Rooms are intrinsically

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Rooms are intrinsically

Rooms are intrinsically suggestive of the people who live in them. This particular thread is for describing your room, be it your bedroom or office or closet - whatever room in your house you have most influenced. I prefer a particular description, so I can see it. :D


Mine has light blue walls. The door is in one corner, and I'll start there and work my way around counterclockwise. In the corner that the door covers is my stash of walking sticks, normal sticks, and cardboard tubes. 


A dresser, dark wood, maybe five and a half feet high, with drawers
down one side and a cabinet in the other. Mirror on the cabinet door.
Two large baskets on top, one full of yarn, the other full of fabric.
Next to that, there's a little room. The display on it changes every
now and again, but the combination that stayed the longest recently was
a) two nice-sized sections of vertebrae, b) a small concrete canoe from
summer engineering camp, c) fairies made of beads and fake flowers,
courtesy of two of my friends, and d) a small wooden cow. Beat that for
randomness, I dare you. 


I don't keep clothes in that
dresser. There are the dolls I've crocheted in one drawer, blanket and
mattresses I've made for them in another. Shoes in the big bottom
drawer. The cabinet has my collection of boxes of all kinds, which is
rather diminished just now as a large percentage of them went away as
Christmas present wrappings.


My closet covers the rest of that wall, with big mirrored sliding doors. 


there's a corner and a little wall space before the window. I have four
round plastic knitting looms hanging there nested inside each other.
Each is a different color, very cheerful.


Then my window,
with a big beaded suncatcher hanging from the blind pull, a blue turtle
that I randomly made. Under the left side of the window is my calendar
and a hanger for necklaces - basically a piece of board with hooks on


Then, under the other half of the window, is my
desk and a counter-high bookshelf, back to back, sticking out into the
room. The bookshelf has craft stuff and my hammy's cage on the shelves.
On top is my page-a-day calendar, a plant named Bartholomew in a jar of
water, and a little frame with a cross-stitched E surrounded by cross-stitched flowers, that from my friend Madelynn. 


desk has the potential to be organized. A wooden box for writing things
- current stories and such - in the upper right corner. Next to that a
pencil sharpener, and an intercom contacting the kitchen. Then a big
round shallow basket with my pencil holder, a jar with my colored
pencils, a jar with scissors and a hole punch, a jar with bits of
ribbon left over from Christmas wrapping, a jar with crochet hooks and
latch hooks and a seamripper, a bottle of glue, a small tape dispenser,
a spool of thread, and a box of needles. Basically, everything that could ever be useful. Next to that a recipe box that
elevates my clock so I can see it from my bed. The rest, which is the
front half of the desk, is supposed to be empty, ready for work.

You can't see more than ten square inches of it just now. 


On the next bit of wall, five drawings little kids have
given me, along with three butterflies that my friend Chelle made for
me. One butterfly is sewn, one knit, and one origami.


A floor-to-ceiling bookcase covered in books. There are other things
on it - miniature wooden cabinets with cool miniature things in them
and an ornament a friend made me, a Willow Tree figurine and a photo of
my great-grandad. A coin bank that's a wooden house with a
birdhouse-type hole in one wall through which to poke the coins. The
whole thing is packed with books, though. A CD player on one shelf, my
collection of Cricket mags on another. 


Next to my
bookshelf is a little piece of wall covered in postcards. Two dozen,
maybe, all bright and happy. From everywhere from North Carolina to San
Diego. Mostly from Texas, though, as a friend who lives there has been
sending me lots of postcards as part of an evil conspiracy. :-)


to the postcard wall is my nightstand, a little white bookcase. My hair
brushes, jewelry box, moolah, and library books on the shelves. My lamp
and the books I'm reading on top. 


White day bed against most of the next wall, with a bedspread in BRIGHT pinks, oranges, greens, blues, purples. Seven pillows on said bed, all with different pillowcases, most matching my bed colors. That bit of my room makes people blink a lot.

On the wall between the bed and the door are large white wooden letters, e h,  which serves a triple purpose: a) they're my initials, b) I say "eh" a lot, and c) my mom says that when I get boy-crazy, I can flip them around so they will say he. :-)


So that's all except the ceiling. And the ceiling, my friends, is the first thing you notice when you walk into the room. See, I have a dozen baskets hanging from the ceiling. Different baskets. One is the shape and color of a pumpkin, and one is a massive, flat purple thing. Every one of them has something it it. Most have fiberfill for stuffing things with, but there are other random things, like paper strips for making paper chains. 


