Dreams! Post your

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Dreams! Post your

Dreams! Post your dreams here! Good or bad, odd or ordinary, we want to know them—or at least I do. And also, I enjoy posting my own dreams, whether anyone actually wants to read them or not, and there isn't any current thread for dreams (and there always used to be, so I think we need one), so I'm making it myself.

I've had much more interesting dreams before (such as that really odd one similar to The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, a Chronicle of Narnia, but much weirder, what with all the giant talking parrots and everything...), but I've already posted about all of them on one thread  or other, and I  don't feel like reposting them.

Before I go on, I want to make it known that when I'm dreaming, I always believe that my dreams are reality, and have absolutely no idea that it's merely my imagination. If you don't know that, the following 2 dreams I had recently won't make as much sense.

About a week ago, I dreamed from the point of view of an intelligent, loyal, cold, cruel, responsible, courageous, shy, quiet 12-year-old girl named Kira, with extremely dark brown hair almost shoulder length, but a bit shorter, and penetrating ice-blue eyes (so I thought I was her). She lived in a small village on the arctic tundra with her cheerful, optimistic, loving, thoughtful, outgoing, bright, ever-smiling 10-year-old cousin and, ironically, best friend, Annabelle, who had long golden curls like rays of sunshine, and warm, friendly eyes like clear blue lakes on a summer day. She was kind of like Rainbow from the Ingo series. She was a Mary Sue, really, but don't blame me for it; I couldn't control what I dreamed. They were orphans, raised by their aunt Irissa (I'd just read that name on a Chatterbox thread, so I didn't make it up; I think Mary Liz did, actually, but a part of me remembered it in my sleep, and so that was the aunt's name). Irissa was tall and thin, with hair in Kira's color, but Annabelle's shape, and coal-black eyes. She was cold, cruel, haughty, intelligent, and planned to take over the world, but she loved her nieces, and treated them well. Everyone in the village wanted to helkp her, including Annabelle and Kira. In fact, they loved her more than anything, and believed completely that what they were doing was right. Annabelle doesn't seem like that kind of person, but Irissa had told them storries by the fireside about all the horrible things people did in the world outside the tundra, and none of the good things, so she thought everyone was evil, and her aunt wanted to stop it. So did Kira, and even Irissa herself, for although she knew about the good and evil together that is in the world, she thought the bad outweighed the good, and she wanted to change everything, shape Earth until it became her own, (in her opinion) better version.

So anyway, at age 12, Kira was old enough to actually start to do things to make Irissa's eventual takeover easier. First, however, she had to have an Ordeal, in which she had to do some extremely difficult task to help her side, and if she failed, she couldn't do anything, but it wouldn't do much harm to her side. Don't ask me why that is; I suppose I've just been reading too much of the Young Wizards series. Well, now that I think about it, it may be to make sure that the side-helpers are trustworthy. Kira's Ordeal was to retrieve a key that was trapped inside a tree, and take it to Irissa. Kira cut a hole in the tree with a knife, retrieved the key, was asked by many of her enemies in disguise to give it to them, refused, took it to her aunt, and I woke up.

2 nights ago, I had a different dream. I, as me, got a part in a play at a huge theater.  It was awesome! Or, I assume it was. I started dreaming when the play started. I was a character named Lauren. A boy whise name I don't remember (let's call him Sam) had to set off on a journey for some reason (I don't remember this dream very well, so..), and a girl named Hilda went with him, as did I. And then the play was over, and I remarked tp my dad on how weird the plot was. The funny thing was, I specifically, said, "It's weird enough to be one of my dreams!" because of course I didn't know that it actually was. And then I thought, Hey, what if it actually is? Yay! I'm dreaming, and I know I'm dreaming, and it doesn't wake me up! Maybe I can dream lucidly! So then I tried to imagine a beautiful sunset, and I woke up. It didn't work.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(January 24, 2010 - 3:47 pm)

Dreams-dreams-dreams- *Tries to remember*

Once (and this is edited for coherancy purposes) I dreamed that I was at my pastor's house in the backyard, at a barbecue. And in one of the trees near the woods behind their yard, there was living under the roots in a burrow a kindly sleepy old dwarf. I knew I had to keep his presence secret, so I kept telling him to be quiet, but he kept either snoring really loudly or trying to come out of his hole.Then eventually I crawled into his hole,and there was a dream shift.

