Mom had the

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Mom had the

Mom had the new baby! It's a boy! They named him Xavier Patrick!! He was born less than an hour ago, and was 10.1oz! Eeee eee ee! *excitement* I'm so happy.

Then my grandmother made us all kneel on the kitchen floor and pray. >_>

I can only go to the hospital to see him (we're calling him Xave, pronounced "zave") and mom if I fake being seventeen (which I probably could, being so tall and big-footed, right Jen? Regina? Gianna? Meg, Shane?), whch dad probably won't let me, but they're coming home on Saturday! And dad can take pictures! Can I get a whoot whoot! *hyperness*

Yeah, I'm on a sleep-deprived cookie high right now. XD How did you guess?


Congratulations to all of you, Mary! Thanks for letting us all be among the first to know. Now get some sleep.


submitted by Mary W., age 12.22, NJ
(March 4, 2010 - 8:57 pm)

AWESOME!!!!! That's so exciting!!!! I so envy you!!! ~:) <----(baby with squiggly hair) Tell you mom I said congrats!!!! Well, I've got to go eat breakfast, but good luck passing as a 17 year old. (P.S.-you might want to carry around some car keys so they think you can drive)

submitted by Mary Jo, age 13
(March 5, 2010 - 7:10 am)

Congratulations! Hooray! I bet you can't wait to see him!


Are you sure he wasn't bigger than 10.1 ounces???



submitted by Brynne, age 14
(March 5, 2010 - 2:49 pm)

EEEEEEHHHH! Awesome! I love babies! Soo cute and cuddly. Have fun with your...however many siblings it is! :P

Andy Percy says zkrw. He could say something like "cgrt" which could be interpreted as "congrats" but noooo...

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 5, 2010 - 3:35 pm)

That's sooo awsome! The name is cute, too.


Spamboy says Kpie.

submitted by Katie
(March 5, 2010 - 4:30 pm)

Wow! Congratulations!

submitted by ZNZ
(March 5, 2010 - 4:59 pm)

Yah!  That's so nice!!!!  :D  You have another brother!!  He's only one pound less than another baby that was born a little bit before him!!!  And he's ten years, one day younger than someone else I know!  it would be really weird if your parents named him Mason... 

I wish I could have a other small sibling.  But my dad got neutered (that sounds really weird), so I won't.  Unless I convence my parents to adopt.  I would have to do that after Luna gets a little older though.  *starts plotting plan to convince parents to adopt*  

submitted by Meadow , age 12!!!, IL
(March 5, 2010 - 5:02 pm)

Thanks, guys. :)

The Admin sensed I was in desperate need of sleep. XD

@Brynne: *grin* you're right. Ten pounds, one ounce, is what I meant. >.< Again. Tired.

submitted by Mary W., age 12.22, NJ
(March 5, 2010 - 8:21 pm)

THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!  He really weighed that much?!??!

submitted by R~D~
(March 5, 2010 - 8:25 pm)

Congratualations!!!!!  That's really awesome!  It must be amazing knowing that someone related to you was just brought into the world.  I will remember to wish him a happy birthday on the 4th next year.  *jumps up and down*  *huge smile*  :D :D :D :D :D 


Anti-spam says, "xavv"  He must be celebrating too... I mean he's only one letter off!


March fourth (forth) -- the day of the command! A great day to be born.

Old Cricket

submitted by Leaf♪☮♥, age 12 11/12, on a tree!
(March 5, 2010 - 7:44 pm)

Ooooh, congratulations!! I bet he's really cute! :D:D


submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(March 5, 2010 - 7:55 pm)

CONGRATULATIONS!! That's awesome!

How does it feel to have a younger sibling be born? I only hae one older brother, and I can't ask him; he was too young at the time.


submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 5, 2010 - 10:51 pm)

Haha, me too!!!!!!  Only, he sort of remembers, he was two....  :)


Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you! 

Happy birthday dear Xavey!!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Mary, you have to remember to tell him about us when he's old enough to understand, and you haven't been coming on here for a couple of years, and have forgotten all about it!!! (heehee)  Tell him I'm one of the first people to sing him happy birthday!!!!

submitted by Laura❀
(March 6, 2010 - 2:17 am)

@ Ima: Well, I don't remember much the other times, but basically my day went like this... 

At 5am, I heard my parents/grandparents talking outside my bedroom. So then I was awake even though I wasn't supposed to be. Once my parents left for the hospital, I started listening to my iPod (...illegally) until about 6, then we all got up and had breakfast with my grandmother standing over us talking. Then, also, I showed my grandparents a video I made, and then my grandfather had us watch this youtube video "I'm My Own Grandpa." Yeah. Um. 

Then we went to school and I got A's on two tests. (a-ight, that has nothing to do with this, but I was very excited ;D) Then we went home. I checked my email. I realized that my grandfather screwed up our computer. I tried to fix it and couldn't, so I called my tech-savvy friend Kathy. We couldn't fix it.

Then my grandmother started worrying more about my parents, so we called dad. Then I talked on the phone/messed with the computer the whole afternoon. Then my grandmother got nervous and called my parents and of our relatives. No, no reason... Just because. Then Tom's mother brought us delicious fried chicken, potato fries, and biscuits. They weren't even from KFC. Then I talked on the phone more. *is a socialite* Then later my dad called and told us about Xave. We danced. My grandma made us say prayers. Then I called my friends and told them while my grandma called all our relatives again. Then at 10:15pm or so, dad came home and my grandparents left. Dad was very, very annoyed about the computer. Won't go into detail here. So then I went to bed at like 11:15pm or so.

Sorry, that was a lot of Egotistical Rambling...

submitted by Mary W., age 12.22, NJ
(March 6, 2010 - 10:46 am)

It feels suspenseful.

And really weird if you're taken to your friend's house (we usually go to our friends the T's house if the baby is born during the day), because to them, it's just another day when you're over to hang out, but in the back of your mind it's hard to settle down. Even though your friends have almost as many siblings, it's easy for them to forget what it was like when they had to come to your house.

But then when they're finally born, and you get to see them (our hospital lets people in who are immediately related) it's exciting!


As you can tell from ML's attitude! :D

submitted by Brynne
(March 6, 2010 - 11:45 am)


Ooh, that is super exciting!!!!!!!!!  Don't you hate it that they don't let you see them????

I'm so happy for you!!!!  I'd say tell your mom that I'm very happy for her too, but I don't want to freak her out....  :D


submitted by Laura❀
(March 6, 2010 - 2:12 am)