Cheers! That was super long, sorry. Then again, that's kind of what I was going for. So even if you didn't read that, I'd love to "see" what your room is like. It's something I wonder about all of you, truth be told.




submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks, NV
(January 2, 2010 - 10:27 pm)

My room has two walls that are white and two walls that are blue-green. The colors are opposite of the ones they match, and green-blue paint is hand-splattered all over the white walls. My mattress is twin-sized and the bedspread matches the green-blue paint and it looks as if it has fruit loops on it. I have a multi-colored rug in there that looks quite out of place, but it ties in the navy blue and lime green curtains. next to the bed is a nightstand with some thick books on it of light brown wood. Inside the drawer it has are year-books and all sorts of things. Near the closet with the two-broken doors is another stand with a TV on it. The door is by the desk which is by the nightstand by the bed. (phew,) On the desk is a binder full of poems and short-stories along with beginings of books I never finished. There is also a Toshiba laptop with more unfinished stories, and the top shelf holds my sports trophies, mostly soccer, but a few are basketball. The dresser is at the foot of my bed, leaving maybe a two-foot gap to stand in.

Well, that's my room. I hope to hear about your guys'!

submitted by Katie, age 12, outside looking
(January 2, 2010 - 11:56 pm)

I like that, Katie. When we painted my room, my mom tried to get me to go with something darker like a blue-green. But no, I wanted really light blue, and it made my room feel cold and impersonal. :P Hence the baskets from the ceiling and the neon colors bedspread. Moral of this story: listen to your mom. Cause you have to eat her cooking. :D




submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks, NV
(January 4, 2010 - 3:54 pm)

*clears throat* i believe you'll find that my room greatly reflects

My door is in the corner of my room, and when you walk through my beaded hippie curtain the first thing you see is a bright lime green wall that makes even the braavest stumble back in terror :D In front of that wall, a white cupboard stands, stuffed with board games and has numerous perfumes and bracelets residing on top. That's in the right hand corner. In the left hand corner, my gray loft bed stands with the short side against the green wall, and my desk and one of two overflowing bookshelves beneath. It's adorned with aqua and green sheets and stuffed with miscellanous fuzzy things. My desk has a green and blue board pinned up in front of it, and has pictures of Kake and me and our friends, my horse, and random tickets from everything from dance shows to basketball games. My desk itself has random sayings scribbled all over it, whether I was doing my math homework on it, or writing some inspiring sayings. Dates are written on there, along with notes from my friends in a desperate attempt to remind me of something going on. A green lamp that needs a new bulb casts light over it. My window is behind my desk, with green curtains that i made myself, and a large round chair that is the best for reading in. Next to the chair there is also the second of my overflowing bookshelves. A tall white wardrobe is next to the second bookshelf and door. There are a few posters on my wall, the most eye-catching of which is one promoting the WSU basketball team. Others are pictures from my trip to Germany, or posters from plays I've done.

The end :D Whaddya guys think? Is it 'Koffee' enough? :D

submitted by Koffee
(January 4, 2010 - 10:40 pm)

Well... My room is on the northwest corner of the house so I've got a view of the mountains but when the wind blows it howls past the corner and can be quite, um, loud. In the same corner I've got a rather standard desk, white with a greenish top, and wall mounted shelves. That's where the gecko's cage lives, and currently you can't actually see the desktop because it's covered by (a) a ten gallon tank and (b) papers and such. I've got another bookshelf, which is not painted to match anything else in the room and in which the books are arranged in order of height because when I had them alphabetically the line was bugging me and I couldn't take it any more so I fixed it.

Next to this bookshelf is a white dresser which, contrary to its design and intended function, does not actually contain any clothes because clothes that go into drawers in my room tend to vanish for months because I forget about them and only find them when I open said drawers in hopes of finding more books. The dresser has two lamps on it which have never, that I know of, been turned on except when mom put them in my room for reasons unknown to myself. There is also a rather large collection of half-empty Mountain Dew bottles on the dresser because I have a habit of Not Throwing Anything Away. I am, sadly, a bit of a pack rat. Quinn's worse, though.

Next we have the Closet, which does contain clothes, rather sporadically stacked because I don't care as much about clothes as I do about books. This combined with my, ah, poor aim tends to lead to a general slump of dirty clothes out of their basket and onto the floor, sometimes all the way to the far wall.

There's a door, obviously. Two doors, in fact, on opposite sides of the room, one to the hall and one to the bathroom which in turn leads to Quinn's considerably more messy room (all I have on my floor is clothes, at least. She leaves *books* lying around). For no particular reason there is a stick of about my height, charred at the top, leaning against the corner next to the door that goes to the hall. I think it's from one of our youth group bonfire nights, but I can't be sure.

In the bed area I have a bed, obviously, a rather standard bed with a comfortably squishy mattress, one lumpy pillow and one comfortable pillow, white sheets, a green blanket, a darker green comforter (new because my old one was so, well, old that it actually fell apart and we had to throw it away... I mentioned I had an issue with Throwing Away, right?) and a green and blue and gold blanket that was handwoven in Morocco and that we got thrown in for free when mom bought the Moroccan rug (while we were in Morocco). I also have two couch pillows that match each other but clash horribly with both my bedding and my other pillows, but that's okay because who really cares about such things? They're soft. They're comfortable. You sleep on them.

