Chatterbox: Down to Earth


AE + CAPTCHA maker

There was a thread like this in the past, and I thought it would be fun to try out the idea again! Basically, you fill out the form and I'll design an AE or CAPTCHA for you. You don't have to use the AE or CAPTCHA, it's just to see what you get! Link to the original:

What pronouns shall the Thingy use?:

What personality shall the Thingy have?:

What theme shall the Thingy be made around? (ex. snow, clouds, sun):

What shall the Thingy be? (AE or CAPTCHA):

Enjoy :)

submitted by Poinsettia, age ?
(January 7, 2024 - 10:37 pm)

Sounds interesting!

What pronouns shall the Thingy use?: she/her

What personality shall the Thingy have?: quiet, but not shy, thoughtful, an avid reader and writer, pretty talkative around friends

What theme shall the Thingy be made around? (ex. snow, clouds, sun): constellations/stars/the night (hopefully a name that has something to do with that)

What shall the Thingy be? (AE or CAPTCHA): AE

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(January 8, 2024 - 12:35 am)

Your AE is named Rigel (the name of a star). She has flowing black hair and deep blue eyes that always seem wistful, and she likes to wear silver jewelry. Whenever she goes out, she carries a little notebook for writing down any ideas that might occur to her. She's usually found in her garden or at a friend's house, and she is genuinely liked by many people, as she has a gift for helping them feel better. She's a really good artist as well as a writer. She enjoys going for walks at night, doing calligraphy, and drinking tea while reading; she does not like dressing up, getting tired, or loud noises.

submitted by Poinsettia, jacaranda & bougainvillea
(January 9, 2024 - 9:39 pm)

Ooo tysm!!! I can see her as an AE of mine...maybe I'll add her in 

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(January 9, 2024 - 10:31 pm)
submitted by top
(January 8, 2024 - 11:37 am)

oh no way i remember these things!! they were always so fun. thanks for bringing it back, Poinsettia :D and oh gosh poor Duskfox never saw the light of day :'(

What pronouns shall the Thingy use?: uhh let's go with they/ve (ve/ver/vis) :)

What personality shall the Thingy have?: irritable, melancholic, and a bit of a loner. a theater kid, but like...a backstage theater kid. ve likes long walks and solitude. 

What theme shall the Thingy be made around? (ex. snow, clouds, sun): uhh the ocean, ig :)

What shall the Thingy be? (AE or CAPTCHA): AE :]

thanks!! excited to see what you come up with :D (also i'm working on Arum's pov for AE Diaries - sorry it's been taking a while, i've been so swamped in schoolwork lately ://)

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(January 8, 2024 - 8:09 pm)

Your AE is called Vanadium. Ve has short, shaggy black hair with subtle blue streaks, and blue eyes with an intense, turbulent gaze. Very difficult to get to know, but if you once win vis friendship, you have it forever - unless you hurt ver, in which case you will probably never regain it. Ve has an odd sort of magnetism, easily arousing people's interest. Peope tend to over-romanticize ver, which irritates ver no end. Ve usually wears black pants and a black hoodie with the hood up, or sometimes, for variation, a gray hoodie. Usually carries a flashlight, for reasons known to no one. Changeable and passionate, like the ocean, but never showing it, ve leads an intense inner life and keenly perceives the poetic aspect of things. Although ve'll never show it, ve's actually pretty emotionally dependent. Ve likes music, poetry, autumn, nature, and vis favorite animal is the wolf. Ve does not like crowds, being told what to do, affectation, and anything overly twee or cottagecore. Vis worst habit is making snarky comments at the wrong moment.

Hope ve's to your liking - 

Actually, I don't want to be to anyone's liking, particularly.

*sigh* Just go meet your new CBer now, okay? She's nice, I promise -

WHAT WAIT NO you didn't tell me I was going to have a different CBer - I protest, I can't just be palmed off on other people like that! No no no no noooooo- *shrieks fade away in the distance*

*presses submit anyway :)*

submitted by Poinsettia, age ?, jacaranda & bougainvillea
(January 9, 2024 - 10:03 pm)

aah no way ve's perfect!! :DD thank you so much, Poinsettia!!

#why are you thanking her when i'm the one who's perfect?#

*pointedly ignores their comment* i think Vanadium might just have to join the crew--

#but what if i don't want to join your...'crew'?#

too late!! you're one of us now!! :DD hmm, the name Vanadium is a bit long, though, don't you think?

#no, i really don't think--#

hmm, how about Dia for a nickname? 