The hole became a high-technology underground enemy fort, with (*gasp*) automatic circular doors, and tunnels lined with metal. I wasn't there at first, rather it was a video showing in order every room from the outside entrance to the place where the prisoners were hidden in the back. And an evil tigress entered the fort, she was one of their agents.

Then I was there. The prisoners in the back were children and talking animals (such as raccoons) and my job was to rescue them. So eventually I made it to the back, and some how even though it was underground there were windows. (Random fact) Then the place caught fire, and I, with the help of an adult that was there, got everyone out fast.

We ran away from the secret base, and soon came to a small cottage where an old man lived. We knocked on the door to see f he would help hide the children, but he wasn't home. So we went to a gazebo in the middle of a feild and hid there instead. (?)

And that's all I remember.

submitted by Emilie L.
(January 24, 2010 - 8:05 pm)

I have only had 2 alien dreams- ever. Here they are,

Once I had a dream that a bunch of aliens came down in a football stadium and the ruler- who looked like Jenette Mcurdy, was all like, HAHA!

And there was this other one, just the other day, when me, my sister and a bunch of my friends went to this planet, where humans were slaves, and the aliens were evil, but there were these two good ones who were like "Stay in your rocket, but we didn't listen, and we went out, and there was jungle gym, and we climbed on it,but then the evil aliens wanted to make us slaves so we ran back to the rocket and  had tea with our other alien friends.

Wow, I have weird dreams. Hehe.

submitted by Katie
(January 25, 2010 - 5:15 pm)

I actually remember a dream from when I was ten.  it was sort of like yours.  Yours probably sparked my memory.

OK, so I went to an audition at a wonderful theater, with flying cats and such.  I got into the play!  Yay!  And ther were famous actors that were also going to be in the play also.  And for some reason, all of the people somehow vanished and my house appeared, and I went in,  and then they were in again, a party for someone.  I turned into one of the famous people, and people started throwing computers at me (?) for a reason that I do not know.  The the people started to becaome dancing guitars, and then kept on eating each other and growing larger.  And then their were two guitars, and I was one of them.  We kept on fighting and then the other guitar swallowed me whole as he turned into a whale.  So then I thought, I never knew this is what it felt like to be swalloed, and then I woke up.

submitted by Meadow
(January 25, 2010 - 2:53 pm)

I had one a while ago, when I was really into playing Harry Potter computer games, that I was actually in a Harry Potter computer game! It was really weird and scary. And one of the most weird things was that there was a restaurant in it!

There was another dream where I was with Tom Riddle in this dark blue room. When I say "dark blue" I don't mean the walls were dark blue, I mean like the air looked dark blue. And when I told people that Tom Riddle was in a room nobody would believe me.

Ok, so I'm a field tester for this new geography that's gonna come out and I had a dream last night that I was reading it and there was this picture of a few girls dancing in these bright colored Mexican dresses and below the picture it said something like: Latin American girls dancing. And I was reading the geography today, and this section is going to be all about Latin America!

There was another where this coyote was chasing my family and me up the hill in front of our house, and it bit me! That was the first time that I've actually woken up from a dream. Have any of you noticed that you can never run fast enough in your dreams?

Another was when I was walking down to our woods and I saw a snake. The next day when I woke up, I was afraid to go outside, afraid that I'd see a snake and be bitten. But actually that day the Even Steven's movie was on and it had a snake in it.

The absolute worst dream I've ever had was where somehow I had ended up in this house with different rooms according to which door you opened. And I-couldn't-get-home. And I knew that I was in a dream, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wake up! Ever since then I've hated having dreams.



submitted by Hannah P. ☺☻, age 14, Georgia
(January 25, 2010 - 8:46 pm)

I had a dream that I was sitting in a really ugly yellow chair in a house that was decorated all yellow and purple. It  was a really boring dream, and I knew I was dreaming, so I tried to wake myself up. Just then, the room transformed into this bright white nothingness, and I tried to slap myself to wake myself up, BUT I COULDN'T FIND MY HEAD!!! Weird, huh?

submitted by Ann
(January 28, 2010 - 8:23 am)