There's a vaguely metalish headboard which sports a large, garishly coloured stuffed wyvern thing I won at a theme park ages ago and a stuffed canvas parrot which my beloved eighth grade science teacher Mrs. Crumpley graciously gave to me when I asked her for it (this was right before she left for Easter Island to be a teacher there in her retirement, so she was giving stuff away). In this area of my room there are several posters on the wall and an outdated calendar. Let's see... There's a dragon on a rock in front of a sunset, a Wicked poster, the 9 poster and the Johnny Depp Alice in Wonderland teaser poster (fun fact: the Mad Hatter's eyes follow you around the room, because they go in slightly different directions. I am quite immune to the creepiness of the effect, the poster having been hung directly over the bed, but it is fun to show to guests and watch them go slightly paler when the neon green eyes follow them. Slightly more randomly, I saw a trailer for AiW recently and all I can say is IT WILL BE EPIC).

At the foot of the bed a small white TV with about a 12"x12" screen and a positively antique DVD player, both of which are settled quite firmly on two upturned milk crates. I love both pieces of stone-age technology dearly and quite frankly wouldn't switch them out for a flat-screen TV. Dunno why. At the moment, the DVD player is home to VHS's of the tenth anniversary concert of Les Miserables, Disney's The Little Mermaid, The Wizard of Oz, Cats, and the DVD of Cats, which mother got me for Christmas apparently unaware that I have it both on VHS and on my computer in the event that a DVD would become necessary.

I have a bedside table, white, with a touch lamp, *counts* four remotes, an iPod stereo (with an iPod) a big blue mug of water with a wider base than its top so I can't knock it over (I have broken three glasses that way, now). And there is also a box with coins and earbuds and used envelopes in it, and at the moment Witches Abroad which I have just started. And a scrunchy, and a bunch of the random useless caribeiers that any room in Wyoming inevitably collects. I blame Encana. They always give them away with slightly less useless stuff, like water bottles.

And I have a basket underneath the bedside table, which holds both The Sims and The Sims 2 but not The Sims 3 because I don't like it. And there's also about 15 CDs and a bunch of DVDs, including *thinks* Dracula, Frankenstein (new versions of both, in a box set that *mom* got me for Christmas), Sweeney Todd, Nightmare Before Christmas... My "personal" movies, the ones that the rest of the family doesn't watch often. Or at all, in some cases. Oh, and also Shakespeare Retold, which I blatantly stole from the family stock. There's also a sketchbook, which is new and thus has only one sketch, which is of Vetinari because, yes, we've established long ago that I am a rather obsessive person.

Oh yes, and I also have a sword. In the corner. The other corner, one of the other corners, not the one with the stick. And three purple scarves, though I don't think you lot have been told the significance of the Purple Scarf yet.

The walls are white. I have a rather glitzy overhead lamp with triangular pieces of coloured glass stuck in it for no apparent reason. There's some dead flies in it, and one of the light bulbs is, I believe, dead, so what light it gives off is... less than wonderful, I guess. Usually if I'm not on my bed I just write/draw/etc. with the red light from the gecko's heat lamp. *grumbles at heat lamp manufacturers* Re: Very Little Visible Light: YOU LIE. It is brighter than my overhead light, and I frequently use it to read by rather than bother with the lights that are MEANT for human use. Maybe try testing said bulb in an actually DARK room before making such blatantly erroneous claims.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(January 5, 2010 - 12:15 am)

Mmmm. Delightfully TNOish room. I like. My books are all in height order, too. Can't stand it otherwise. Funny, that.

Glad to hear you do have a door to your room. And a bed. Good thing to put in a bedroom, that.

Random sticks rock. I think I mentioned that I have a corner of them, too. Only I have several. I used to be obsessed with sticks. . . . Not that I still am, of course. Nah. I just keep these for . . . sentimental value. Yeah. . . . 

I'm totally agreeing with the clashy pillows. Comfort, not visual quality. Description in Alas, Babylon of the main character's room shows he holds the same philosophy there, too. 

My brother can't wait to see Alice in Wonderland. He's thinking it'll be epic as well. 

I've, eh, snitched my fair share from the family library as well. We'll see if my mom's noticed when I leave for college, won't we? (Kidding. Mostly.)

My friend also has a sword. I'm jealous. 

No, I know nothing about the Purple Scarf. Maybe if I read your blog I'll find out, but I haven't read the whole thing yet. Found it, though. 

And on the lightless heat lamp: you should see what they say about hamster wheels. Oh, yes! It doesn't squeak! It doesn't rattle! It makes absolutely no sound! 'Cause we never thought to actually put a hamster on it! Maybe they forgot to turn your lamp on. Which would explain why it gave off no light, of course. *growls threateningly*


Anywho, I'm a fan. I quite like. 




submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks, NV
(January 6, 2010 - 1:05 am)

My bedroom has light pink walls and light honey-ish

colored laminate wood floors. I'm still finishing up

on redecorating my room and still need to put up

my new bedspread and curtains (which have lots

of patterns on them with lots of colors: blues, greens,

pinks, etc. It's pretty. It's sort of like patchwork, I

guess.), but currently I still have my lime colored

bedspread and curtains in my room. Right when you

walk in there is a small, rectangular rug that is pink,

white, and purple (It matches my room really good)

at the side of my bed, (I'll just go around my room

clockwise. ;) ) and there's this little box thing up

against my wall when you walk in, too. It has this

weird picture on it. I'm going to find a new one

pretty soon. Then there's my closet, which has

sliding wooden closet doors that are about the

same color as my floor. Then there is a corner

and on the next wall is my tall white dresser

with my TV on it and this tiny wooden box

with an angel-like thing setting on a moon on

it that I got from my trip to the Smoky Mountains,

my fuzzy pink chair with a butterfly pillow on it

(I'm going to get rid of the pillow soon, though...),

a window with lots of little knick-knacks on it, my

floor lamp with three fuzzy pink heads (haha XD).

