Are you highly

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Are you highly

Are you highly crazy? Then join this new thread! Tell stupid jokes, share riddles, start pie wars, make weird stories, type in random letters, tell why you are crazy, do actions (example: *walks upstairs*), post huge smilies, do a Silly Stupid Senseless Smiley Story, write random things, post in another language, translate Spamboy, ANYTHING! The ideas I gave you are just the beginning of all the things you can do on this thread, just as long as it's crazy. Let the wackiness begin!

submitted by CJ, age ????????, Nowhere in part
(June 1, 2010 - 6:20 pm)

fp upi ;olr ,u drvtry vpfr?

submitted by xmx
(June 2, 2010 - 6:38 am)

Dpttu, o zrsmy: Fp upi aolr zu drvtry vpfr?

submitted by xmx
(June 2, 2010 - 3:54 pm)

Am I highly crazy? OF COURSE!!!  We must all at least be slightly wacky on here... What a fabulous thread, CJ!!!  Thread: TOP!!!  We need you at the top for all the crazy people here.  It is very important.  Very.  

Spamboy says, "zayy!"  Yay, but in z-form.  YAY!!!


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(June 2, 2010 - 8:29 am)

The lunatic is on the grass. The lunatic is on the grass.Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall                                                                                          The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane
You lock the door And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

"I can't think of anything to say except...
I think it's marvellous! HaHaHa!"

submitted by CC
(June 2, 2010 - 1:47 pm)


d trs;;u gim yp yu[r eoyj upit jsmfd djoggyrf pmr lru yp yjr ;rgy/


Anyone who figures that out gets . . . ehe . . . something. Show you've got it by typing "I know the code" in this code. Exclamation point! Cartwheels! Celebration! Confetti! Cake! CAKE! CAKECAKECAKECAKECAKECAKECAKE!!!!!!


*stalks off to lab muttering gleefully to self*

submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks
(June 2, 2010 - 1:53 pm)


submitted by CJ, age ????????, Nowhere in part
(June 2, 2010 - 6:22 pm)

Mr. Bob And The Day In The City

a wierd story by CJ


Mr. Bob was a crazy young old man. He was 3, but in reality he was 55897489, and in his imagination, he was 30. His full name was Billy Bob Bo Joe Ickblob, but everyone called him Bob, Mr.Bob, or The Purple Cow. Mr.Bob lived in a cabin made out of pickles, salami, and mushrooms. His cat's full name was Annabelle Valistic Fookberry Choker Typo Marmalade Pie Pudding the 33rd, but everyone called her Anna Vali or Anna for obvious reasons.

Mr.Bob lived in Crazy Country. So one day he packed up a ball, a prune, a roll of duct tape, and a fan, and decided to go to Crazy City. When he reached the city, he saw a poster with a smiley on it. Somebody had kicked their foot in the smile's mouth. Foot in mouthMr. Bob was mad when he saw this. In Crazy Country there was a law about kicking innocent smiley faces. So he put duct tape over the intruder's mouth and tied him to the Crazy State Loudspeaker with more duct tape. Then Mr.Bob ran out of duct tape. Poor Mr.Bob.

Mr. Bob walked on the sidewalk a little more. Then he saw a person. He said, "Lizard!" to the person. Then he threw the ball at him. That was a smart move. You see, with his power of mind-reading inherited from his Great Great Great Great Great Great times 454357 Grandpa Pie, he had discovered that the man was going to steal his precious Play-Doh. His Play-Doh possesed the power to transform into chocolate. Then Mr.Bob had no ball. Poor Mr.Bob.

Then Mr. Bob reached the school. The school's name was Purple Platypus Elementary. All the kids were jump roping. They were hot. The sun felt like being mean because somebody had stolen his new Rolex watch. So Mr. Bob fanned them. There was a flash of light, and all the kids turned into frog-eating yellow mustaches! "We will thank you for helping us by giving you a new name," the mustaches chorused. So Mr.Bob's new name was Jones. Then an evil peice of origami stole his fan. Then Jones had no fan. Jones.

Jones kept walking. He saw a school bus. It was made out of turnips. A sign on the bus said, "Throw a prune here and win air!" So Jones threw his prune. He got no air. Then Jones had no prune. Poor Jones.

Jones went home. Goodbye.


Thomas Ickblob woke up and changed into long jeans, a white shirt, and gazed at his orderly room. He suddenly smiled and raced down the hall to a messy room. A cat scratched against his legs. "Hello, Anna Vali," he said. Soon he saw a weird figure eating pie with duct tape in a corner. "Hey, Billy Bob Bo Joe," he yelled. "I dreamed I was you!"

The End

(Sorry if it's long, Admin.)

submitted by CJ, age ??????????, I don't know
(June 2, 2010 - 6:56 pm)

o lmpe yjr vpfr

o lmpe yjr vpfr 


and by the way, it's really fun to type with your hands shiffted one key to the left. 

submitted by rolo_tamazi
(August 31, 2010 - 10:39 pm)

 A random poem:

The moon whispers to me

From faraway space

The sights that it sees

From it's faraway place


About when the sun sings

It's hello today

The light that it brings

After night so long


About when the sun sings

It's goodbye tonight song

The darkness night brings

Proud moon shining strong


When the day's almost here

I must say goodbye

 With a laugh and a tear

To my friend in the sky


HaHa.  Now I must tell you of that guy who I saw last fifteen feet above my head.  He was in the rafters, hanging by his hands like they were monkey bars.  Truly true story.  I just felt like telling it to you.

