Imaginary friends/enemies

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Imaginary friends/enemies

Imaginary friends/enemies/world discussion! Here we chat about our imaginary friends/enemies/worlds, how we came up with them, and any ongoing stories we have.

My imaginary world is set just outside a fictional town in Wyoming. There's forests and mountains and lakes and rivers and it is beautiful.

My imaginary friends are very many, so I'll just list the ones I have names for:

Starspirit-formerly Mewtwo (from Pokemon), Starspirit is my main character, the glue that holds my world together. He is my absolute best friend. He is more agile then the other Mewtwos, a trait he has passed on to his children. He LOVES playing practical jokes on people. (Fortunately, he is currently on a prank ban, from now until April the second.) And he's slightly arrogant And VERY temperamental. And a rascal But I love him anyway. :) He has a family, too:

Vivian-Starspirit's wife. She's the one who lays down the law and keeps Starspirit from being a major pest. Don't ask me why they love each other; they are polar opposites. But that's the way it always is with Mewtwos, so...

Jack-Starspirit's second son. He acts like the older brother to his older brother, Jake. His father all over again, Jack also has a family (listed under this).

Jake-the actual older brother. Jake is kind of a coward. As a matter of fact, whenever he eats chicken, Jack calls him a cannibal. He enjoys playing pranks, as long as he is somewhere in Brazil by the time the victim has has the prank played on them. He secretly has a crush on Rytoya (see Rytoya below) but won't admit it.

Ashleigh-Starspirit's youngest child and daughter. When she was younger, she was almost as much of a pest as her brothers, but she matured, where the boys did not. She's the peacemaker and can't stand to see a fight. Sadly, they are rather common around here. *gets up to stop Jack and Jake; the 'cannibalistic chicken' taunt again. comes back and keeps typing*

Annie-Starspirit's eldest daughter and third child. Annie has just as much of a temper as her father, and used to play pranks, but matured along with her sister. Somehow the brothers got left behind. *shakes head* I don't understand it.

Scarheart-Starspirit's adopted son. He's actually a clone, as are all the original adults, but he was a child when Starspirit met him, and so he adopted him. He loves to play pranks as much as his adopted brothers.

Jack's family:

Ariam-His wife, Bagheera's (see Bagheera under here) youngest child/daughter. She has a quick temper, which is usually directed at her husband and three children.

Vitoro-Jack's eldest son. A practical joke player like his father and grandfather. Currently being held captive by Giovanni (see Giovanni under ENEMIES).

Tykoro-Sneakier then his elder brother in prank-playing, Tykoro is the youngest and the slyest. Currently being held captive by Giovanni.

Somari-The middle child and only girl, Somari is just as mischeivous as her brothers, although much more inclined to be shy and withdrawn. Currently Jack and Ariam's only child to not be at Giovanni's labratory.

Bagheera-Stronger than any of the other Mewtwos, Bagheera plays pranks just like Starspirit, although he is less inclined to. He prefers jumping inbetween Starspirit and Laputi's (see Laputi under this) frequent arguments.

Bagheera's family:

Tarayla-Bagheera's wife. She has the least yelling to do of all the wives, but is still quick-tempered. Everybody is. ;)

Sorea-Bagheera's eldest son. About the only Mewtwo in existense to be able to swim in cold water and not have his fur shrink (don't laugh! They get offended. To you it might sound funny, but it's no laughing matter to a Mewtwo). His father all over again.

Jonathan-The second son and child, Jonathan is more inclined to play pranks then his father and older brother.

Ariam-see above description.

Rytoya-The third child and eldest daughter of Bagheera. Rytoya has less of a temper than her mother or sister, and takes after her father in personality. She secretly has a crush on Jake, but she won't admit it. If only they would admit it to each other...sigh...

Laputi-faster than any of the others (and 50 miles per second, which is what the others can do, is no joke!), and proud of it, Laputi has a constant rivalry with Starspirit. He'd better watch out on April the second, though.

