My AE Aldebaran

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My AE Aldebaran

My AE Aldebaran has gone far too long without being shipped... he's been pEsTeRiNg me for the past month to get him a girlfriend, so *sigh* here goes :)

Name: Aldebaran (originally I think he wasn't supposed to have nicknames, but Alde originated out of nowhere)

Pronouns: he/him

Age: probably about 18 or 19?

Personality: Charming, very nice, sure of himself, slightly cocky if we're being honest here, but he cares deeply about the people he likes; never at a loss for words, easy to get along with, sweet

Appearance: Cute, handsome, dark hair that's usually rumpled to perfection, tall; he has good taste in sweaters, and for the rest I keep an eye on him

Shipping (haha the point of all this): Open (ofc), with girls

Speaks like: {this}

submitted by Amethyst, sun-tipped pines
(January 8, 2024 - 9:05 pm)

Okay, I would totally ask if you wanted to ship him with my AE Daisy, but you already have Vir shipped with Justin... so it's totally up to you! You could, ofc, ignore this offer and wait for someone else :)

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 9, 2024 - 9:38 am)

Please don't feel inclinded to take this offer bc you think it'll be rude to do so, especially since I said something first, btw! I seriously won't be offended :) 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 9, 2024 - 1:50 pm)
submitted by UnsTOPpable TOPper
(January 9, 2024 - 10:56 am)

Hmm.. perhaps he and Oriole would match each other well? (if it's okay with Hawkstar! :D)

submitted by Poinsettia
(January 9, 2024 - 9:35 pm)

What ever Amethyst thinks! It's all good with me :)

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 10, 2024 - 9:44 am)

@Hawkstar, I would really ship Aldebaran with Daisy, but I'm not sure their personalities would really mix - I hope that's all right with you, and thank you so much for offering :)

@Poinsettia, yes, it would be lovely if he and Oriole could be shipped! We can see if it works, anyhow...

submitted by Amethyst, sun-tipped pines
(January 10, 2024 - 4:46 pm)

Okay, that's fine! :)

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 10, 2024 - 7:19 pm)