Okay, the super

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Okay, the super

Okay, the super happy smiley voice inside me is screaming and telling me to tell you something.  It's giving me a headache, so I will.


[hitting enter a few times makes it dramatic...]


WE NEED TO NAME THE ANTI-SPAM BOX!  Phew, I said it.  Really, it gets annoying referring to him as "the anti-spam box".  Let's give him a name!  ...but since I'm bad at naming things, can you give me some ideas?

He says he wants to tell you "zrdo". xD


Someone already suggested Spamboy or Spam Boy. How about one of those? That would be easy to remember and easier for newcomers to comprehend than something less descriptive.

Old Cricket

submitted by Kenzie
(January 3, 2010 - 12:34 am)

You crack me up.  *huge insane grin* 

submitted by Laura☆
(January 9, 2010 - 10:07 pm)

Haha, he just said 'eenk'.  Is that 'eek', or 'ink', or something entirely different?  :)

(kdiw.  Is he saying he's kidding me?) 

submitted by Laura☆
(January 9, 2010 - 10:09 pm)

He says "Ahwe". Is he hurt??!

Hehehe, I think we should give him a sort of normal guys name, maybe more boys will be encouraged in posting if he sees everyone talking about the spamboy!! xD

submitted by Candle
(January 5, 2010 - 11:40 am)

I vote for either Spamboy or Spamboy-Captcha. Well, before I cast my vote, I should consult Mr. Spambox. Hold on, here's what he's saying, "Vhgc mzhc ofaf frep ncmm wuwv fxkz. Derh mdag zehr!" Hmmm... I don't know if he likes it or not. Mr. Spambox is quite a mystery sometimes.

submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(January 5, 2010 - 1:49 pm)

I vote Spamboy!!!

submitted by Samantha R.
(January 5, 2010 - 8:29 pm)


He says "rded".

Sounds like "are dead".



submitted by Jen
(January 5, 2010 - 9:12 pm)


btw, he says "ngty".  Like naughty?

submitted by Egiap
(January 5, 2010 - 10:13 pm)

No, he's saying 'nighty', like she wants us all to stop typing and be quiet.  Or he wants her sleeping gown.  *giggle*

'vbbv'  He's saying there are good vibes here.  :D 

Oops, found out what happened if you do the wrong thingy in there.  I guess he said something else... well, now he says 'ok' and he's nicknamed me 'wx'.  Don't ask me where that comes from.  *puts hands up* 

submitted by Laura☆
(January 7, 2010 - 8:34 pm)

Ahhhh! Now he say "irzg!" is that the name of his enemy??? sounds like Zurg! (Toy Story :D )

submitted by Grace
(January 6, 2010 - 8:34 am)

Hahaha, I get it "I are Zurg!"  :P

submitted by Laura☆
(January 8, 2010 - 8:50 pm)

Hah, on my last post it insisted on being 'oomt'  Heehee.

I don't know about 'spam boy''  it's kinda weird... for some reason it makes me think of the horrible movie, the electric grandma.  *shudders* 

submitted by Laura☆
(January 7, 2010 - 8:24 pm)

First, I shall consult our no-name anti-spam box.  In the past, it has said, "aihx, apeu, bxxe, bzzw, crai (is it sad??), cxiy..."  Okay this is going to be a long list.  Right now, he says gmpm.  I would vote Bob, but I use that for other things, so Spamboy or Anti-Spammy.....  No, bad suggestions but I'll check back later for what others have said.


submitted by Leaf, age 12 1/2, on a sunny tree
(January 8, 2010 - 8:04 pm)

It wants to be 'dany'!  It told me so itself!!!

Oh wait, maybe not.  I just read the one on this post: nopo.  Hmm.... 

submitted by Laura☆
(January 8, 2010 - 9:09 pm)

Spamboy Captcha!

He's saying, "Kkru." K-crew? Is he agreeing with the people who vote for Koffee Jr?

submitted by Ima
(January 8, 2010 - 10:15 pm)

He told Paige that he wanted to be James Bond.  :)

submitted by Laura☆
(January 9, 2010 - 10:11 pm)