find time when we're all able, but I'm sorta in love with how the episode titles are chapter titles in the book XD, and I have high hopes :) also yes you should totally read HoO! It's my favorite out of all the Riordan books! Well, but I'm biased, cuz those were my first Rick Riordan books ever, so. :) tell me if you get to rereading them and if you like them!

:0 why do all the books you recommend sound so good?? :/ *tbr pile increases by a book* :)

Wow, that's actually really cool! And I never knew that it was pronounced differently in Japanese, so thank you for that too! :)

QotD: tysm for putting the word "some" in there XD and hmm... well, you already know about On a Sunbeam and Nimona and The Girl from the Sea... I also loveeee Dog Man/Cat Kid and no one can tell me otherwise :) When Stars are Scattered is pretty good too though it's been a while since I've read it, and idk if Wink counts? I've been meaning to read American Born Chinese and Parachute Kids and Go With the Flow (thank you again for the recommendation! :) )... there must be more I'm forgetting... oh! And I also really like Tidesong by Wendy Xu!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age Rushed?, Tidesong~
(February 11, 2024 - 12:20 pm)

I was so ready to work on the essay I'm writing for English but then I saw that the CB is back so y'know, priorities.

SCREECH it is so exciting that you got to see the Linda Lindas. I would love to go to one of their concerts someday...and I agree, Eloise is so cool. Her hair is just *chef's kiss*

Haha, I understand about the long list of songs to listen to. I have a playlist for songs that people have recommended to me and it's like two hours long at this point so I'm kind of afraid to start xD 

Funny story, I checked out The Lost Hero from the library, started it, and realized I completely forgot the context I needed from the last few PJO books. So now I think I should reread that whole series. It's very daunting. Perhaps audiobooks are the way to go. 

American Born Chinese and Parachute Kids are both really good! ABC has a TV show adaptation, which I also love, although it got cancelled after season 1 :( But Gene Luen Yang is one of my favorite graphic novelists. He has a new book out called Lunar New Year Love Story, which I just finished. It's not illustrated by him but the art is so beautiful. He often includes magical realism in his stories, which is really cool. 

That essay is looming over me, so end here while this is still short(ish). 

submitted by Lupine
(March 7, 2024 - 8:59 pm)

Helloooooo!!!! I'm like super hyper rn with the CB back on and all sorry, just coming back really quickly I'll respond later but ALSO before the CB went down I meant to add ALSO ANY COMIC BY JASON SHIGA IS A MASTERPIECE srsly why don't as many ppl know about him plus he's Asian which is always a bonus with me but... :DDD *calmly exits thread before it becomes more incoherent*


(yeah really sorry about that)
submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age (Ahhh), Trying 2 be calm
(March 7, 2024 - 10:30 pm)
submitted by CelineTopping Bright, Responding later
(March 31, 2024 - 8:13 pm)

Wrote this up last night, didn't post bc I was too tired to edit, forgot to edit, now I'm tired again so I'm just gonna post :/


Ahh I love the ABC adaptation!! Besides it being just amazing, there were all those scenes that were like the old Chinese movies/TV shows or whatever - y'know (or I mean, you may not haha, my dad's the one who got super excited about this I had no idea), when the monkey king is in the palace and stuff and the words like flash across the screen... and then the drunken fighting thing and how the whole thing with Jin and Amelia turned out the opposite way of what I was expecting/stereotyping! Really have to read that book... 

and about Parachute Kids, I've only read the preview but I lovee all the attention to detail!! Everything feels so familiar and ahh I noticed the mom was wearing a jade bracelet and that just makes me so ridiculously happy bc for a second there it felt just like she was my grandma... :) it's just super nice to see that in books. And ofc, I'm biased bc they're from Tai Wan and I lovee Tai Wan (have you ever been?)  or have you ever been to Japan, I guess?

I think I've seen Lunar New Year Love Story around somewhere (I like to browse bookstores)... the title sounds super familiar...? I think I wrote more of this post but didn't save it... but agh I have more things I need to do and it's midnight and I'm walking up at like 5 tmrw soo.. Ig I'll do it later? *posts*


Feiya says WEPPP... yes... very dignified message, Feiya :) 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(April 2, 2024 - 1:56 am)

I haven't been to Japan, but my family is going in May! I'm really excited. I'm learning Japanese right now so my family is going to be leaning on me to do translation :') I'm really a beginner though so I'm not expecting that to go well. Still, it'll be a great way to practice the language!

I can't remember who else on the CB mentioned this (it may have been you) but the new Coyote Sunrise book is out omg I have it checked out from the library right now, and I haven't started it but I'm so excited aaaah. The first one was one of my favorite books ever (which means my expectations are unreasonably high, oh dear). 