And in the next corner I have two white bookcases.

One is in one edge of the corner and one is in the

other, really close to each other so it's like they

form a corner if you get what I'm saying. Above the

first one there is my bulletin board, which currently

has a small poster of a penguin that says "Just

Chillin'" over top of it (I got that from some

magazine. I was too lazy to make something of

my own so I decided that it was better than nothing.

I have alot of posters like that. XD ). Over top of

the second bookcase is my callender which has alot

of pretty pictures of cottages and landscapes and

things like that. So after that corner, on the next

wall is my other window which also has alot of little

knick-knacks on it. Under that window is my other

white dresser that is shorter and wider than the other

one, and it has everything on it. A small mirror, my

kaleidoscope that my grandma gave to me for

Christmas, another little wooden box that I got

from the Smoky Mountains (this one has a kitten

on it), a flower-shaped little storage box that I

painted as a project for school one year that is

now filled with tons of papers and such, my

jewelry box and my perfume, my hot pink alarm

clock, my hand-held silhouette mirror that I got

for my birthday, and a few little figurines. Then

there's another corner and above that is my pink

light thingy that hangs from the ceiling. My bed

is also on that wall, and there are a few more

posters on the wall. When you first walk in, my

bed is on the wall to the left and sort of occupies

the center of my room. Oh, and there is also a

little trash basket thing beside my bed, too.

And I have a ceiling fan, too. And that's about it... O.O

It sounds really girly and "pink" right now, but I'm

going to try to mix it up with more colors, too, so

hopefully it doesn't look like the home of a hot pink

bunny (I had to say that. XD). Anyway, that was kind

of fun. Thanks, Emily. ;D


submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(January 5, 2010 - 9:44 am)

My room is rather larger than most. It is perfectly square, though my old room was...not. It has wallpaper that is in-between blue and green with some sort of a pinkish flower design. That wallpaper has been there since the beginning of time, and will remain there for all eternity, I suspect. My door is white and is decorated with a huge smiling mouth that has several gruesome cavities which my friends and I made in tech class. (weird project, right?) My closet door is directly across from my room door, which is a problem, because if the closet door is at all open when you open my room door,the two doors mash together, and you get stuck and have to squeeze through. It is exceptionally hard to do this when you have a laundry basket in your hands. My closet door is white and has a huge poster of Audrey Hepburn on it. I have some sort of an antiqueish trunk that cannot close properly because there is a huge hole where the keyhole once was. I think this was found in our ancient house when my mother and father first received it (long story, it used to be my great grandfather and grand mother's, who were huge pack rats, they kept everything, so when my mom and dad got it, they had to clean tons of stuff out, and the chest was among them.). It smells like musty soap inside. *shrugs* This has very few items in it, but I keep it because it looks cool and wizard like. Above the chest is a large still life on canvas that my older sister painted in college. Next to that painting is a small framed vintage poster of Lucern and it's Lovely Lake, which is lovely. Below that is a seat thing with a white cushion that raises up and contains most of my very prized possessions, which are several books. That is pushed against my white day bed which has a bunch of pillows and a red comforter on it (we had to move the day bed from my old room. We attempted this, my mom and I, without taking it apart, therefore resulting in an almost broken finger as we tried to jam it through the door.). Above that is a large scotch poster from the 50's, (I am a large fan of old scotch...), a framed painting that my mom gave me last christmas that she painted of my long deceased but dearly missed guinea pig, who's name was Hunky Dory, and next to that another painting she did of a black cat sitting on a stone wall. Then there is a longish white stand with my old TV on it, on top of which are all the seasons of 30 Rock and the second season of Arrested Development. Next to this is  my old dvd/vcr player. This stand has a large opening in it for storing nothing but vhs tapes. Above this is a window which looks on the hill and field where our cows are usually pastured. Next to the stand is my desk, which I recently required and which is rather old. It has many nooks, crannies, and drawers, and it may be my most prized possession. Above this is several pictures hung on twine for lack of a bulletin board. Next to this there is a small blue dresser holding my computer, and notebooks and such. Then there is another window which looks out across the street to the barn. My bed is large, and wonderfully soft. (Yes, i have a day bed and a regular bed, which is useful if one wants a change now and then, or if one is having a sleep over.) I have a night stand with a radio, and a dresser and mirror next to my bed, which holds the rest of my clothes, an alarm clock, a lamp, my earrings and other such things. I also have a garbage can, but most of the things meant to be in the garbage can are scattered about it, as it's already full but I keep trying to toss things in there, only to have them bounce out. That's my room!

submitted by JFB, age 13, Here and There
(January 6, 2010 - 1:26 pm)

Okay. :D I hope this isn't too long..

