Hey everyone...

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hey everyone...

Hey everyone...

Is anyone that I used to know still here?  I know i haven't been on since December or something and I'm really sorry about that.  How is everyone?  Has anything big happened while I wasn't here?  I actually miss you guys--TNO, Laura, Paige, Emily, Charlotte, Brynne, Willa, Pirocks, Gloworm, Alison, etc.!  So in case any of you are still here, plz comment! Smile  

submitted by "Trixy"/Hanna
(July 27, 2010 - 8:42 am)

Yes, it does, doesn't it? Gaffing tape works wonders in putting the pieces back together. I just steal it from the green room (which... isn't green, so I don't know why we call it the green room).

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(August 1, 2010 - 2:18 pm)

Oh my gosh! *dances around* It's Trixy!!  I missed you soo much! *tackle hugs*  *realizes you have absolutely no idea who I am*  So, welcome back Trixy!!!  I am Leaf, found most often swinging on my tree.  I read the Chatterbox from pretty much the beginning, and so know all about you.  I've missed you a ton, thinking, "Oh, I wish BellaTrix was back."  And now you are and my life is complete.  A lot of people are still here, or recently came back if they left, and so I believe you'll be right at home here.  The previous comments will tell you who's still here.  I am sooo excited that you're back!!  When I saw your comment on the Song Lyrics thread, I nearly fainted.  (With joy.)  So many people are coming back and it's soo exciting!  (And I'm very sorry if you are creeped out by this strange person named Leaf who knows you and is so happy you're back.  I am not trying to creep you out, but as we all know, CBers are at least somewhat insane and thus it is inevitable that we will at some point creep people out. xD)


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(July 31, 2010 - 6:53 pm)

@ Trixy  I've been on since March but Like Leaf I read before I posted too. :)

submitted by Cherry✼✴
(August 1, 2010 - 10:57 am)

Well, I'm here.  :) I've been here over a year but I don't know if you know me.  I've heard a lot about you (everyone missed you) so I feel like I know you.  This is so great though, all the "old-timers" are coming back and it feels... great! :D

submitted by R~D~, age 14, WA STATE BABY!
(August 1, 2010 - 11:46 am)
Alrighty then, nice to meet you Leaf!  And yes I do find it slightly creepy that you are someone I have not met yet you seem to know who I am...  Not to say that's a bad thing, but after all I don't know who you are. :)  Aaand yes all CBers are more than a little insane, I'm glad you've noticed.
I'm sorry but I don't really remember who you are Ann, so nicetameetcha! 
submitted by Trixy
(August 1, 2010 - 12:12 pm)

Yeah, I bet it is creepy having someone that knows you well but that you don't know... xD  Well, it's great to have you back!  If you want to stalk me on NaNo, I'm Bookleaf.


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 2, 2010 - 11:11 pm)

Trixy!  BellaTrix!  You're back!  *happyhappyhappy*

I don't post all that much anymore, but I am still on here, and I definitely remember you!  Who could forget?  Anyway, glad you're back!

@TNO (umlaut):  What kind of college thing was it?

submitted by Allison, age 14
(August 1, 2010 - 12:23 pm)

Convention would probably be the best word. A bunch of representatives from a bunch of different colleges were there. Including Joshua Smith from Whitman who I have now interviewed with three times in as many days. Yay Whitman!


Or might it be called a college fair?


submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(August 1, 2010 - 2:20 pm)

Fair would be good too. Mostly I wandered around and picked up fliers from like St. John's and Malboro and said hi to Joshua from Whitman. Again.

Random: Evergreen has... really ugly buildings. They're like concrete blocks. With tiny windows. And they tried to make up for it with excessive plant life (underbrush! there's actually underbrush here! and the deer! They're red!) but it didn't work. >.> Whitman is still first choice, even if Evergreen has a cool curriculum. I can't spend four years surrounded by prison buildings! *waves hands wildly*

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(August 2, 2010 - 11:14 pm)




Egiap doesn't post very much anymore, but I could bug her to come back because I know her email. Several Chatterboxers have now exchanged emails through the NaNoWriMo website, as many of us participated in NaNo last November. (I have ML's email, Paige's email, Maggie's email, and Adina's email, although I don't talk to Adina very much.)


Pirocks doesn't post very much, but I could always bug him to come back. (I also have his email, although I got that through MB-related contacts and websites.) He posts on MB a lot, although he hasn't been on MB for a while because he's been at band camp. Pirocks and I have discovered that we are long-lost twins, too, which is a long and MB-related story.


You didn't mention me in your post! This makes me sad... Ah well. XD I was a brat back then, anyway. Last summer I went vegan for a week, and made a thread about it to tell you, but I think you had vanished by then. But, yeah! I went vegan! For a whole week! I'm considering going vegan full-time, as my milk allergy is getting worse, I am developing a hatred of chicken, and I have discovered that I run mainly on carbs. (I went for an entire week about a month ago on pretty much only potato chips, soy milk, french fries, and cucumbers, had better energy levels, and needed less sleep than I would have on a diet that included meat and more protein-y foods.) 


Um... yeah.  Long post, but I'm excited that you're back! I missed you! 

submitted by Jenni, Nowhere
(August 1, 2010 - 4:15 pm)

Jenni!  *hug*


To tell you the truth I almost forgot about you!  I know that sounds really bad but as soon as a saw you were still posting it made me very happy.  I missed you so much!  Thanks for updating me, I really appreciate it...  I so sorry I just disappeared like that, it wasn't really nice, but oh welll.


I've actually changed quite a bit since last year, that's a bit of a different story but related, anyhow.  I think I've matured a lot.  Due to a lot of different... things.


I can't believe you're actually considering that going completely vegan.  I think that's really great, Jenni!  Did it go well that week?  I'm sorry your milk allergies have come back.


Hey what other sites do you (and other CBs) post on?  I know MB, what else?


And don't worry, I still remember the smiley crabs and the part-Asian club :) 

submitted by Trixy
(August 1, 2010 - 6:46 pm)

Well, there's the NaNo website (and the YWP one). About half of us have accounts on one or the other. I'm trying to sign up as Bibliophile I write this comment, which is interesting. And there are other WriMos, too. Meadow, ZNZ (not here when you were before, but posting often now) and I did JulNo, and now I'm doing AugNo, along with some other people (probably). And there's Scrnezy, too... Etc.

And there's always MuseBlog. I started getting Muse a few months ago, and I now post occasionally (but not often) as Bibliophile, although I'm definitely not exactly familiar with it yet.

It seems that the name 'Bibliophile' is already taken on NaNo. Ima, then? *checks* It's free. Yay, that was easier than I expected. I have to go track down everyone who's ever posted on CB now and add them as buddies...

submitted by Ima
(August 1, 2010 - 10:54 pm)

We post on MB, some of us, and some others post on the NaNo forums frequently (such as I).

submitted by Jenni
(August 2, 2010 - 7:51 am)

Speaking of other connections, Paige, Kimberly, Maggie, and Candle (from a while ago) and I are all friends on Facebook.

submitted by Emily L., age 15, WA
(August 2, 2010 - 5:22 pm)

What are your names on the NaNo website so I can add you!

submitted by Gandhi/Trixy
(August 2, 2010 - 7:33 pm)