What have you been reading lately?

submitted by Lupine
(April 2, 2024 - 8:50 pm)

Ooh, cool! I went to Japan recently and... well, I honestly liked Tai Wan better, but Japan was super cool too! Something to note btw is that I noticed a kinda lack of trash cans while there (wait I suddenly can't remember if that was Japan or Tai Wan or both- somewhere in Asia though) so if you have trash.. um, it might benefit to bring something to put it in? There was also an astonishing lack of trash XD, where in America, it's overflowing with both trash cans and trash! It's funny how that works :)

btw in Japan I saw a storefront with a pride flag in the display case it made me so happyyy

ok and also now that you've got me going: all the electronic train cards are so cute (and also I am very happy because among all those animals they have a platypus~ :D platypuses are amazing) AND when we were there we went to a shaved ice place I think it was (that btw was playing Studio Ghibli music!! Have you ever watched any of their films?) and it was just us and this person and her daughter and when they finished their food and got up to go I was just eating and honestly feeling a little indifferent to Japan (no offense! Just... idk. Can I say I'm not a huge fan of seafood? Or sushi. Sorry :/) when she came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder and showed me her phone, and on the screen was google translate (btw, if you ever need it, google translate is a big help across language barriers! Even if it can be a bit inaccurate) and she'd written: "have a fun time in Japan!"!!! Which was so niceee!! :DD And just that one thing made my visit all that much greater :)


also, it's so cool you're learning Japanese! Honestly, learning any new language is cool. Sometimes I feel irrational and want to learn them all >:). I'm sure you'll be a great translator!! And I really do mean it :) (ofc, I may be wrong as I am a stranger on the Internet and have never (I think) met you in real life... but for some reason I still 100% feel like you will be? But yes I'll stop talking now :) )

do you know any other languages?


yes, it was me who mentioned Coyote Sunrise! Ooh, tell me how it is when you finish! I'm still waiting to check it out :/ but yess such a great book!!

I just finished rereading book 2 of the Six of Crows duology (unfortunately, book 1 was checked out), which always sends me into a crazy rant-phase bc ahh I love those books so muchhh!!! I definitely recommend if you haven't read them (though they can be a bit dark). There's so much character building and worldbuilding and ofc both books are chock-full of witty and beautiful and truthful and empowering and sweet and laugh-out-loud quotes- sometimes I feel like I could quote the entire book (both entire books) and each word will resonate totally somewhere in my heart <3

also, it's all diabolically brilliant (still talking about SoC)


I've also been reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson (recommended by Hex), which is also full of absolutely amazing world-building (astonishing, really) and great characters who all feel so natural it's crazy and yes it's totally worth being over 1,000 pages long and renewed 3 times so far to read :D it's more serious than SoC, but Brandon Sanderson is also great at humor (very much recommend reading his short story I Hate Dragons! It's typed up for free on his website) so yeah! My only complaint (ok, besides the gender-separation, but I'm assuming that's a part of the worldbuilding and will be remedied later on) is that it's super loosely-bound, so the book always feels so floppy and unsubstantial in my hand, which is very annoying for some reason? I prefer heavy, thickly-bound books where I can feel the full weight of them resting on my lap/in my hands. But just a personal preference. Do you have any opinions on that?


andd we're reading Fahrenheit 451 in class, which yayy I've been waiting for this bc I was originally just reading it over the summer but then we found out we'd be reading it for class and so I stopped in order to be able to read along with everyone else as much as I could :D it's great so far, I don't know if you like those kinds of books though?

submitted by Celine ahh long post, my superpower
(April 4, 2024 - 1:15 am)

Hi! Right now I'm reading A World Without Princes, the second book in the School for Good and Evil series. I was also reading Warriors, but after I finished the first series I couldn't find the first book in the second series. Has anyone read the second series? If you have, what did you think of it?

submitted by Amity, age unknown, Somewhere
(April 6, 2024 - 5:37 pm)

Hi Amity, sorry I didn't respond sooner. I think you may want to make that comment in BaB?? I honestly don't really know the school for good and evil (though I did love Beasts and Beauty!!) or warriors, but if you make a thread/comment there there'll be more ppl who have read those books? :)


ALSO, @Lupine btw!! First of all, want to apologize bc I just realized I said "Noelle Smith" in an earlier post, but it's actually "ND Stevenson". And speaking of!! Today in my school library I found a book of his -- the graphic novels section is so full of lgbtqiap+ books I'm honestly a bit scared to linger in/around there haha always scared I'm gonna get yelled at or something so I always try to make the most of whatever oppurtunity to inconspicuously browse the books there... anyways, have you ever read The Fire Never Goes Out? I only got a peek before I had to go, but it seems really good (and ofc, it's ND Stevenson, so... I'm saying it's gonna be good) and I loveee the cover for some reason.

AND IT IS OFFICIAL. Well, more official. Molly Knox Ostertag and ND Stevenson are amazing. I did NOT know ND Stevenson worked on She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (have not watched it yet but want to; have you? I did watch a lot of She-Ra when I was younger I think and loved it??) and Molly Knox Ostertag worked on The Owl House!!!! Squeee!!!!! I am in love with that show literally and I only have 5 episodes left how is that possible noo. Have you watched it?

Alsooo oh my how have I forgotten to tell you a while ago I listened to the Dawn EP and <333 Almost Home might be one of my favorite songs by mxmtoon now (I really can't decide anymore), I choreographed a whole dance to it and everything lol. So comforting <3 thank you. I really love the whole Dawn EP.


andd now it's past midnight so good night! Btw, for your trip to Japan, did you know the difference in pronunciation for kawaii? 

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age FeiyaDTWAR, The Way of Kings still :)
(April 17, 2024 - 2:07 am)


have you met her before? If not, is there anything you'd like me to say?


submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age I was, crying but not anymore!!
(April 17, 2024 - 7:01 pm)

I mean, see. I don't know if I'll meet her.

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, :)
(April 17, 2024 - 8:28 pm)

It's okay :) I probably should go to BaB to talk about those series. Thanks :)

submitted by Amity, age unknown, Somewhere
(April 18, 2024 - 8:20 am)