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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

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Please fill out the form.  This is so we can get to know a little more about each other.  If you, for some reason, feel uncomfortable filling out any of the spaces below, than just skip over them.  My answers are in italic.  If you have more questions you would like to add because I forgot because my mind is going blank, add them to the bottom of your post in bold letters.  


Name: Robyn

Age: 13

Birthday: May 16th

Hobbies: writing, reading, soccer, collecting snowglobes and wacky pens.

Hair color, length, style: Medium brown, goes below my shoulder, wavy, unless I straighten it.

Eye color: Hazel-y, blue, green, and gray.

Describe more about yourself: Um, I'm about 5' 4'', Average, or below average weight, very clean face, no blemishes, (except every once and a while... stupid pimples.) Perfect lips (that's what my mom says) and..... yup.



Favorite animal: dolphins and turtles

Favorite color: blue and green

Favorite food: mashed potatoes and gravy and rice w/ soy sauce.

Favorite article of clothing: purses and shoes.

Other likes: spelling, music, my iPod, running, photography, and writing in my journal. 

Dislikes: SPIDERS, sharks, snakes, golf, stupid TV shows, and math.

Favorite TV show: American Idol


School: homeschool

Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy: I'm very optimistic, more shy than outgoing, but I can be both very well.  :)

Name at least 1 Chatterboxer and tell what you imagined they looked like: Um... Mary Jo.  Red hair, freckles, normal height and weight, red cheeks, yeah.  But I don't think that is anything like what she looks like.  :)  And, um, Leaf.  Chin length, dark brown hair, tall and skinny, with brown eyes.   

submitted by R~D~, age 13 soon 14
(May 4, 2010 - 10:29 am)

Name  Clair

Age 12

Birthday August 4th

Hobbies reading wrinting thining i can sing scrapbooking dancing prank calling people

Hair Color blond 2 inches longer than my shoulder blade straight

Fave animal cats dolphins

Fave colors blue black green

Fave Spaghetti with meat sauce

Fave article of clothing shoes and areo sweatshirts

Other any story i've written books scrapbooks

dislikes snakes spiders annoying boys 

Fave Show Family Feud 

School Bloomfield Elementary School

Crazy brave optimistic

A chatterboxer um.........  I'll do this later! 


submitted by Clair, age 12, T&T Feedlot
(May 4, 2010 - 4:54 pm)


submitted by TIP TOP
(May 4, 2010 - 5:15 pm)

Name: Haley Michelle


Age: 16


Birthday: July 7th


Hobbies: Writing, reading, mocking things


Hair color, length, style: Light brownish/dark blonde in certain lights, almost to my elbows, usually in a ponytail but down on special occasions like choir concerts


Eye color: Blue-green.


Describe more about yourself: Tall (5'9"), skinny, rather pale with a few freckles. With glasses.




Favorite animal: Er... dunno. Something reptilian, possibly.


Favorite color: Green, purple, black, and silver.


Favorite food: CHEESE! And mashed potatoes.


Favorite article of clothing: Coats, especially of the trench coat variety, and fingerless gloves are a mild obsession of mine.


Other likes: Musical theatre, accounting, history, hamming it up, quoting things


Dislikes: Small white cars, leeches, ticks, stupid people, stupid humor, tone deaf professional singers/singers who overuse synthesizers


Favorite TV show: Doctor Who, Invader ZIM, Firefly




School: Public


Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy: Shy, unless I'm hamming or online, in which case I apparently frighten people.


Name at least 1 Chatterboxer and tell what you imagined they looked like: The "Top" person: A smallish, long fingered person with large glasses.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(May 4, 2010 - 7:41 pm)

@ TNO: You and my older sister could be really good friends. :)  She's 5' 9'', too, and skinny.  She adores theater and is pretty crazy.  You guys are really alike, except she doesn't write.  :D

submitted by R~D~
(May 5, 2010 - 1:45 pm)

My picture of you is tall, dark skinny jeans and a gray hoodie, hair is straight almost-black a little past the shoulders.

submitted by Emilie L., age 14, WA
(May 5, 2010 - 10:57 pm)

Name: Amy

Age: 13

Birthday: September 13

Hobbies: Writing poems, journaling, drawing, hiking, volunteering, running, collecting worldwide currency, telling stories to people

Hair color/length/style: Dirty blond, like a half inch above shoulder length, bushy and curly and weirdly out of control except for sometimes when it is just wavy

Eye color: Very dark brown

Favorite animals: Cats, dogs and camels

Favorite colors: Blue and yellow

Favorite food: Apples

Dislikes: Liver, thunderstorms and parties/formal occasions

School: Homeschool

Random: I'm quite shy, unfortunately, but adaptable


submitted by Amy G., age 13, PA
(May 4, 2010 - 7:43 pm)



Name: Hannah☺☻


Age: 14


Birthday: January 15th


Hobbies: Cross-stitching, reading, writing... Declining sentences.