My room has white walls with a poster on each wall. When you walk in through the door, on your right side is a very large self-portrait that my dad painted, in front of you is a morbid poster of a dragon burning down a village and people running out. Then it's my window, which is low to the ground and tall. It has yellow and green-splattered paper shades and see-though green curtains that have little green beads and butterflies sewed into it. On the left side of my window is a small, 1 foot by 1 foot poster of a unicorn and baby. Around it is three green butterflies that are bigger than a person's face. On my white closet door is a poster of a butterfly, and to the left of it on my wall is a New Moon Poster and a gorgeous fairy poster by Brian Froud. If you're still at my door, the right wall has sticky-tacked block letters in green that spell EMMA.  Then there's a magical poster of mystical creatures that's almost collage-like. And that was just my walls.

My bed has a large white headboard with an intricate design carved into it, and this mesh teepee thing that hangs down around my bed. The mesh has little teensy butterflies pinned into it, although I would prefer penguins.  My comforter is reversible, with green and blue stripes on one side, and a clashing pattern on the other. I have two green and white striped pillows and two pillows that have the same pattern as the non-clashing comforter side. Then there's a neon green, fuzzy throw pillow that usually rests right smack in the middle of my pillows.  At the bottom part of my bed is a throw blanket that matches my fuzzy pillow. It's also fuzzy and soft. :) On top of everything on my bed is a 3 feet by 4 feet piece of cardboard, where I'm currently working on the inside of my 1000 piece puzzle of the Eiffel Tower at night. My bed is in the middle of my room.


I have two white endtables. If you're on my bed facing the window in front of it, the first on is on the right. It has 5 different-patterned and sized paper cranes, an iDog, my alarm-clock radio and usually a couple pencils. Inside of the drawers are various odds and ends that I'm pretty sure nobody wants to hear about. The second one is at the corner of my room that is right of my window (still sitting on the bed.) It has a neon green basket sitting on it that has hershey kisses, nail polish and other... things. There's a picture of my sister, me and my two little cousins sitting in front of it. Off on one side is my three BotB trophies and a soccer trophy. 

On the left side of my bed is a small, brown and wooden bookcase filled with... books. It also holds my clay fish that I made in fourth grade, a model of an eagle and usually some clothes that I need to hang up in my closet. And ALL my yearbooks since Kindergarten.

Out my window is a bunch of houses, since I live in a development. There's a rather busy road after all of this, and then the river that we live by. Except you can only see the river in winter because the trees usually cover it any other time. 

Close to my door is a larger version of the green basket on my endtable. It has lots of magazines that I have salvaged from the recycling bin (:D), including all the Cricket magazines I have ever gotten. Yes, that's a lot of cricket magazines. I know. I keep them organized by date, as I keep my books in alphabetical order by author's last name. Also in the basket is a roll of knitting yarn, two pairs of knitting needles, a microphone, crystal rocks and plastic eggs stuffed with cotton balls. :) 

Leaning up against the basket is a hand-sewn sewing bag, stuffed with fabrics and needles. The bag is on top of a sewing book, my textbooks, pencils and a purple pencil case. 

My room is pretty small, but I usually just sit on my bed and do my homework or read. Or write NaNoWriMo edits.  It's actually very cozy, although, as you might imagine by this long description for a tiny room, rather crowed and messy, even though I was cleaning it for two hours straight last weekend.  :)



submitted by Ema, age 12, NY
(January 6, 2010 - 8:43 pm)

Weeeell, the first thing you see when you walk into my room is...


a humongous mess! 


Ummm... it's true. I have to share it with my 7-year-old sister who is the biggest packrat on earth. But... I'll try to explain my room. In a nice way. :)


You walk in the room (the door is in the lower right corner). Purple!!! All 4 walls are a relaxing, pretty purple. You look to the upper right hand corner where my bed is. It has a swirly flowery white headboard that I wrapped Christmas lights around. My bedspread is a purple that clashes with the walls. It has pink, green, and blue butterflies and flowers on it. I have three pillows, two that match my bedspread, and one that I think I got when I was little because it has Noah's Ark print all over it. I also have a squishy purple purple pillow and a huge pink pillow but I never sleep with those. 


On the right wall above my bed (if you're standing at the end of my bed) is a big bulletin board with random stuff stuck on it, including a sock that I hang my mp3 player in. :) Below my bed is white, um, shelfy thing that holds my clock (which changes colors!) some boxes that never got put away after we moved, old birthday cards, and other random junk.


To the  left of my bed (if you're still standing at the end of it) is a wooden side-tablish thing with shelves. It holds other useless junk and some awesome smelling lotions I got for Christmas. To the left of that is a long wooden dresser that is turned sideways (so that the knobs are facing my bed) so that it kind of separates my side of the room from my sister's. It's supposed to hold my clothes, but somehow they seem to always form a mountain on top of it. I am very confused when my clothes are put away nicely. I can never find them. :)


My and my sister's closets are on the opposite side of the room. She gets a (tiny) walk-in, and I get the other normal one. Oh, and the floors of the room are brown, stained concrete (look it up on Google Images). 


