Chatterbox: Down to Earth




When I was walking to school, there was a man, I think he might have been mentally ill or something, but he started yellinng at me, "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?" and for your information I am non-bianary. I just ignored him, and kept walking, but HE FOLLOWED ME. If I had had a phone on me, I probably would have called my parents. I didn't though, so I just kept walking, and he kept yelling. I just need advice if this happens again. 

Thanks for all your help.



That sounds really scary, Cloud Bunny. I'm sorry that happened to you. I think you did the right thing by ignoring this person, but if you're comfortable, you might tell your parents and see if you can bring a phone, or walk with a friend or family member for a while if you're feeling scared to do so alone. - Admin

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age HELP ME, SAD, CRYING
(November 20, 2023 - 9:40 am)

Oh my. That sounds SO SCARY. And just plain what has the world come to. I agree with the admins. Buddy system is great, and I do think you should probably tell someone if you haven't yet already. And good thinking with the walking, I feel like if you ran that might've made the man more aggressive. Back later with hopefully better advice. For now though, good luck, and sending love your way <33

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, <333
(November 20, 2023 - 3:04 pm)

I'm so sorry, Cloud Bunny! That sounds so scary. No one should have to go through that :( 

The admin had some good advice--ignore him, tell your parents when you have a chance, and walk with a friend/someone you can trust.

I'm not sure how populated the area where this happened was, but if this sort of thing ever happens again (let's hope it never does) and it's worse, you can try to go to a more populated place and shout LEAVE ME ALONE or something similar. it's generally better to have other people around.

That sounds really scary, and I hope it never happens again. If you ever need some virtual hugs or someone to talk to, I'm here <333

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(November 20, 2023 - 3:36 pm)
submitted by CelineTopping Bright
(November 20, 2023 - 6:10 pm)

I am so sorry, Cloud Bunny. A similar experience happened to me in Japanese class, where one of the students literally blew me a kiss. Not to say that is comparable at all to this unacceptable act of transphobia. Next time, like the Admin suggested, try bringing your phone and calling someone if it happens again. 


Oh Joe Cool said his first word! twine. Like the string?

submitted by Sinusoidal Polyglot
(November 20, 2023 - 6:42 pm)

I <3 you guys

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(November 20, 2023 - 6:49 pm)

Hi Cloud Bunny! That's really scary, I'm sorry that happened to you. After taking public transportation to school for six years now, I've had a lot of similar situations happen to me. My advice to you is to simple ignore the person, unless they get super close/aggressive in which case you should seek out help from someone nearby. It really depends on the situation. It's usually a good idea to have your phone on you at all times in case no one's around to help. Hope you stay safe!! <333

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(November 20, 2023 - 7:15 pm)

Ohhhh, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I've had a very similar thing happen many times and it made me really upset too. I think staying calm (at least on the outside) and ignoring them is the best course of option, and of course having someone with you/some way of contacting people you trust is really important as well.

It really sucks to be in that kind of situation, but please do not assume that the person harassing you is necessarily 'mentally ill.' I know it sometimes true, or just something that is an automatic assumption based on behaviour, but it's also a really damaging view to have and perpetuate. Plenty of 'normal' people are jerks too, and can be really creepy, plus one's mental health does not really justify any cruel actions they take, anyway. I think it would be better if you were to say that you just got a weird feeling from the individual, rather than speculate on their mental status in the future. (Sorry if that felt preachy, but this kind of thing matters a lot to me. I'm absolutely not judging or blaming you at all, I just want to let you know that your words could be taken in the wrong way, so that you have the option to be a little more careful in the future. Again, I'm sorry you had to go through this, I know it's super stressful and makes you feel horrible.) :(

submitted by Jaybells, Lost, somewhere
(November 20, 2023 - 9:01 pm)

Wow. That's so scary. I'm glad you're ok! If you're out to your parents, then please tell them what's happening. I would recommend that you have a watch (if you're not allowed to have a phone) that you can call your parents on, and maybe carry pepper spray, too, if they try to attack you--but only if they attack you. Definitely try to have someone walk with you! I hope you're okay.

-Parody <3 

submitted by Endless_Parodies
(November 20, 2023 - 10:50 pm)

That's rough. Maybe walk to school with a parent or friend and make sure you have phone with you the next few times you walk to school, just to be safe?

Personally, my favorite answer to that question (I'm Genderfluid---so when I'm nb or agender or whatever) is just "No," since it makes perfect grammatical sense: they asked if you were a boy or a girl, and you said no, you are not a boy or a girl. but maybe when there's some weird creepy adult is yelling at you that's not the best time...



He/him today 

submitted by Scuttles
(November 21, 2023 - 8:31 am)

Oh my gosh, that's so scary. I'm so sorry that happened. It sounded like you handled it well, so nice job. We're all here for you, Cloud Bunny. *sends hugs and good books and your favorite things to help you feel more comfortable*

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(November 21, 2023 - 8:34 am)

Omiword! I am so so sorry! That's is for sure scary. I have never had this happen to me before but I am sending huge hugs rn. I agree with all the advice people are giving. I understand the scary feeling of a stranger talking to you, much more yelling at you. I'm glad you ignored him and kept walking, even though he followed you. My dad told me that if some one is acting weird and following you, go up to a house and knock. Tell the person who answers that there is a person following you and you are scared. Most times people will let you in until that person leaves. And remember: don't be afraid to ask for help or call someone. I'm so very sorry. Tell your parents, because you need to let them know, so you can be prepared next time.

submitted by Bushy Tail, age 14 moons, In The Woodland Thicket
(November 22, 2023 - 11:33 am)