Life is hard. 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Life is hard. 

Life is hard.  Really hard.  At home my sister and brother just refuse to get along, and seeing them fight really ruins my mood. (considering that I'm usually optimistic) Sometimes all I do is stay in my room reading and listening to Owl City to avoid getting between them.  Friends are really hard for me nowadays too.  My last year best friend hardly pays attention to me.  She and I don't really hang out much now, and it's sad without her.  My newest friend keeps pulling me in closer and things don't look too good.  I think my closest friends are the ones I haven't met in person--you Chatterboxers. School is a disaster.  I'm missing like 5 assignments in LA and I don't even have them to do.  My teacher is forgetting that I was sick for so long and keeps giving me more and more work (like Social Studies projects and book reports) without giving me time for my make-up work.  Now even Mr. Fergie is being hard on me.  I take every tiny problem in the day and transfer them into tears at night.  I'm becoming anti-social and my friends are beginning to notice too.  I'm afraid not to try to act popular.  I hate it though.  I feel as if I'm trapped in life.  At least I'm faithful.  I have some hope.  I believe that God will help me soon.  I know it.  I mean Next year is a whole new school, new friends, new teachers, new everything.  That speaks to me.  I know my problems will be solved.  I've been somewhat reasurred.  It helps.

Sorry if this post depresses anybuggy but I have to get this out.  Thanks.


We love you, Smile! It's great to see that you have perspective about the whole situation--that shows some real maturity. Keep your head up--we know you'll get through this!

Admin & Everybuggy

submitted by Smile :|
(May 14, 2010 - 7:14 am)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, hang in there!!!!!!!!!!! We're all here for you!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Clair, age 12, Here
(May 14, 2010 - 10:14 am)

We're here for you if you need anything, Smile. Sometimes a fresh start is all you need, so just try to keep up your good attitude 'til the year's over. We all go through tough times. We have faith in you.

submitted by Mary W., age 12.29, NJ
(May 14, 2010 - 2:47 pm)

Try to keep smiling, Smile.  We are all your friends here, even if we can't see you, and we'll always support you.

submitted by Amy G., age 13.75, PA
(May 14, 2010 - 11:18 am)

I know why I posted this.  You guys all understand.


Yes, and we care about you and want you to feel our support!


submitted by Smile :|, Thinking my lif
(May 14, 2010 - 2:41 pm)

I'm so sorry, Smile. Remember we're all here for you -- don't worry about depressing us!

((Smile)) (The parentheses are hugs!)  

submitted by ZNZ
(May 14, 2010 - 3:36 pm)

Life is hard.

I honestly don't have to many friends IRL anymore. That is, I never had many. But now... well, things have gotten worse. Last year, my best friends and I... well, things did not turn out well between us. And I'm not very good at making new friends, so I'm kind of alone. You see, I really don't have much in common with anyone at my school, so it's hard to think of things to talk about, and I rarely start conversations at all. I couldn't count the times I've almost made friends this year, but then my almost-friend will learn something that's apparently too strange to handle (for example, that I don't watch television—ridiculous, I know, but some people... well... *sigh*) and immediately stay away from me afterward. I *hate* that!

But I've been getting used to it lately. I used to cry often at night, like you, but I don't so much anymore.

And recently, I went to a church event (normally, I've really just been going to the main service, but I felt like I should go to this), and I met this girl who befriended me almost immediately, and I just... felt better, I suppose. Other things have been getting better, too, but I'm not going to go into detail. It would take too much time. Either way, keep hoping. It  helps, and things really will get better. Although, if I were you, I wouldn't depend on the change occuring right when you enter middle school. God doesn't always work in the ways we expect, and if you're counting on your life improving upon beginning 6th grade, and it doesn't, well, you won't be very pleased. So even if it takes a while, don't give up hope. Everything will work out well eventually.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(May 14, 2010 - 9:28 pm)

I understand totally about the sister thing. I have a sister who I have a lot of trouble getting along with. I almost only have to look at her, if she's in a bad mood, to get her on my back about something. But really, I try... *feels the urge to complain excessively and quits*

I'm glad you have a new friend, though! Look on the bright side, someone wants to be friends with you. Here's a smile for smile! :)

Spammy says Puhw.

submitted by Emilie L., age 14, WA
(May 14, 2010 - 9:32 pm)

Don't feel sorry about telling us, Smile. It's always better to talk things out than to keep them inside to yourself. Just doing that can help you to discover what you need to do to feel better. Try talking to  a parent or teacher about your schoolwork. Write again to let us know how you're doing!


submitted by Old Cricket, age Old/hills, In the den
(May 14, 2010 - 10:18 pm)

Hmmm. *wise look*


If I was standing in front of you, I'd probably slap the self-pity out of you. Then I'd hug you. *slap* *hug* 


Serisously, though. Self-pity is rather addicting. So snap out of it, kid.