Laputi's family:

Natyra-Laputi's wife, who gets along much better with Starspirit than her husband does. She also gets along well with Vivian. Like Vivian, she often finds herself having to yell her head off at her husband. Fortunately, being quick-tempered, it is very easy for her to do this. Like all the wives, however, she loves her husband, and her child. (Hard as it may be sometimes, she asked me to add.)

Karochi-Laputi's son, and the half-way spoiled only child of Laputi and Natyra. Like his father is rivals with Starspirit, Karochi is rivals with Jack, Jake, and Scarheart, with Jonathan and Sorea having to jump inbetween and save them.

Mew-our cook, and a constant annoyance to Starspirit, who likes him, but won't admit it. He's friendly, bright, optimistic, and a pain in the neck. STARSPIRIT, GET OFF OF MY COMPUTER!!! Ahem.

Laurie-Mew's clone and kitchen assistant. Laurie is Mew all over again-friendly, bright optimistic, and a pain in the-OFF.

Treecko/Climber-Treecko is much like Mew, except that he can be more short-tempered. Climber is his clone.

Lugia/Ocean-Lugia is peaceful, patient, resourceful, and big enough to jump in front of Starspirit and stop him from getting to Mew. Ocean is his clone.

Maria-my clone. She is more thoughtful and slightly more sad and withdrawn than I am, but other than that, she and I are exactly alike. She can turn into a white wolf.

Lizzie-one of my triplet sisters. She is a daydreamer who often forgets what she's doing and starts having a daydream. *coughlunalovegoodisrelatedtohercough* She can turn into a gray horse.

Diana-my other triplet sister. The exact opposite of Lizzie, she is practical to the point of being extreme. *coughhermioniegrangerisrelatedtohercough* She can turn into a black panther.

Lily-Lizzie's clone. Exactly like Lizzie.

Daphne-Diana's clone. Exactly like Diana.

Persian-Giovanni's Persian, to be exact, and our double agent. She is brave, resourceful, and quick with lies (nescessary for her work). She sits around with Giovanni while he makes his plans, looking innocent, and then runs over and reports to us the instant she gets the chance.

Felicia-the daughter of the mayor, Mr. Silver, and his wife, Mrs. Silver. Like Persian, she is a valuable double agent, as her mother is too nosy for our safety. She used to be a snob, but changed recently and now only acts like one so she can tell us the news.

Mary/Wolfgirl-This is me. Wolfgirl is kind of my braver, stronger, faster, more patient, able to shape-shift into a white wolf and swim alter ego. It's almost as if I took all my bad qualities, enhanced them, and gave them to Starspirit, and took all my good qualities, enhanced them, and gave them to Wolfgirl. I am the 67th Wolfgirl, hence the name.

OK, enemies coming up later. Bye!

Andy Percy says wcru.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.


submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 5, 2010 - 6:23 pm)

Whoa, you have a lot of imaginary friends. 


Anyway, I seriously love Zelda games, so my imaginary place is kinda like a Zelda temple/dungeon place. I live there and it's protected by monsters and things like that from the video games.  My friends are:

Twila: she is from the Twilight like Midna (for anyone who hasn't played Twilight Princess, the Twilight Realm is this place that is always dark and normal people can't enter. It is ruled by Midna.). She is actually a lot like Midna, and drives me crazy.


Forest: Forest is a raven who is always by my side, and he helps me deal with Twila.


NightCloud: NightCloud is a bluish-green dragon who helps me me with most things. She gets fed up real easily. Especially with Twila and usually leaves Forest to deal with her. 


The person that is really me, is named Mo, she is an expert with anything like swords, bows and arrows, daggers, that kind of thing.


