A random quiz:

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

A random quiz:

A random quiz:


Are you a boy or girl? :

What is your favorite kind of music? :

What is your favorite color? :

What is your favorite season? :

What is you favorite holiday? :

What is your favorite hairstyle? :

What is your favorite thing on the CB? :

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? :

If you had a chance to perform with any music star, who would it be? :

Why? :

How tall are you? :

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? :

What is your favorite TV show? :

What is your favorite book??



OK done. Here are my answers: 


Are you a boy or girl? :  Girl

What is your favorite kind of music? : Hip Hop and Christian

What is your favorite color? : Purple

What is your favorite season? : Fall

What is you favorite holiday? : Honestly, Thanksgiving

What is your favorite hairstyle? : To the side in a braid or in a high ponytail (I have super curly hair so unless my hair is wet, it doesn't work.)

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : EVERYTHING!

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : A singer

If you had a chance to perform with any music star, who would it be? : Justin Bieber ( I HAVE A MASSIVE CRUSH ON HIM!!!!!)


How tall are you? : Currently, four feet 9 inches(I am in the middle of a HUGE growth spurt.)

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? :  Christina Carlosa

What is your favorite TV show? : Jersey Shore and Wizards of Waverly Place

What is your favorite book??  Blackwater Swamp (By Bill Wallace)

Who is your favorite author? :  Bill Wallace


Hope you fill it out!

Hope I have a lot in common with you!!



THanks for reading!!,

Your Friend Vida!

submitted by Vida
(November 2, 2010 - 5:43 pm)

Are you a boy or girl? : Girl

What is your favorite kind of music? : Hmm, probably 70s.

What is your favorite color? : Purple!

What is your favorite season? : Summer (or maybe fall, it's hard to choose)

What is you favorite holiday? : Christmas! Just like the song goes, it's the most wonderful time of the year.

What is your favorite hairstyle? : Down. My hair's pretty short, so the only other thing I can do is put it in a ponytail.

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : The people....they're so awesome.

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : An Olympic athlete

If you had a chance to preform with any music star, who would it be? : I don't know, I'd be too freaked out to sing on stage.

Why? : (see previous answer)

How tall are you? : 5 feet, 5.5 inches

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? : We don't really choose names. We're just certain people, like the police man, the grocer, the mother, the father, etc.

What is your favorite TV show? : Masterpiece Theatre (it's not really a TV show, it's more like a station that plays awesome TV shows)

Who is your favorite author?: Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, Shannon Hale, J. K. Rowling, etc.

What is your favorite book?? There's no way I could ever decide, but one of my favorites by far is Jane Eyre.


Thanks for the quiz!

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14
(November 3, 2010 - 7:25 am)

I am a girl.


I like movie soundtracks, and really old music (like the 50s and some 60s).


I'm afraid I will also have to join the purple club. But since I look horrible in it, most of my clothes are my second favorite color, shades of turquoise/blue/green.


My favorite season is spring, but only after it's finished being slushy and gross. :)


My favorite holiday is probably Christmas. Well, starting from Sinterklaas (Dec 5) until January 2, because my family has various fun things all happen between them.


Do you mean my favorite hairstyle on me or in general? And maybe I shouldn't answer this question at all, since I do hair (like, I do a lot of hair very well (sorry it sounds like I'm boasting)) and would probably go on for a while. so instead I'll put the hairdo I usually wear, which is either a bun, a braided bun, or variations on a braid. I almost never wear it down, because it's so long it gets in my way and it's a big pain to brush all the tangles out.


My favorite thing on the CB...Hearing from everyone about their opinions, what they're wearing, what they're doing, reading, thinking, writing, etc.


If I could be a celebrity, I'd probably be an actor, because there's really nothing else I'm good at that gets celebrity attention. Well, I could sing I guess, but I'm not a big fan of today's music trends so I probably wouldn't reach celebrityhood with that. :) I wouldn't want to be a very big celebrity either; that'd be scary.


If I had a chance to perform with a music star, hm. I think it would be fun to perform with Julie Andrews.


Because she's cool, and I think she'd be nice.


I am 5 feet, 71/2 inches tall.


I haven't actually done this in a while. No more time to play lengthy and complicated stories. :( However, when I did, it would depend on the story we were playing. There was one with Kate and Angela (I was Kate), Lizzie and Lorena (I was Lorena), Christopher, Julia, Christine, Lookie-Bookie, Baby Sue, and Justin (in which I was either Julia, Christine, or Baby Sue), and many more; I could keep going for a while. Every time we would play these people, it was like another episode in their lives, we would just choose which characters we wanted in our story that day.