#how about no?#

haha okay Dia :D 


anyway, thanks again, Poinsettia!! (Vanadium is a really cool name btw - it's funny because the element was named for a Norse goddess who happens to be the wife of a god whose name is part of an old family name. i didn't explain that well. anyway. it's pretty cool, is what i'm saying.)  

and i'll post on AE diaries soon - thanks for being patient :] 

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(January 10, 2024 - 7:30 pm)

forgot to mention that there's no rush for the AE Diaries thread - I'm excited to continue, but take your time! :)  i hope your schoolwork gets less stressful soon *sends positivitiea*

submitted by Poinsettia
(January 10, 2024 - 9:35 am)

This looks really cool! But I don't neccesarily need another AE... and I have a CAPATCHA so... I'm just filling this out for fun :)

What pronouns shall the Thingy use?: he/him

What personality shall the Thingy have?: dark humor, but yet charming and earnest, and even funny. He is even quite gentle, but he seems to twist the situation somehow to benift himself. and there's something about him that if you get to know him that seems... awfully sus

What theme shall the Thingy be made around? (ex. snow, clouds, sun): shadows and darkness and night

What shall the Thingy be? (AE or CAPTCHA): AE

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 9, 2024 - 11:07 am)

ACK I have more for his personality and my brain won't stop bugging me... I might have this AE after all :P

Smooth, and a soothing, deeper voice. Everyone seems attracted to him in different ways even though he's a bad boy. Maybe because he's a bad boy, even. 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 9, 2024 - 8:09 pm)

Your AE is named Noche (Spanish for Night, but you can pronounce it however you want). He's popular and usually can be found in a group of people, making them laugh. He has dark wavy hair, a tanned complexion, and an easy smile; he's pretty handsome. His eyes are dark, and never focus on one thing for very long, which is partly what gives him his suspicious air. He likes to wear jeans and sweatshirts or jackets. He very rarely shows anger or other negative emotions; in fact, he's not very emotional at all, preferring to sort things out logically. While very much a trickster, he isn't evil. He enjoys sports, games of skill such as chess, and promotional activities like designing posters. He does not particularly enjoy nature, being challenged, or art.

-*examines description closely* That's not exactly how I want to come across, Setti. You make me sound boring. Look, I'll give you some fresh-baked cookies if you just change that line *points* and that one and that one and that one!

Hahaha, nope, you're going to be described truthfully so Hawkstar knows what she's getting into XD *presses submit over Noche's protests*


submitted by Poinsettia
(January 9, 2024 - 10:24 pm)

*stares wide eyed*


I love him sooo much

-Well of course you do-

Haha, thank you soooo much!!! 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 10, 2024 - 9:49 am)

What pronouns shall the Thingy use?: She/Her

What personality shall the Thingy have?: Maybe a bit mysterious, but besides that you can choose!

What theme shall the Thingy be made around? (ex. snow, clouds, sun): Moonlight 

What shall the Thingy be? (AE or CAPTCHA): AE

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(January 10, 2024 - 9:09 pm)

Your AE is named Mistral. She has pale golden hair and gray eyes. She is about fourteen and loves nature and the nighttime. Mysteriously, she sprang from the night, and like moonlight, she can be seen best when it is dark.  While she doesn't dislike people, she has an ethereal air and prefers solitude; indeed, she is always alone even when she is in a crowd, for she is usually living an deep life of inner imagination and creativity. You don't know exactly what she is, but - perhaps - she is imagination personified. She likes anything beautiful, animals, solitude, and poetry; she dislikes practicality and common sense.

submitted by Poinsettia, age ?, jacaranda & bougainvillea
(January 13, 2024 - 1:32 pm)

What pronouns shall the Thingy use?: they/she/he! genderfluid <3

What personality shall the Thingy have?: i'm not sure...perhaps grumpyish? a unique personality. i'm a little insecure about my AEs being too similar to everyone else's. XD

What theme shall the Thingy be made around? (ex. snow, clouds, sun): anything, really! i guess just a dark theme.

What shall the Thingy be? (AE or CAPTCHA): AE, please!


What pronouns shall the Thingy use?: cat/cats/catself

What personality shall the Thingy have?: something sweet and grumpy, like a cat!

What theme shall the Thingy be made around? (ex. snow, clouds, sun): starlight <3

What shall the Thingy be? (AE or CAPTCHA): CAPTCHA, please.

Enjoy :) 

submitted by endless_parodies
(January 11, 2024 - 11:44 am)