Did you know that monkeys can be purple?  I hadn't really though about it 'till now.  

submitted by Meadow de Weirdo, age Don' know, The random weir
(June 2, 2010 - 7:26 pm)

Riddles!! Yay, riddles!

*grabs Anahita's Woven Riddle (a book, of course; that's where all my info comes from, and "When in doubt, go to the library!" Whoever guesses where that came from that gets all of the nouns in lav's first post, except for 'code' and  'anyone.' Or is 'anyone' a noun at all? Hm... Well, like I said, "When in doubt, go to the library!" *looks in grammar book* Apparently, it isn't. It's a pronoun. Oh well... If you want a hint, by the way I've already provided you with one.) and searches for them* (oh, and you can't answer if you've read the book. That's cheating.) Ooh! I found an extremely difficult one! What gave ancient Persian nomads color under their feet, flavor in their food, and bright sunlight indoors? *giggles* I can virtually guarantee that no one will guess this. If anyone does, they receive billions of virtual dollars.

And now for another! What, like a garden, never stays the same? Whoever gets this one correct gets not only all of the nouns in lav's post (if the person who gets this also gets my first, it's just doubled), they also get cookies! Any flavor.

And now for some more! From other sources, of course. They come from sphinxes. Don't answer if you already know them, which most of you probably do. What walks on 1 leg in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening? And...

First think of the person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end.

And finally give me the sound often heard

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together and answer me this:

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?

Now for hink pinks! Also called Wordy Gurdies! Cookies for each that is guessed. Each answer is 2 or more rhyming words (for example: What do you call a rodent's home? A mouse house).

What would you call a dessert that doesn't fit well? (2 words)

What would you call a teeny tiny urban felid? (4 words)

Do you think that the words 'tardigrade' and 'tardy' are related (this is not a hink pink)? I do. Whoever correctly guesses why gets cookies, even though the only person with a chance of success is Hannah P.

submitted by Ima❄❀♬, age 11 & 7/8
(June 2, 2010 - 8:11 pm)

I'm crazy. More of an insane lunatic, but same difference. ;)






What's a....

Unreal dessert?

Smelly finger?

Infatuated bird?


HAVE FUN!!!!!! *runs away*

submitted by Ema, age 12, NY
(June 3, 2010 - 6:02 am)

Um, Admin, in my previous comment on this thread, I actually meant 'felid' not 'field.' It's a biology term. Do you think that you could please change it back?

Aetc says ofeb. 'Oh, fab!'? What's fab? Felids? Yes, they are...


I'm so sorry, Ima! I thought I was helping. That's a new term to me. Unfortunately the comment queue isn't leading me to your previous comment. People will realize the error when they read this. Again, I apologize.


submitted by Ima❄❀♬
(June 3, 2010 - 3:58 pm)

Here is a puzzle: Detective Bob was informed that George and Mary had been killed. He rushed to the apartment where they lived. Their bodies were lying on the floor in a puddle of water. Shards of glass lay around them. From a shelf high above, a cat stared down at them. Detective Bob immediately deduced that they had died from suffocation. How did he know?  

submitted by ZNZ
(June 3, 2010 - 6:25 am)

@ ZNZ: they were fish. how obvious. And I am the official craziest person in the whole of my classroom. Here is my crazy story of my life.

     Mango was born in the Distortion World from Pokemon. This started her lifelong obsession with Pokemon. Mango got lost on the way to Kokonino County from Muse and accidentally went to Planet Astrexia in the Andromeda Galaxy, and then she lived as a Hot Pink Bunny Spyer Onner who spyers onners Hot Pink Bunnies.

  Then Mango came to a sign that said, This Way to Mars. She thought, Cool! So Mango found a spaceship for sale, and went to Mars. She lived on Mars for a while and set up a shop selling liquid water. She made a lot of money. But she didn't like that Martians kept stealing her water, so she went to Earth. Then the spaceship crashed on an island somewhere in the long-lost Pacindarctixeran Oceanic Sea of Odd Pies in the Sky. She resumed her work as a HPB Spyer Onner, and founded the Uglee Pantz Stowr for monkeys who want nonfunctioning human gadgets and gizmos but don't know how to spell them. She also founded Badspel Cowledge and Stinkee Restrant for the same purposes. 

    Then Mango lost her engine cleaning device. She thought it was in her mom's pocket. But the Hot Pink Bunnies stole it! Then they hid it! And now Mango is stuck on an island in the middle of the Pacindarctixeran Oceanic Sea of Odd Pies in the Sky!!!! (ominous music plays) 

submitted by Mango
(June 15, 2010 - 10:02 am)

Don't worry!  I'm comin' to da rescue!  I'll fly there on my giant roc!

....Never mind, the giant roc was a bad idea.  I'll just have to find my dragon.

submitted by Dawnpaw
(June 29, 2010 - 6:59 pm)