Dreams. I usually can't remember my dreams once I wake up. I dreamed once about a pit of spiders that started to throw themselves at me. That was a bad one. And...uh...last night I dreamed that my PE teacher was Robin Hood. I don't know if he really was, and he just looked like the PE teacher, or if it wasn't Robin Hood and we just called him that. Weird, huh? 

submitted by ZNZ
(January 29, 2010 - 7:33 am)

I had a dream that I watched a movie with my family and when we were on our way home a car hit us onto private property and my little siblings and I were taken away from our parents and were forced to live with someone like Cinderella's stepmother. And I don't really wanna talk about it anymore cus it makes me cry... Does anyone know how to get rid of fear?Cry


If you're afraid of something, it should help to talk to someone like a parent, teacher, or close friend about it. People who care for you can understand and help support you. Many of the things a person fears never really happen!

Old Cricket

submitted by Christina M., age near 10, california
(January 29, 2010 - 9:15 pm)

Oh, and my friend is named Kira and she has short brown hair and is very quiet...

submitted by Christina M., age near 10, California
(January 29, 2010 - 9:17 pm)

I had a really wierd dream last night! ((A tiny bit of info so you can understand this dream: Last year I had this really awesome math teacher named Mrs. Som and she was my favorite teacher. We emailed each other over the summer about this super awesome show we both watched (So You Think You Can Dance) (she didn't have anyone to talk about it with because her husband didn't like it, and we always talked about it during the school year, so we just emailed over the summer). She found out in September that she was pregnant. This year my math teacher is Mrs. Mears. (very random bits of info, but otherwise my dream makes nooooo sense)

So I was in math class and, for some reason, it was in Mrs. Som's room. We had to measure a ton of random things and write down how long they were and then tell this people our answers. So I was finished and was trying to tell someone my answers but my writing was in really light peach ink, so I couldn't read it. Then Mrs. Som came in and Mrs. Mears said "Mrs. Som got us green mini marshmellows to measure, but she got really sick trying to find them." and we were worried her baby would die because she was sick. Then my alarm clock woke me up.

Such a weird dream! I didn't get it at all! WiErD!

submitted by Emma
(February 2, 2010 - 11:39 pm)

Flight dreams!

I've been having them since 2nd grade. I can't usually fly, but I can often hover in the air if I have enough momentum, or the wind i lowing hard.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(May 21, 2010 - 11:04 pm)

In 2nd grade, though, I could fly. I could spread my arms out like wings and soar, or do flips in the air. I loved sitting and watching the green meadow below me.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(May 21, 2010 - 11:08 pm)

That sounds funny if you don't read the previous post.

submitted by Emily L., age 15, WA
(July 30, 2010 - 2:16 pm)

And yesterday, I dreamed that I was a boy, and when there was a strong wind, I could go with it!It was wonderful! I just felt so free.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(May 21, 2010 - 11:09 pm)

I had a dream that I was a Professtis, which in my dream was these women who were really mysterious and cool. I lived underwater, in a cave made of crystal. But I had this mean sister, and she told me that I had to be an illegal immigrant (for some reason), and I was running away from her.

submitted by Ann
(July 31, 2010 - 1:32 pm)

I had a really freaky nightmare last year.

So it was the middle of the day and my mom, my dad, and I all got into their bed to take a nap, and then my dad and I were reading a book together. (doesn't SOUND scary, does it?!?) All of a sudden tho', my mom was gone and these pirates/robbers ppl broke into our house and came and jumped into the bed. They had guns and they shot my dad. And then suddenly they were gone again! So then my mom's friend from Georgia was @ our house, and then my math tutor and a couple other women, and my dad was bleeding and he wanted his last moments to be pleasant, (oh and my sis wasn't there, ???), and spent w/ ME, *blinks cutely*, so he said, "Rachel, get somthing, ANYTHING so we can play catch." And he was about 2 die. WHY THE HECK DIDN'T WE CALL AN AMBULANCE??? I grabbed a mitten and it was sooo light it was hard 2 throw but we did a couple times and then my dad crumpled and DIED! :(. So then the pirate/robbers ppl were BACK and then were somehow upstairs and then they were coming down the stairs holding their guns out 2 us, gonna shoot us, and all the women were still @ our house, so we jumped into our van and made an EXTREMELY narrow escape.


Heck, 4 all I know those pirates ATE my dad! :) 

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(July 31, 2010 - 9:21 am)