Does anybody believe

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Does anybody believe

Does anybody believe in the supernatural? (Spirits, ghosts, that sort of thing.) I do. Call me crazy, but I also have a few friends who do.

submitted by Random Person, age What?, What?
(March 25, 2010 - 7:47 am)

I don't believe in ghosts. It makes zero sense. I believe in life after death, being a Christian, but if you're in heaven, why'd you want to come back here? And, well, if you're not ...

submitted by ZNZ, age Ageless , Somewhere
(March 27, 2010 - 8:13 am)

i dont believe~Sorry!!!!!! ZNZ, get on ur jellybeam thread!!!!!!!!!! its dying!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ima is getting followers AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Clair, age 12, the middle of n
(March 27, 2010 - 7:25 pm)

I completely believe in ghosts, because I saw one once. My friend Lisa saw it too. It was kind of late and we were out walking in the woods near her house. It came out from behind a tree. It looked straight at us and then disappeared into the trees. Lisa says it was a girl, and it was wearing a dress. I couldn't see it well enough to tell. You people who don't believe in them, you shouldn't not believe in something just because you haven't seen it! Yell Who knows, fairies and other things might be true too!

submitted by Chloë R.
(March 28, 2010 - 8:24 am)

Maybe it was a girl wearing a dress.

submitted by Emilie L.
(March 28, 2010 - 2:54 pm)

I'm with Emilie.

submitted by Brynne
(March 29, 2010 - 8:23 pm)

I don't not believe in things just because I haven't seen them, and there's no need to yell. I don't believe in certain things because there isn't enough reason for me to believe in them. If the reason I didn't believe in ghosts was that I hadn't seen them, then, logically, there would be many other things I wouldn't believe, including God, angels, demons, George Washington (there isn't any proof that he wasn't invented by a conspiracy of historians who for some unknown reason wanted to fool us into believing in a history that never happened), Russia (all the pictures could have been taken of a different place, and all the books, movies, etc about it could be lying), my grandmother (she could have been a saved my mother's life, and had my family lie to me about her identity as a favor in return)... Do you get the point? And I do believe in those things I just listed (erm, besides what's in parentheses).

But why should I believe in ghosts? Maybe you thought you saw a ghost, but it could have been anything! In my opinion, there just isn't enough evidence.

As for fairies, that's an entirely different idea, and my opinion on that is quite complicated. I don't think I'd have time to explain why I believe what I believe, unless you really want a long, possibly boring rant, so I'll just say what I believe.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Every blade of grass has its angel standing over it, whispering, 'Grow, grow, grow.'?" (I know that's improper grammar, but otherwise, it would look like the angel was asking the question). Well, I believe something like that. I'm Christian, but unlike most people I know, I believe that every living being has its own guardian angel, including plants. And maybe, if a guardian angel shows itself, it appears with the wings of a creature that is beneficial to what it guards, to represent the effect it (I'm starting to feel kind of bad about using the word 'it' to describe angels, but I don't know what else to say) has on what or who it guards. It was a dove that let Noah know when it was time to leave the Ark, so perhaps that could be why angels as we know them are so often portrayed with dovelike wings. Butterflies help pollinate plants, so would it not make sense for a plant's guardian angel to appear with butterflys' wings? And it would also make sense for the angel to take on the approximate size of what/who it is the guardian of. Perhaps, once, a small flower's guardian angel had to appear to a human, and the human was startled, and a gossip, so it (if 'it' can refer to angels, it certainly can to humans) told everyone made-up stories about these tiny humans with butterflies' wings, and gave them a name: Fairies. Or something like that. So, in a way, fairies would exist, but not in the sense people recognize. I'm just guessing and speculating about the butterfly/dove wings, and the instance of discovery, however. I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve that...

Or if you take, say, a phoenix, what if there was once a bird whose feathers contained a chemical that enabled it to survive being burned? If someone saw a live bird emerging from flames, it would certainly appear as if it rose from the dead, would it not? That was pure speculation. I don't believe that at all. However, it is possible, isn't it?