Aaaand, that brings me to my sister's side. *gasps in horror* Let's just say she has a bed, a dresser, and millions of Polly Pocket accessories strewn all over the floor. 


Well, that's my room. We just moved into this house a little while ago, so it's not finished yet. Someday it will be AWESOME. Someday... *dreams* 

submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(January 7, 2010 - 7:24 pm)

If you want to know about me, go to the bottom of this post.  If you want to know about my room, read on!!

Walk in through the white door that has a purple piece of yarn tied on the handle from a looong time ago.  There's also a random sticky note on it.  Inside the door, there's a bell tied on the handle (I got this idea from a mag, not Cricket, and they said it was good luck *shrugs*).  There are more sticky notes.  Things like, "Geography report due, free dress day tomorrow," (I go to a school w/ uniforms) etc.  You are coming in from the hall.  Straight in front of you stands a bed that used to belong to my mother.  It has a purple, white, and pink flowered quilt and white sheets with pink flowers on it.  I have one blue pillow on my double bed (though I used to have a pink pillow too).  I have a mostly green quilt that I spread each night made by one of my parents' friends and a purple blanket to spread as well when it's cold from my aunt.  Oh and my walls are alabaster, or a really, really light pink.  I think you guys might be surprised when I tell you that I DON'T LIKE pink.  I think it's overrated.  Light pink and pink in moderation is nice.  I don't know why I have a pinkish room.  *shrugs again*  Right above my bed on the wall is a painting of puffins drawn by my grandma.  Going left around the wall, you see a nightstand with HUGE stacks of books.  See, I was reorganizing them, and I didn't have enough room for all of them, so there they are.  I also have a jewelry box and an oooold jewelry box from my grandma (who got it from her mom).  There's a couple dolls made by my aunt and some bracelets and necklaces strewn about the top with my watch (if it's not on me, which it is at all times).  There's a tall bedside lamp in between my bed and my nightstand for reading.  Go along the wall, until you reach the corner where there's a bookshelf filled with 'books from the past.'  This means average thirty pages.  The rest of my books are stacked on my nightstand or in the office across from my room.  I've made a resolution to go to the library more and not get any more books, though that'll be really hard.  Oh yeah, I forgot that my handy dandy clock radio, the small stuffed 'bear in a rocking chair' I had by me when I was born, my model space needle and Eiffel tower, etc. are on the top of this bookshelf.  Going along a short patch of wall, you see a desk with a window above it.  There's a green lamp on it as well as an iPod player with an iPod in it.  There are stacks of papers on it, unless they're strewn about.  Did I mention the little knickknacks like a model boat (from when I went on one for a field trip), some gold in a jar thingy (from my field trip to Sacramento), a couple horses from when I was obsessed with those, and some other stuff that I've forgotten about as I'm not in my room currently?  They live there, though I'll get rid of them at some point.  In the main central drawer lies a Treasured Item: my MacBook Pro.  I got it a few years ago when I was taking a writing course and my parents said I could have my own computer for that course.  My handy dandy computer! :) :)  I have a big, black chair that I got recently 'cause my old one was falling apart.  It's really comfy.  If you sit down in the chair, the drawer directly in front of you holds my laptop.  In the left drawer lie pencils, paper clips, etc. in a handy dandy organizer, though it's pretty full in there.  Going down a drawer, there is a big drawer with art supplies.  The drawer below that has files of a mix of important and not so important papers.  In the right drawer on the top, lies lined papers and scratch paper from when I clean my desk.  Going down is a cabinet type thing with two shelves.  On the top shelf is a box with electronic devices, cords, and journals that I just collect somehow. ;)  On the bottom shelf is a box that contains money, various wallets as gifts from people and the like.  Move left from my desk is an old nightstand that my dad's old printer rests on.  On the shelves below (there are two) rest flashcards from bygone years and this bead set.  You put these beads on a template and then iron them to make a pretty shape.  I do this with my best friend a lot.  At the end of this nightstand is a corner and turning left, you see a closet with sliding doors.  On the left side is everyday clothes and my uniforms.  On the right is good dresses, two hanging shoe-holder thingies full of beanie babies (once again, gifts) and a shelf with four openings for baskets.  In the top left basket is American Girl (again, bygone days), the top right is an assortment of balls: bouncy, soccer, tennis.  And I don't play sports either.  Hmmmm....  Bottom left is knickknacks from my past.  Bottom right are musical instruments (shakers, thumb piano, recorders, tambourine, etc.  In the corner, is my collection of baskets (only about three).  Coming out of my closet and over to the left is the spot where my 2009 calendar is (still haven't gotten a 2010 calendar and I bet they're on sale..).  This part of the wall is out a bit and in the corner between this wall and the closet hangs a peacock mask, dream-catcher, and a marionette, the latter from Alvera Street in LA.  Above that is a wall hanging depicting a wedding at a castle-type church in the country.  I got this when I was little when I made a deal that I would stop sucking my thumb.  I didn't know what it was, I just thought it was pretty, and so that was the end of my thumb-sucking. :)  Above that is a picture of me when I was in kindergarten surround by some construction paper tracings of my hands in the colors of fallen leaves in autumn.  Craning your head up (okay, it's not that high) you see a ledge containing stuffed animals and the like from long ago.  Including my teddy bear from my surgery when I was three.  I was going to post something about that in the surgery thread, but I had to go, and my post in progress was lost. :( :( 

So that's my room.


