Ways to get

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Ways to get

Ways to get stared at!


WARNING! Do not use these instead in jest with your family and friends unless you like getting thrown out of Walmart, Target, the library, etc. In which case, go ahead.


This is where we post the funniest, goofiest, strangest stuff we can come up with to use that would definitely get some stares!




-Start dancing to a song-that's playing in your head. REALLY get down and groove. Try some breakdancing.


-Whenever someone asks you, "May I help you?" shout at the top of your lungs, "AAAAAAAAH! STALKER! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!"


-While in the bathroom, start making faces in the mirror, picking at your teeth, etc.


-When someone is looking at something, grab it out from under their nose and say, "I want that!"

-Variation: Start going on and on about how you used to have one, but you had to get rid of it. Say it very loudly. This works especially well if it's food.


-Walk back and forth in front of the dressing room stalls and say, in your best posh voice, "No, daaah-ling, that doesn't suit you at all, dahling, red just isn't your color," etc., etc.



-Run from one side of the store to the other, yelling, "I HAVE BEEN BITTEN BY A VAMPIRE! EVERYONE RUN FOR THEIR LIVES!"

-Variation: Do the same thing, only this time shout, "I HAVE BEEN BITTEN BY A WEREWOLF!" When you reach the other side of the store, grab someone, shake them, and say, "Is it the full moon yet?! Is it?!"


-When someone is in front of you and behind you in a line, shout your favorite slogan at the top of your lungs, i.e. "DRACO MALFOY ROX MY SOCKS!" "WATCH THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME!"



-Find the loudspeaker in the supermarket. Yell into it, "DOES ANYONE WANT TO DANCE THE FUNKY CHICKEN???"

-Paint "Googleberrywhackaboinklepotatoblopfollyudderscentitivereilizationquirks...." on the walls.

-Sing opera in the bathroom.

-Say, "HIYA, GEORGE! IS YOUR NAME ELMO???" to everyone.

-Suddenly dance ballet, or dance a romantic dance with someone you don't even know.

-Say, "Plop? Plop plop plop? I plop plopnet plop. I ploke plop plop. Plop plop plop." (which means: "Hello? Is anyone there? I from planet Plop. I speak only plop. How dya do?")

-Say, "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN YEARS!" to everyone you meet.


Admins, you too! Sorry if it's long (and loud).


Andy P. C. (and Vick) say xpap. Papillon? Papaya?

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.


submitted by Wolfgirl67/NDT, age 12/9, DtE!/NC
(September 22, 2010 - 12:09 am)

This has just named me. I do this stuff. At one of our football games I just broke into dancing, it was awesome. I flung my head back... And my glasses flew off, but it was worth it.




Oh and a guy said I looked like a mouse and I yelled at him saying that I was a duck get it right. 

submitted by Paulette K., age almost 13, Indiana
(September 23, 2010 - 4:02 pm)


"You look like a mouse!" "No I'm not, I'm a duck; get it right!"


Vick says hzar



submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(September 23, 2010 - 6:25 pm)

Yes, that's what I do...... I think I have multiple personality disorder...

submitted by Paulette K., age almost 13, Indiana
(September 24, 2010 - 8:29 am)

OK, this thread is totally awesome! :D I love all of those examples! NDT, I like the 4th and 6th ones that you put and Wolfgirl, I think the 1st, 2nd & 4th ideas you had are so funny! :) I've been tempted before to shout something really random when I run into somebody, but I haven't built up the nerve to do so yet. I'll let you buggies know if I ever get brave enough! ;) Thanks for putting a smile on my face! :)

submitted by Kimberly B, age Almost 15!, USA! :)
(September 23, 2010 - 9:32 pm)

Great Idea!

Um, I basicly don't have to do anything on purpose to get people to look at me funny....i just say odd stuff without meaning to.....I then make fun of myself and laugh....Wink Tounge Out..........so yeah... love all the examples also!

Claire =D

submitted by Claire E , age almost 12, Wisconsin
(September 24, 2010 - 5:28 pm)

Haha, this is really funny!!  Thanks for making my day that much funnier. xD


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(September 25, 2010 - 12:08 pm)

Those are really funny! Though, really, like Clair, I tend not to need to do things on purpose to be stared at. I can't make fun of myself for it like she does, either, because much, if not most, of the time I really have no idea what's making them stare. It's very strange...

Aetc says d(e)nim!

submitted by Ima
(October 1, 2010 - 11:01 pm)

Like Clair and Ima, I don't have to do anything to get people to stare at me.  But I'll try those out!  Their so funny!  :)

submitted by Meadow
(October 5, 2010 - 3:23 pm)

Oh, and I've learned that walking around with a book on your head can get people to stare at you (XD), so these things might be somewhat more effective if you do so while saying them, especially if what your doing involves dancing or running. It also helps your balancing skills immensely. Tip: Lighter books are much, much easier.

submitted by Ima
(October 6, 2010 - 7:25 pm)

Haha!!!  I LOVE this!!!!!!  I want to try some of it!!!  Only... I'm a little too shy.....  BUT IT SOUNDS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!  Great ideas guys!!!  :D

(Z.A.R. says: pofz.  *giggle*) 

submitted by Laura❀
(October 6, 2010 - 8:57 pm)


"You smell bad. Did you know that? Some people smell bad, some don't." Etc....

"The Archeologist finds a fossil." *brushes person* "My, it is a Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"I haven't seen you in years!"


All of which will get you stared at.


Vick says yeeh. Yes, that too..."YEEEEEEH!"


submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(October 10, 2010 - 3:56 pm)

Ooh!  NDT, we can also mix around the you smell bad thing up!  You could also say; "you smell bad on your left side, and good on your right, so I'll stand to your right because I don't like smelly sides.  It's the opposite for me, I smell bad on my right side, and good on my left.  It just depends on the person on what side smells bad, and what smells good."  This is fun!  :)

submitted by Meadow, age 12, Deep In The Fol
(October 12, 2010 - 3:10 pm)

Ooh, I've got one! Maybe more... 

-Yell, "I LOVE YOU" while pointing at someone you don't know, then yell, "DO YOU FEEL AKWARD?"

-Say, loudly, "Hey, you!" Again while pointing, "Yeah, you!" When someone looks at you, shake your head and say, "No, not you" "You, the one with the _____ Shirt!" The _____ is for which ever color shirt they're wearing, "Do you like tacos?"


:) have fun! 

submitted by Jean
(October 15, 2010 - 12:19 pm)

Hahaha! These are cool Wolfgirl/NDT!  Just imagine someone actually doing it to you!

submitted by *Allie*, age 12
(October 16, 2010 - 8:15 am)

Those are sooo funny!  I love the werewolf one.

-Go to the bathroom and sit in a stall.  Sing very loud, bonus points if it's crowded and people are waiting on you.

-Go to the bathroom, and if you see someone styling their hair/putting on makeup/etc, walk right up behind them and yell, "Why didn't you do that at  home?!"  Again, bonus points if it is crowded.

-During a time in a public area where no one is talking, scream, "Why is it so quiet?!"-Find an extra set of clothes, and lay them out on a stall floor.  Run and cower in a corner and point at the open stall door, screaming, "Snakes!  THEY GOT MY SISTER!"

(Remember, I am not responsible for what may happen if someone does one of these, 'kay?)

submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 20, 2010 - 3:28 pm)