As for ghosts, however, I just don't believe in them.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 31, 2010 - 7:04 pm)

Oh, and please don't take offense at my comment. I was just stating my opinion. I'm not trying to make you believe anything, except maybe that you shouldn't yell at people just because they don't believe exactly what you do.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 31, 2010 - 7:06 pm)

I do, but I'm afraid to tell anyone else about it, cuz they'd laugh at me. I also believe that magic is probably real.....I don't know what magic creatures are real, but they probably are real.......don't call me crazy, please....Percy Jackson says hzcn. Maybe he's fake sneezing to cover up his laughter!

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 13finally, Hogwarts
(March 30, 2010 - 9:25 am)

I like to think that I don't. :(

submitted by Laura❀
(March 30, 2010 - 1:36 pm)

Well, see when I was about four or five, I was in our house before we remodeled it, doing my homework with my brother. My dad was out in the shop (garage), and my mom wasn't home.

I had wanted a snack, so I got up to walk towards the kitchen, but standing in the kitchen was a person. But they weren't normal, they looked like they were made of a quilt. So, naturally, I screamed as loud as my tiny lungs could allow, and the person ran sideways to where our refrigerator was, and me, being little followed to see where it went, but it had disappeared. My dad came running up as soon as he heard me scream, and was hugging me while I sobbed and was totally freaked out, and then my mom came home and we explained the whole thing... anyway. I don't know what happened. Maybe I was hallucinating, or I'd hit my head. I may even have been sleepwalking (though I don't know, I don't remember waking up, and I've never sleepwalked in my life, as far as I know), all I know is it was creepy, and my dad remembers me screaming, so I know at least that that part was true. So, if anyone has any ideas on what the heck happened, I'm open to them. Please. I don't really believe in ghosts, and I want to know if you think I'm insane or something.

The part I think is nice, is that it wasn't at all threatening, and even in my four/five year old mind, I knew that, and explained it to my parents. And that it had been just as scared of me as I had been of it.

I think it's refreshing to have a story that's not about things attacking people, you know???

So input please!!!!!

submitted by Laura❀
(March 30, 2010 - 1:47 pm)

I don't. I think that when you die your spirit either goes to Heaven (Where no one would want to leave! It's perfect! No sorrow, no pain, no hurt!) or hell (And there's no escaping there). I think that we can feel really close to someone who has died, yes, remembering them and their love, but I don't think they're there, physically.

submitted by Emma
(March 30, 2010 - 8:20 pm)

As for heaven, no one would want to leave it permanently, I'm sure, but if your loved ones were really suffering because of your death, you may want to visit them, to comfort and reassure  them.

But no sorrow? What? Yes, there is nothing that would bring sorrow in heaven, but I definitely think that watching certain things on Earth from heaven could bring people sorrow. To be able to watch them and not grieve is called being cold, apathetic, cruel, calloused, and selfish—not qualities that would merit a person's stay in heaven. And surely many would want to know what is happening in the world they left behind. It's only right that those in heaven should be permitted to watch over the Earth. However, that really could cause sorrow, even in a perfect world.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(March 31, 2010 - 7:23 pm)

Hmmm. If you're 100% sure you really SAW the thing and it wasn't your imagination... Well screaming at your imagination doesn't really make sense anyway. But it was probaby um...

a.) Well you could ask your dad about the hitting your head thing. You would have had a bump if you'd hit it that hard.

b.) Based on what you've said, sleepwalking seems unlikely. You would probably remember waking up.

c.) When you are about four or five, it is really difficult to discern that kind of thing. My memories from that long ago are very fuzzy and indistinct. Do you remember what the person looked like very well? Or is it blurry and hard to recall?

submitted by Emilie L., age 14, WA
(March 30, 2010 - 9:37 pm)

Good points... it's actually a pretty clear picture, surprisingly, seeing as I often have not very good memory.

Teensy bit fuzzy, but for years it was as clear as crystal.  Interesting, no? 

submitted by Laura❀
(April 1, 2010 - 2:19 am)

Indeed. *thinks long and hard* Well the only thing I can come up with, really, (and this is actually not my opinion, or verdict on the situation) is that you saw a guardian angel. I hesitate to bring that up, though, because while I do think guardian angels exist, this doesn't really fit my beleifs on the subject at all. If I come up with any other reasonable ideas I'll tell you. :/

submitted by Emilie L., age 14, WA
(April 2, 2010 - 9:55 pm)