When I was little, I had two imaginary twins named Feffly and Feff (they were girls). They went on vacation in Canada, and never came back. 

submitted by MCB, age 11
(March 6, 2010 - 1:03 pm)

@MCB: Oh, you haven't seen the half of it. I forgot to mention the armies, wolf king, queen, princes and princesses, and Starspirit's pets. :P And everybody else's pets too. So there you go. NightCloud sounds a bit like Starspirit with Mew. ;)

Andy P. says xbce.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

P.S. Thread, TOP!

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 7, 2010 - 10:50 pm)

Don't forget the Bad Guys, and ooh boy when u get to the clans...


Vick says zezy.

submitted by NDT
(March 11, 2010 - 11:19 pm)


Vick says idiy. is that some weird flower?

submitted by NDT
(March 19, 2010 - 5:08 pm)

Wow, you can keep track of all that? I am impressed.


I don't have as many as I used to when I was younger. Don't laugh, okay, but one of them was named Piglet. He was a pig, obviously. When I was really little I had this big thing about pigs. Because they were pink. I don't like pink anymore, though.

There were also the twins, Colleen and Ramadil. They had red hair. The always wore all black clothes, because they were spies (I loved Harriet the spy.) They also had a pet turtle and an orange cat.

Hope was another, who used to go on quests with me through my imaginary land. Oh, what was it called? *goes back in time to being eight years old* Arzoo! That was it! I used to draw all kinds of maps of it, and make up stories about it... *wishes to be eight again*


I don't have many anymore, but I have all the voices in my head. These ones like to hang around when I'm writing:

Along with all my characters, I have Anna, my internal narrator. On good writing days, she's coming up with it all and telling it to me as I write it down.

Then there's my Internal Critic. Don't all authors have one of these? She (I haven't named her) is the enemy of all Anna and I try to do. She simply goes around convincing me that I am an awful writer and can't do anything and should go into something less mentally challenging -- digging ditches, say.

And, yeah. If I remember more I'll post them.

submitted by ZNZ
(March 8, 2010 - 5:29 pm)

Oi, I just realized I made I mistake in the name of my old imaginary world . . . it was Alzoo, not Arzoo. Alzoo.

submitted by ZNZ
(March 8, 2010 - 5:55 pm)

My two imaginary friends are Flicker and Spark. Flicker is white with orange tail, ear tips, and stockings (like on a horse). She has orange eyes and one pink paw. Oh, and they are cat sisters. Spark is creamy with red places that Flicker is Orange, and blue eyes, and paws and reddish streaks.

submitted by Jean R.
(March 8, 2010 - 10:00 pm)

@ZNZ: Haha, it's not that hard to keep track of. My mom has a harder time. I'll tell her about somebody and she'll be like, "Who?" and I'm like, "Scarheart, Mom, I told you about him yesterday!" And she'll be like, "Sorry, tell me again."

But Starspirit is the main one, so everybody knows about him. Next to me, the one who knows the most about my imaginary world/friends/enemies/story is my little brother Natty. Occasionally he comes on here as NDT.

Andy P. says mphr. Somebody's gagged Andy! Save him, Z.A.R, Spamboy!

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 8, 2010 - 10:22 pm)

Wyoming. *smirk*


I don't have an imaginary world so much as I spend ninety percent of my time imagining the "real world" more interesting.

As far as imaginary friends go, I don't really have any. Well, not any that have names. Because, you see, when you give a thing a name you give it life, and that would just be opening a gateway for sarcastic and unwelcome comments and criticism. So, instead, I talk to myself and think in third person.

Because it's better than the alternative.

You know, the potential commentary I mentioned?

This way I only come off mildly crazy, and pass under the radar as far as the crazy houses are concerned because I don't outright argue with and/or insult myself. Not out loud, anyway. 

Of course, whilst in the process of writing anything long term I have a tendency to hold muttered conversations with my characters, often playacting the part of another character myself. What? It helps the creative process! ...Stop looking at me like that. ...Hey! What are you doing with that straightjacket? Get away. Get away! Noooooooooo!