This room was designed long ago when I was little.  If I were to do an imaginary room, it would have light blue walls, a well organized set of bookshelves, a desk below a window (as it is today in my room) and a more blue, green, purple color scheme.  That's my current favorite scheme.  So my room falsely leads you in a certain direction.  I am most CERTAINLY not a girly-girl and I barely wear jewelry (except for my watch, that I don't consider jewelry or the occasional bracelet or necklace).  So if you want to know more about me, look to this paragraph, not its huge paragraph predecessor.  So I really just wasted your time if you read this post, sorry about that.  


Oh, and TNÖ, I love your room!  It totally fits your personality!! :D

Thanks for this thread, lav!  Oh and sorry for any typos and sentences that don't make any sense.  I decided not to proof read after reading the first little bit.  Oh my gosh!!!  I just realized how to do spell check!!!!  Right click and then click 'Check Spelling,' and it gives you the wonderful red squiggly lines under things spelled incorrectly!  Yay!!!!!


submitted by Leaf, age 12 1/2, on a sunny tree
(January 8, 2010 - 7:56 pm)

My room is small. You walk in, but the door isn't straight on the wall you see, I mean it's straight and everything, but it's kinda on a corner of the wall. The wall isn't flat. Does that make sense? If you side-step a teeny bit to the left of the door once inside my room, the window will be straight ahead on the opposite wall. Now if you stay where you are, the closet will be on the wall to the right of where you are standing. My bed is on the left wall. I managed to sqeeze my dresser behind the head of the bed. My bookcase is on the wall beside where you are standing. Okay, you've got the room's look now, right? Now I get to move onto the decor! Yay!

On my door there is a blue sign with silver writing and stars on it that say "Ravenclaw Dormitory". My window has orange curtains on it. My closet: a mess. My bed usually has yellow sheets on it with a leaf blanket on top and two fish blankets. My teddy bear that I got the day I was born, a build-a-bear, orange stuffed cat and koala bear are all propped up in a corner, but the cat tends to fall in between the space of the bed and wall. Under my bed: pretty messy. But not as bad as the closet. The first shelf of my bookcase has alot of my potion bottles, miniture cauldron, home-made spectraspecs, rootbeer bottlecap necklace, etc. on it. The second shelf has books like Juniper, Eragon, Tales of Beedle the Bard, The Story of Helen Keller, The Doll People, Princess Academy, etc.. I would have the Harry Potter books in my room too, but it's in a different room on a bigger shelf of a lot more books that belong to the whole family. The bookends are replicas of The American Girls: Josephina and Kit. My last shelf has my taller books, like Fairyopolis, How to find a Flower Fairy, a cross-stitching book Look-A-Likes, etc. and some other little do-dads that shouldn't be on it. The wall above my bed has a Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince poster on it that our local Blockbuster kindly let me have. The wall above my bookshelf has pictures of Luna, Tonks and other Harry Potter pictures. On top of my dresser is where all of my fairy miniatures are. There's also a Hello Kitty clock on it that I turned into a Hawaiin themed clock with a toilet paper tube, fake leaves, and a couple of shapies. (I can't stand Hello Kitty).

So there's my room! It used to be tropical, but it has been overrun by Harry Potter and fairies.:)


submitted by Hannah P. ☺☻, age 13, Georgia
(January 8, 2010 - 9:24 pm)

What page-a-day calendar do you have??  I have Origami.

