World Domination Thread.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

World Domination Thread.

World Domination Thread. This thread is only for members of ZNZ's team. There is no possible way any members of Ima's team can get on here. Anything done by them using information they found on here, and any comments they make on here will be disregarded. Team members, do not post any information from here on other threads. If that happens, Ima's team will be able to use them. 


submitted by ZNZ , age 13, Evil lair
(June 24, 2010 - 10:01 am)

The big thread is now located on the 2nd page.

submitted by CJ
(July 25, 2010 - 12:14 pm)

Clair? Want to begin? (I'm opposed to bombs of any sort, and war, but this is different, it's world domination) ZNZ? Are you still posting?

submitted by Olive
(July 25, 2010 - 8:59 pm)

Wink guess who????????




submitted by ZNZ, age Evil Lair, 13
(July 27, 2010 - 8:33 am)

Aaaand I've posted *my* bit. :D You know, I was confused when I saw my name on the recent comments, like, "I didn't post, did I?" 

Also, you will have seen by now that Ima has posted something asking us not to use bombs. It may take some convincing, therefore, to get her to let you join once we kick you off. But I'm sure we can manage it, right? Right. 
submitted by ZNZ
(July 27, 2010 - 5:33 pm)

Clair could post a comment saying, "Hey, Ima, I'll join your team. I promise not to use ANY bombs."

submitted by CJ
(July 28, 2010 - 10:01 am)

"ZNZ", thanks for starting! You're not the kind of bomb-throwing person anyway;)

submitted by CJ
(July 27, 2010 - 6:55 pm)


I went to Ima's thread to see if Clair was posting on there yet. But a comment stopped me in my tracks!

Ima was planning a spy assault on OUR thread! And even Kimberly volunteered! Luckily, it was only on the first few comments. Maybe they deserted the idea.....

Still, we should use the following phrases as code.

Fresh blueberry muffins taste good= Danger! 

Dogs chase cats= A fight is emerging.

Beanie Babies are colorful= Go jellybeans!

The house is being built= I've got a plan.

Jellybean master= ZNZ

Green vegtable= Olive

Evil kid= Clair

Reviving lady= CJ

Starry= Ann

USA won a trophy= We are winning....

What's for dinner?= Ideas, anyone?


Purple pandas= DOOJY WAP

I hate bread= Boo pie!


If anyone else has any code ideas, please reply.

Beanie babies are colorful! I hate bread!



submitted by CJ
(July 30, 2010 - 2:30 pm)

Ima let Clair join! /celebration 

I guess Ima's more gullible than we thought. XD
submitted by ZNZ
(July 30, 2010 - 10:54 pm)

Evil kid joined Kokopelli's team? And got in?



Kokopelli= Ima (they both are pie lovers)

submitted by CJ\ Reviver Lady
(July 31, 2010 - 8:50 am)

Nice, CJ. This will be especially useful if we have to post a big warning so that team members who aren't on the thread that often will see it. We could go on a thread where a lot of them are and say, Calling all purple pandas: dogs chase cats! Come to Bertie's, because the house is being built. 

Bertie's = DOOJY WAP headquarters. You know, as in Bertie Bott's every flavour beans? ;D 
submitted by ZNZ
(July 31, 2010 - 3:31 pm)


submitted by TOP, age TOP, TOP
(July 31, 2010 - 8:50 am)

You forgot something. I gave Clair a pie. Doesn't that mean she has to actually be on my side now? Whether she really wants to or not?

Actually, I've known about it the entire time, but I can't really do much because I'm not 'technically' supposed to come on here or know what goes on. But I can make a few plans, at least, and I did. Now she can't actually be a spy, can she? ;) Pie makes a real difference.

Also, CJ? It works both ways. I don't 'technically' know what happens on the World Domination thread and you don't 'technically' know what we've said on the other. So you can take any precautions you want, but only as long as they're things you might actually do otherwise. That's somewhat limiting, but not impossible, as demonstrated. It also doesn't include telling the rest of the team that we mentioned what we did. I noticed that you did that. It... doesn't really make any sense, does it?

So this post, and any responses it might generate, 'technically' won't exist. 'Technically,' you have not read my thread, nor have I read yours. So can you please 'technically' not know about it? I'm not saying you have to just sit and let us spy on you (if we decide to do that), but again, just... try to be subtle and do something that actually makes sense. Even if Clair hadn't been given pie, she hasn't told you anything at this point, so you can't use information.

(Nor am I saying that because this post doesn't 'technically' exist, you can't know/do anything about the pie. That would be unfair--I chose to tell you. Only, of course, because it would be an example of something that can be done, and because you'd have to find out anyway, and because I don't think it'll cause much harm, anyway--you can't give her jellybeans, because she isn't coming to this thread. But if you can think of anything, don't worry; I'm not going to object to it... You just probably shouldn't discuss. Or am I just objecting too much? I really hope I'm not being unreasonable, as I did specifically say that you couldn't read it. But if it seems like I'm interfering too often, you can tell me... I know I'm the only person who's ever visited a thread they're not supposed to see just to object to something, and this is at least the third time... So I'm sorry.)

submitted by Someone, who is, again,
(July 31, 2010 - 6:07 pm)

You mean the fourth time?

submitted by CJ
(August 3, 2010 - 1:54 pm)

GET ME OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!! SHE GAVE ME PIE!!!!!!!! AH!!!!


submitted by ZNZ
(August 1, 2010 - 7:26 pm)

Okay... (I skimmed through Ima's post, I'll read it completely later) If Ima will stop posting on our thread to make points. Anyways, I'll make my own point. 

 If you have a point to make, and you're not supposed to belong here, post it on the fighting thread. *looks at Ima* 

 ZNZ: It's your turn to pick a book for the book club. ;-)

submitted by Olive
(August 1, 2010 - 9:02 pm)