[Out on the street an explosion is heard. Several passerby turn and look quizzically at the shuttered windows. A man wearing large glasses and a Hawaiian shirt lifts an enormous camera and snaps a picture before another man with a pointy red hat runs around the corner at top speed and drags him away, leaving trails of dust. From the direction of the window there are several loud crashes and shouting along the lines of "Noo! Get away!" etc. Eventually all falls silent. .]

Ahem. *brushes dust off sleeve* I'm okay. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(March 9, 2010 - 10:27 pm)

@TNO: What? I like Wyoming! I like how it's the least populated state. I wish I lived there instead of North Carolina.

But anyway, you are too funny! "What are you doing with that straightjacket? Get away! Get away! Nooooooo!" XD

Yeah, I like to do the same thing, hold muttered conversations with my characters and stuff, playacting, and imagining the real world more interesting. Although Starspirit helps it along.

My dad says everyone thinks I must be crazy because I have a tendency to go along talking to myself in a loud voice. *thinks back to recent conversation* "What are you doing with that golf ball, Laputi?" "Nothing." "AAAGH! Stop shooting golf balls at my head! OK, fine! You asked for it!" "AAAH! MARY!" (See, they often call me to stop a conflict, because, being the creator of my imaginary world, I am really the only one who can control all of them.) "Laputi started it."

Ahem. Yeah. I am crazy. It makes more sense if you watch me doing it, which unfortunately you can't...

Andy P. C. says eycu.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 10, 2010 - 12:26 am)

Chloe: She looks sort of Irish, with soft, long black hair down to her shoulder blades. She has brown wings, and she can run really fast, but she doesn't look like it. When she runs, she looks more like she's dancing slowly, but you can't catch up, no matter how fast you run. She is always wearing green or blue. Her eyes are black.

submitted by Ann
(March 10, 2010 - 9:20 am)

@Ann: Chloe sounds cool! How old is she? Just a question. Also, how long have you known her?

Anyway, here are a few more imaginary friends that I forgot to put on:

Angel-My real life dog. In my world, she speaks with an English accent. No, she doesn't talk Human-I speak Dog. As does everybody else, even Felicia, who I am teaching to speak Animal. Angel is a bit prim, but very nice on the whole. She is very strict about grammar, however, which irritates Brownie (see Brownie below).

Brownie-My dream horse. Brownie is a mustang who speaks with a Texan accent. Angel and she do not get along. Angel is very prim about grammar, and Brownie-Brownie ain't. :) Brownie is fairly laid-back, although she has her pride.

Shadow-Angel's mate. Shadow also speaks with an English accent, although he is less strict about grammar. He's calm, patient, and kind.

Freedom-Brownie's mate. Freedom gets along better with Shadow than Brownie with Angel, although he is also a mustang and speaks with a Texan accent. Like Shadow, he is calm, patient, and kind, unlike Brownie or Angel, both of whom have hot tempers.

Well, that's all for now! Starspirit's pets (oh boy) coming soon in next entry!

Andy P. C. says bygw.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 10, 2010 - 11:52 am)

Yeah we have one of those.  AHY and I do everything together including imagine so here is some of ouw world:

Marina/Alexa: AHY is Alexa and I am Marina.  We are twins and live together with the our parents.

Evan: Our dad.  Helps take care of the ranch.  Is very good at helping with problems.

Maddie: Our mom.  Loves to work in the garden, and can be found there no matter what weather.

Cookie: Marina&Alexa's favorite chick.  They hatched it from the incubator all by themselves.

Sorry we have to go to bed now, but we will post more tomorrow.


submitted by ZMK&AHY, Mexico
(March 13, 2010 - 9:01 pm)


Vick says thha. What's so funny?

submitted by NDT
(March 15, 2010 - 10:31 pm)

My imaginary friend is Cass. She was a cat, who got turned into a human. Now she mostly acts like a human, but not always. She can talk to all animals. Her hair is orange.

submitted by Chloë R. , age 12 , Here
(March 21, 2010 - 7:26 pm)