Not that I have a whole lot of experience with it, but what I have seen - in myself and in other people - is scary. So yeah. 


Summer will help heaps. And a complete change in schools will probably work wonders, as well. You're tired from a long year, you're worried, your home life isn't ideal at the moment, and you're probably a bit overworked. All will be well in time. Eat a popsicle and write a long, cheesy story followed by a sappy poem. That always flips me back into my laughingly sarcastic life-is-all-pretty-stinkin'-funny mood. Avoid cats at all costs until you're alive again. Also avoid your teddy bear, if you have one, and country music. Nostalgia is every bit as treacherous as self-pity when they're combined. 


And since I'm not there, would you kindly ask one of your siblings to slap you silly and tacklehug you for a few minutes? Thanks, Smile's-sibling. 


Like I said, eat a popsicle. Take a step back and realize that you'll probably be cracking up with your friends in a few years about this. "Nd srsly, I was like, so, like, depressed, like, and I srsly was like, in a srsly big mood. Like, dude." 


Not to downplay your problems just now. I'm only attempting to provide a bit of comic relief. 


So cheery-ho. Eat a popsicle and google photos of dwarf hammies. Luv ya virtually.




submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks
(May 14, 2010 - 10:41 pm)

O, Smile!  *hugs*  Don't worry about depressing me. 

Maybe you could remind your teacher about the long period of time illness...  And then she might take a few assighnments off.  But I really have never been to school, so I don't really know what a teacher would do.  Don't try to act popular, act like yourself.  If you act popular, then you'll make friends with people you don't particularly like (if you don't particularly like them).  But if you act like yourself, then you'll find out about people that have things in common with you.  if you act like yourself, then maybe other people who are pretending to be popular will notice you, and want to make friends. 

I, too have siblings that fight.  All sibings do.  That is a sibling thing.  You could get into some life training by trying to break up the fight calmly, quietly, calmly.  Slow breath.  And if your siblings are younger than you, showing good behaviour might make them get some good behaviour from you.  If their older, than they might also feal embarassed that their little sister is acting more calm than them, and then start acting more mature, like you.

You may or may not take my advice.  

submitted by Meadow, age 12, The dark baseme
(May 15, 2010 - 10:19 am)

I'm so sorry, Smile! We're all here for support. ;-)

submitted by Olive
(May 15, 2010 - 2:25 pm)

Don't worry about depressing us!  We'll always be there for you and we can provide relief from the RL.  I know that when I've had a bad day, I can come on here and spend time with my CB friends.  And you can do the same thing too.  Just do exactly what your name tells you to do, and listen to some really upbeat and inspiring music.  That usually helps.  Also, take the sadness inside of you, pull it right out of your brain, and spill it all onto paper.  That is, write.  That always helps me.

 One day, it was a Friday, I think, I came home and I wasn't feeling too good emotionally.  Finally, I sat down at my laptop and just wrote.  Some of it was just nonsense and full of self-pity (referencing lav), but it all helped my brain feel better.  And the rest of the day, though I was still in a bad mood, I felt a lot better.  School's almost over, and you can constantly remind yourself that.  Get yourself through one day at a time and try to enjoy yourself as much as humanly possible when you get a chance.  And if you have any other problems, just talk to us; I know that it really helps to tell someone, even if they're miles away reading your problems on a computer.

submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13!!!!!!!!, on a tree!
(May 15, 2010 - 5:02 pm)

Hey everybuggy.  I'm Smile, but I'm changing my name to Cherry, because I don't really like Smile anymore.  Today I went to Yoga, and I'm thinking of joining officially because it helps me relax, and nowadays that is important to me.

~ Don't loose faith.  Keep your chin up.  ( I'll try atleast)

submitted by Cherry☺☻(Smile), age 11, Relaxing
(May 15, 2010 - 8:20 pm)

Cherry, what a great idea!  Yoga is a perfect solution to your predicament.  I would most definitely join if I were you.  My violin teacher is always trying to get me to do yoga, to keep my shoulders relaxed and my posture up, but I've never gotten around to it. 


submitted by Leaf, age 13!!!!!!!!, on a tree!
(May 16, 2010 - 11:28 am)

I'm really thinking the Yoga thing over.  If I don't join I'll always have the neighborhood classes, but I think it isn't enough.  The funny part is that my sister quit on the first move. 

submitted by Cherry☺☻, age 11, Relaxing.
(May 16, 2010 - 5:53 pm)