...Sorry, I don't watch TV. Except the Olympics. :D


I have many favorite authors. JK Rowling (of course), CS Lewis (also of course), Kashmira Sheth, Pam Muñoz Ryan, Sydney Taylor, Carol Ryrie Brink and Mildred D. Taylor are a few.


I also have many favorite books (currently over 80 on my Very Good Books list), so I'll just name a book from each of the authors above, except JKR. Because obviously if I like the authors, I like their books. Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Blue Jasmine, Esperanza Rising, All-of-a-kind Family, Caddie Woodlawn, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.


Thanks! Sorry my answers were so long. :P

submitted by Brynne, age 15, Wizarding Europ
(November 4, 2010 - 2:16 pm)

Your welcome for the quiz!!!!!!!!

Thanks for fillin it out for meh!!!!!!!

submitted by Vida
(November 4, 2010 - 2:41 pm)

To the top!

submitted by MJ
(November 4, 2010 - 11:22 am)

Are you a boy or girl? : Girl

What is your favorite kind of music? : I don't know. All I really listen to is the Looking Glass Wars Soundtrack, much more often than is reasonable.

What is your favorite color? : Ultraviolet, octarine, htun, and just about anything else that, for whatever reason, can't be seen.

What is your favorite season? : Winter!

What is you favorite holiday? : Christmas

What is your favorite hairstyle? : Do you mean the one I think looks best or the one I prefer to wear?  My answer to the former question is probably a bun or a French braid or something, though I don't really know because it's been years since I gave much thought to the matter.

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : Probably the people because if they didn't exist, this entire site would just be me ranting (I'd use it as a blog or something, probably), which wouldn't be nearly as interesting. Eventually, I'd get bored of it and leave.

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : Well, I probably wouldn't, because I just don't really like the idea much for some reason, but if I had to, definitely an actor.

If you had a chance to perform with any music star, who would it be? : I don't know.

Why? : I haven't thought about it, and I don't listen to much, and when I do, I don't generally pay much attention to the names of the performers.

How tall are you? : 5 feet and 1 and 1/2 inches last time I checked, but I think I'm in the middle of a growth spurt, too, so I might be taller now.

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? : I don't pretend things particularly often, and when I do, it's definitely not with a sibling, and back in those days long, long ago when my sibling would have been willing to pretend anything, I usually went by my real name, Katie, and when I didn't, I still didn't have a certain name that I always went by. It depended on who I wanted to be.

What is your favorite TV show? : I don't watch television.

What is your favorite book? : I've no idea. The Book Thief? The Silmarillion? There are just too many good books in the world for me to chhoose from!

submitted by Ima
(November 4, 2010 - 7:14 pm)

oooo...this looks fun...OK...So....


Are you a boy or girl? : girl

What is your favorite kind of music? : oldies, rock....

What is your favorite colore? : wow, I like a lot.. Let's see...Blue, Neon Green, Some shades of purple, aqua, turquiose...

What is your favorite season? : fall, because my b-day is in it, summer, no school + it's nice out, spring, so pretty, winter, snow!

What is you favorite holiday? : um..Xmas because i get to see my cousins and stuff...

What is your favorite hairstyle? : down, because my hair is too short to do anything with

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : conversations, DtE

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : um...possibly reporter???

If you had a chance to preform with any music star, who would it be? : no-one...

Why? : i don't really like singing + every music star i like is dead or something... :)

How tall are you? : around 5' 1/8"  :D

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? : I don't have a sib, but when iIplay a pretend game w/ a friend, I'm usually Alice. 

What is your favorite TV show? : Gilmore girls.....Samantha Who?

What is your favorite book??  To hard...maybe "Little Women"....anything by Shannon Hale or Wendy Mass


Thanks for this quiz! It was fun!


submitted by Claire E , age 12!finally, Who Knows...mid
(November 4, 2010 - 7:35 pm)

1. I'm a girl.

2. I like Pop music.

3. my favorite colors are lime green and teal

4. My favorite season is fall.  But I do like summer, too. :)

5.  Christmas (surprise, surprise) is my favorite, but Thanksgiving is a close second.

6. I typically do my hair in a ponytail or straightened and down with a headband.

7. DtE and the people!

8. I would want to be a singer.  I always imagined myself making a cool music video.. :)

9. Agh, NO ONE.  I would freak out and panic.  And truthfully, there isn't one singer who i adore. 

10. (see above)

11. I'm 5'5'' - ish.

12. Ha, I don't really play pretend anymore. The only "sort of" pretend I do is make up stories in my head.  So I don't have a specific name.