Hair color, length, style: Light-brownish/orangish with natural highlights of blonde. But it's dark brown right now because I have just taken a shower. Almost down to my elbow (yay!). Uhhh, straight I guess. 


Eye color: Blue.

Describe more about yourself: Freckles, including arms and a few on my hands. pale skin that burns VERY easily; I've NEVER EVER gotten a tan. Braced teeth (ugh), many little annoying blackheads.




Favorite animal: Kittens, red-pandas, KingFishers (you should find a picture of them somewhere, they're SO beautiful), wolves are pretty cool.


Favorite color: Dark purple, some kinds of greens and blues, silver, black.


Favorite food: GERMAN FOOD!!!!!!

Favorite article of clothing: Shirts, dresses, skirts.


Other likes: Playing the piano, singing, playing tennis, going on the Chatterbox.


Dislikes: Diving, Kesha, waking up in the morning, science tests, georgraphy.

Favorite TV show: Merlin and Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman.




School: Homeschool (Hogwarts) 


Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy: Timid, shy and slightly crazy (who isn't:)) 


Name at least 1 Chatterboxer and tell what you imagined they looked like: TNÖ: Dark slightly curly hair, glasses (I really don't know why).


submitted by Hannah ☺☻, age 14, Hogwarts
(May 4, 2010 - 8:47 pm)

Name: Katie

Age: 12

Birthday: Nov. 14

hair: light blonde, long, straight

eyes: blue, blonde lashes- yuck.

hobbies: soccer, basketball, volleyball, reading, writing, goofing around.

other trivial fatcs: um, good eyebrows, I guess. a little shorter than average. thin. pale.  

submitted by Katie
(May 4, 2010 - 9:08 pm)

Name: Emily


Age: 14, going on 15


Birthday: June 22


Hobbies: writing, drawing, collecting stickers, collecting anything to do with dolphins


Hair color, length, style: Brown, long, straight, long(as in that's the style)

Eye color: Blue


Describe more about yourself: I'm about five two, and weigh not yet a hundred pounds. I'm also a Christian. :)




Favorite animal: dolphins


Favorite color: pink but light blue too


Favorite food: pizza and lasagna and other things


Favorite article of clothing: Well- I don't know. A dress I guess.


Other likes: fairies, drawing, drawing fairies, writing stories, and other stuff.


Dislikes: I dislike a lot of things but whenever I get asked this, only cliches come to mind.


Favorite TV show: Mythbusters




School: homeschool


Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy: Optimistic, big idea person, only shy around (some) grownups.


Name at least 1 chatterboxer and tell what you imagined they looked like: R~D: Red hair, Medium height and... I don't know, but I do know what paige looks like.

submitted by Emilie L., age 14, WA
(May 4, 2010 - 10:37 pm)

Haha, no red hair for me.  :)  I LOVE LOVE LOVE dolphins, too.  :)

submitted by R~D~
(May 5, 2010 - 1:44 pm)

Name: Meadow Sage

Age: 12

Birthday: Febuary 28th

Hobbies: reading, writing, reading, making people think me odd/weird/crazy/all of the before, reading, yoga...

Hair color, length, style: Light brown/dark blonde with some light blonde and dark brown.  Fluffy the day after I take a shower.  little under my shoulders, sort of layered because the top part of my hair had a lot of split ends...

Eye color: Dark borwn.  Almond shaped.

Describe more about yourself: I am about five feet...  maybe more.  Um, my skin is paleish with some really pale tan places.  I have no idea what average weight for a twelve year old is, buyt I would gus=ess i'm average.  Or something.  my face is shaped sort of like a squareish oval thing.  With ears.  My nose is large.  



Favorite animal: Hmmm...  I have no idea.  I like wolves, and tigers, and lions, and large cats?

Favorite color: Dark purple, dark green (not bright), silver...

Favorite food: Thai food.  Pahd Thai.  Definitly.  Maybe.

Favorite article of clothing:  Um, Long skirts and bandana's to hide my fluffy hair?

Other likes: Acting odd.  Being weird.  Crazily running around.  Hiking. Eating.  Sleeping.  Jumpingon trampoline.  Swimming.  A lot of other stuff.

Dislikes: Humans.  

Favorite TV show: The Office?




School: homeschool


Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy:  Shy with people I don't know.  More crazy and outgoing when I get to know people.  On here I'm not shy as much...