submitted by Michelle
(January 9, 2010 - 5:26 pm) room. On the door (I'll start with the door) there is a sign that says "You are now entering the castle of Cair Paravel of the land of Narnia." Above the door is one that says "X'S ROOM." (I'm not giving my real name.) On the inside of the door is a piece of paper with some poems written out on it, and hanging from the doorknob several bags. I like bags. They have numerous purposes, including Lugging Books About. On your right there is some blank wall and then the bathroom door. Right next to that is a black trunk which, besides holding my old stuffed animals inside, acts as a nightstand. It has--let me count--seven books on top of it, held in place against the wall by a bookend whose partner broke. There is also a small red and green box, a purple case in which I keep my glasses, a carved wooden owl named Athena, and my notebooks/journals. There are several more books in a stack on the floor, and then my bed in the corner, sticking out diagonally. It has a striped blanket on it (pink, purple, and white) that my aunt made for me. On one wall, above my bed, there is a window, and on the other, there is a framed poster of Van Gogh's Starry Night, and above that one of Starry Night over the Rhone. Right next to my bed is the bookshelf, stuffed with books and magazines. On top of the bookshelf is my bottle collection, with bottles of different shapes, sizes, and colors (some are filled with leftover Easter egg dye). There is also a tall, dark blue, plastic cup filled with pine branches. Also, there is a large painting a friend did for me when I was little. It is of Piglet, from Winnie-the-Pooh. Then next to the bookshelf is a plastic drawer-thingie with clothes in it, and several different colored boxes on top of it. (Boxes are another thing I like, besides bags, bottles, and books.) Next to THAT is a desk facing a window. There is no chair. I mostly use the desk to put things on. Under it are a trash can, a stack of books, and several stuffed animals. On the other side of the desk, besides my fan (which I ALWAYS keep on at night. There's a ceiling fan, but that is very noisy.) is a dog cage where the dog used to sleep. It has my backpack on it, and a box of seashells (I collect these too.). On the wall is a board with more seashells glued to it, and next to it is a large piece of cardboard I am currently using as a bulletin board. It has photos, postcards, (yet another thing I collect), etc. on it. There is a piece of wood attached in the corner made by two walls and my closet, which...sticks out. I use this for a desk, rather than the large desk, so my desk chair is here. There is a window in front of me as I sit here. It has a laptop on it, along with: a framed photo of me and a friend, a pad of paper, a manatee paperweight, a bottle of multicolored sand, and a small dried starfish named Hubert. A small (wow, I'm using that word a lot) orange box holds several books and a few notebooks in place. Then there's the closet. It has three doors. One opens onto a small closet with shelves, and the others to a hanging closet. That has clothes inside. There are a few posters on the doors, including a cool National Geographic poster of a giant redwood. And...that brings us back to the door. That was rather longer than I expected, but I hope you enjoyed your tour. So, how did you like it?

submitted by ZNZ, age 12, Alagaesia
(January 10, 2010 - 7:39 pm)

@ZNZ: I keep my fan on at night too! To me, the noise is very relaxing. Keeping the fan on at night is kinda a thing from my papa's side of the family.


submitted by Hannah P. ☺☻, age 13, Georgia
(January 11, 2010 - 2:02 pm)

This is a coooool thread! So, because I'm in the middle of re-decorating my room, I'll do a brief description of how my room looked before I started re-decorating and and a longer one of how it will look when I'm done. (first is the before)

My door is in the left corner of my room. When you enter, on your left are two closets (that are mirrors instead of wood or something like that). Two because it used to be my parents room, but now I use one and one is used to store cold weather gear, old clothes my mom hasn't taken out yet (even though I go that room like 3 or 4 years ago!), and other random things. One the mirror-doors of my closet are filled with picture of my family and friends. Above it are, written in a rope-type thing, Emma <3 horses, due to the fact that I used to be obsessed with horses (but now just like them). On the back wall is a very old, used, and overflowing bookshelf (it's incredible how many books I've got to fit on the thing!) filled with (obviously) books and other random objects like make-up, jewelry, wind-up animals, pictures (in frames), etc. Above the bookshelf is a rope-type thing star. Nest to the bookshelf, filling nearly the whole rest of the (top half) of my back wall is a big window that looks into our back-yard. Above that are some redish-maroon curtains. In the corner (with its back against my right wall is a dresser (that I only have to put clothes I'm not currently wearing (right now it has summer clothes)) Next to that is a desk that is filled with papers and pencils and a container thing with various lotions and perfumes in it. Than a couple jewelry boxes. Then I have a blue lamp with a jean-like lampshade and an alarm-clock nest to it. Then I have my bed (the headboard on the right wall, the side on my front wall) , which is my great-grandma's. It has dark wood and a small rose on the head-board. The quilt on my bed is one my mom made and is covered in horses. Above my headboard is a gorgeous painting of a bunch of horses drinking out of a lake with a barn behind them that my mom gave me and several other pictures and various awards.  My right wall is navy blue and the rest are light tan.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(now the after)
When you walk in the room, the bed, desk, dresser, bookcase, and closet are still there but there's a bunch of changes! The bed now has a lime-green, brown, and aqua bedspread. The horse painting is gone, along with the rope writing and picture in rope. The curtains are now a sheer lime-green, covered in sequined flowers and leaves and such, and stretch all the way to the floor. The right wall is lime-green with a dark brown horizontal stripe running across it and a stripe of aqua and a stripe of dark purple right above and below the brown (it's like a single line but three colors). The rest of the walls are  still light tan. The jean lamp is replaces with a very modern looking steel lamp that has a lime-green shade. There's also a lime-green rug on the floor and a ping jewelry holder shaped like a vase of flowers. This room really reflect my personality better, now. I've been wanting to change my room for like a year, and now I finally am!
I think that's all! Again, awesome thread! Sorry this's so long! :D :D :D
((Haha. The spam code says ohrc. That sounds like orca! Orca whale! :D :D :D))
submitted by Emma, age 13, Oregon
(January 12, 2010 - 11:59 pm)