10 (little!) Ways

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

10 (little!) Ways

10 (little!) Ways To Help The Planet

1. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth.

2. Use eco-friendly lighbulbs.

3. Recycle!

4. Reuse old cardboard boxes, cans, etc.

5. Donate money to an animal shelter or other orginazation.

6. Don't pump up the air conditioning.

7. Organize a litter pick up.

8. Hike a nature trail and learn more about the forest.

9. Spread the word.

10. (this is a classic) Plant a tree.


submitted by CJ, age 10, Creativity Cent
(April 14, 2010 - 2:18 pm)

Cool!!! My gifted group is doing a presentation on Earth Day!

submitted by Clair, age 12
(April 14, 2010 - 5:11 pm)

I hope that this thread goes to the top, because none of them are!

Spambox says oikz. Oy, Kazee?

submitted by CJ, age 10, The Quiet Littl
(April 18, 2010 - 8:13 am)

Yay! Our thread is at the front page! Comments, comments!

submitted by CJ, age 10, The Quiet Littl
(April 18, 2010 - 8:19 am)

Awesome thread CJ!  I'm really into this kind of thing and I think your suggestions are great!  I can provide a step up from little to relatively big suggestions.


1. Compost.  Not only is this good for the environment by not wasting food, but it provides great, rich soil for a garden.


2. Plant a garden.  This is the absolute best way to eat locally and organically.  Eat your own food!


3. Hang your wash instead of using the dryer.  Though your clothes might be a bit more stiff, it's really fun to hang out the wash.  You don't even need a clothes line; use whatever you have!  We've used vines from our wisteria plant (a vine) and a rod hanging from our porch covering.


My family is really green and into helping the planet.  Again, great thread,CJ!  Happy (almost) Earth Day!


submitted by Leaf♪☮♥, age 13!!!!!!!!, on a tree!
(April 18, 2010 - 1:49 pm)

Last year everybuggy in my grade got a tree ro plant.  Since then mine has grown about 8 inches.  The coolest thing was that they were from George Washinton's yard!


Smile :P

submitted by Smile :P
(April 18, 2010 - 3:11 pm)

Aw, gee, other than organizing a trash pick up, I do it all already...... Great list, by the way. :)

submitted by Laura❀
(April 19, 2010 - 11:23 am)

Everything that CJ and Leaf said I already do... Except the organizing a litter pickup. And when it's winter we don't hang our clothes out. And when it's raining.

--You can also fill up the sink instead of letting the water run when you're doing the dishes. i've done that all my life, but when I went to a friends house for a sleep over her mom made us do the dishes, and they did it a different way then I do them. her mom also made us pick up the living room...

--I've noticed that people throw out the deodorant sticks before their even out. So the deodorant that's stuck in the stick thing, just pull it out with som sort of sharp thing... It might save some plastic. Maybe.

--Turn off electrical lights in the day.

--Don't take as many showers.

--Use smaller font when you print things.

--Use washable napkins and handkerchiefs and toilet paper. It will save trees'!

I magicaly do all of those things. Pee rags, I call the cloth toilet paper...

I don't care if it's weird.

submitted by Medd (Meadow)
(April 19, 2010 - 1:18 pm)

Oh, we have a composter. Not that it does it any faster...

submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(April 20, 2010 - 7:18 pm)