Name at least 1 chatterboxer and tell what you imagined they looked
like: Koffee: Dark brown har=ir, slightly curly, between shoulders and elbows, face looking slightly like the person that plays Jo in Little Women, except thinner and younger.  5' 3"  Ima: Blonde a=]hair with light brown hightlights, brushing shoulders, five feet...  Both have brown eyes.

submitted by Medd (Meadow)
(May 5, 2010 - 10:16 am)



Name: Julia


Age: 14


Birthday: Mid-June


Hobbies: Acting, playing piano, taking art class, reading, doing other people's hair.


Hair color, length, style: Dark brown, straight, just past my elbows.


Eye color: Hazely brown


Describe more about yourself: 5' 7", lots of freckles that only show up in the summer




Favorite animal: Emperor penguins! 


Favorite color: purple, pale yellow, green, blue


Favorite food: potato soup, pea soup, quesadillas, fresh bread (Had some of that for lunch!)


Favorite article of clothing: skirts, definitely. In the summer, with bare legs.


Other likes: swimming, trampolines, writing poetry, Harry Potter, researching actors :)


Dislikes: maple pork chops, when my family is sick, tornadoes, worms, bad dreams


Favorite TV show: I don't watch TV, but you can get me going on just about any movie I've ever seen--how the storyline was, what they should have done differently, which actors were in it, etc...




School: homeschool


Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy: Pretty shy, but finally starting to get around that a bit. I can also be pretty crazy sometimes, but that's usually just when I'm overtired.

submitted by Brynne, age 14, Wizarding Europ
(May 5, 2010 - 2:17 pm)



Name: Mary


Age: 12


Birthday: December 29th 


Hobbies: Writing, reading, dog-training, bike-riding, singing, piano playing, and flute playing. 


Hair color, length, style: Dark brown, all the way down to know, dreadlocks.


Eye color: Blue.


Describe more about yourself: 5'5, 102 lbs., erm, the occasional pimple, some freckles, kind of pale.  



Favorite animal: Wolves, horses, and dogs. 


Favorite color: Blue, green, silver and purple. 


Favorite food: Fried chicken :)P 


Favorite article of clothing: T-shirts and jeans. 


Other likes: Pokemon, playing on my GameBoy, and our hamock. 


Dislikes: Spiders, stupid TV shows (i.e. SpongBob), people who try to modernize beloved stories.


Favorite TV show: Pokemon (the old ones)/Scooby-Doo (ditto)/The Flintstones




School: Homeschool (funny, most people answered that)


Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy: Kind of shy, but I can be outgoing when I want to. 


Name at least 1 Chatterboxer and tell what you imagined they looked like: Meadow: Blond, wavy hair, and blue eyes, kind of short. Amy. G.: Short, dark brown hair, gray eyes, also kind of short and skinny.


Thanks! That was fun!

Andy P. C. says izrr.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, The DtE!
(May 5, 2010 - 2:49 pm)

Okay, I've thought about this.............. And it will probably be wrong............

CJ- 4"9 Blonde hair, blue eyes blue braces

Wolfgirl67- Straight shoulder length hair brown eyes Pink braces

Why do I think everyone has braces???

submitted by Clair, age 12, T&T Feedlot
(May 5, 2010 - 4:27 pm)



Name: Allison


Age: 14




Hobbies: reading, singing, dancing (like Broadway dance, not ballet), being with my friends, reading some more


Hair color, length, style: Medium brown, I suppose.  Wavy, about halfway between my shoulders and elbows, but almost to my elbows when wet (and therefore straight)


Eye color: Brown.


Describe more about yourself: Uh - I'm towards the taller end of my age group, with semi-tan skin, contact lenses, and no makeup.


Favorite animal: dolphins, chimpanzees, and cats


Favorite color: I can never decide.  Blue, green, purple, and yellow are my top picks. 


Favorite food: I'm with TNO (umlaut) on the cheese...also mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and pasta.


Favorite article of clothing: my denim shorts, for which I can throw on any top and go, and it will match.


Other likes: jump-roping, biking, swimming, writing in my journal 


Dislikes: Idiots.  There are many different varieties I hate, such as the ones who I always end up working with on group projects, or the ones who cuss out the bus window at pedestrians, or the people who blatantly throw their trash in lakes...I could go on, but I believe you get the point.

Favorite TV show: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition




School: public (and I like it that way)


Are you timid, brave, outgoing, shy, optimistic or just crazy: I get really awkward around strangers or at social gatherings, but generally I'm friendly and helpful.  Well, not to the idiots.


Name at least 1 Chatterboxer and tell what you imagined they looked like: I don't really picture anyone...I just have a vague sense of them, not a full image. 

submitted by Allison P., age 14, FL
(May 5, 2010 - 7:16 pm)