13. iCarly, AFV, Ace of Cakes

14. And the book question... I could never answer it.  That's the worst possibly question I could be asked (No offense to you, Vida, it's just that question is so stinkin' hard!!) :) :) :) THANKS! 

submitted by R~D~
(November 4, 2010 - 10:10 pm)

Are you a boy or girl? : Girl

What is your favorite kind of music? : Rock, Pop, a little Heavy Metal, very little country.  I like a lot.

What is your favorite color? : BLUE!

What is your favorite season? : Winter.

What is you favorite holiday? : Christmas

What is your favorite hairstyle? : uhhh, plain down? (Not a fashion person at all.)

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : All the people and buggies and the Admins are cool too!

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : Christian Rock star

If you had a chance to perform with any music star, who would it be? : Uhhh.... I don't know which one.

Why? : Cuase they're awesome

How tall are you? : five' something

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? : We used to pretend our stuffed animals were alive, were hero's maybe?

What is your favorite TV show? : Not much of a T.V. person, I play on the Wii more than I watch T.V.  Star Trek?

What is your favorite book?? Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Eragon, Artemis Fowl, Children of the Lamp, The School Story, I could go on and on and on.

submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Hogwarts
(November 4, 2010 - 9:17 pm)

Are you a boy or girl? : Girl and lovin it ;)

What is your favorite kind of music? : Rock

What is your favorite color? : Blue, specifically sky blut in the fall, nice and dark but not yet indigo, and then comes orange :)

What is your favorite season? : Winter, I love the CA rain fall

What is you favorite holiday? : Veterns day (cause its my b-day) but if not i would say christmas

What is your favorite hairstyle? : down, i hate my hair up

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : BaB Percy Jackson RPG

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : Actress or pro traveler

If you had a chance to perform with any music star, who would it be? :  I would have to say that I don't really like a specic type of music to like a sepcific type of star, but if it would be an actor, <3 Logann Lerman <3

Why? : CAUSE HE'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!

How tall are you? : shhhh! I'm really 4 11 3/4 but I say im 5 shhhhhh!

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? : totally fredwardo

What is your favorite TV show? : The Big Band Theory


You have just read a quiz from ZB <3 percy+potter:) 

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:), age ima goddes, Mount Olympus,
(November 4, 2010 - 9:25 pm)

Are you a boy or girl? : Girl :)

What is your favorite kind of music? : I like so many kinds! Hmm...country, classic rock, classical, showtunes...that's all I can think of right now! :)

What is your favorite color? : My 2 favorites are pink and green.

What is your favorite season? : Fall!

What is you favorite holiday? : Thanksgiving :)

What is your favorite hairstyle? : I like braids, but I also like wearing scarves in my hair. :)

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : All of the amazing people! You guys are some of my best friends. The Admins are fantastic too! :)

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : A photographer or a singer.

If you had a chance to preform with any music star, who would it be? : I'd have to say either Dolly Parton or Jennifer Nettle.

Why? : Because they both have amazing voices and they both write their own songs! :)

How tall are you? : 5 ft. 9 in.

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? : Well, we don't really have any set names! :)

What is your favorite TV show? : I like lots of classics-Dick Van Dkye, I Love Lucy, etc.

What is your favorite book?? That's a super hard question! I like soo many....well, I really like David Copperfield, Jane Eyre.....I'm tired, that's all I can think of! :)


Totally awesome quiz Vida, thanks for making it! :)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15!!!, USA! :)
(November 4, 2010 - 10:45 pm)

Your welcome!

submitted by *****Vida*****
(November 5, 2010 - 5:28 pm)

@ Claire- Fellow Shannon Hale's books lover!! I didn't know you liked her! Her books are SO great. I've read all the books of Bayern; I own Goose Girl, Enna Burning, and Forest Born and I just bought River Secrets. My favorite is Enna Burning, by far.

@ Kimberly- I love Jane Eyre too!!! Isn't it incredible??!! The movie from 2006 is awesome; I highly recommend it. My mom loves Mr. Rochester :D

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14
(November 6, 2010 - 10:24 am)

Yeah Mary Jo, Jane Eyre is amazing! :) It's such a great classic. I didn't know they had a movie from 2006, I'll check it out! :) <3 Hee, hee, yeah, my mom does too. :D

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15, USA! :)
(November 8, 2010 - 10:01 pm)

Are you a boy or girl? : Girl.

What is your favorite kind of music? : Pop is cool-sometimes. Somtimes it's obnoxious.

What is your favorite color? : Dark purple!!!

What is your favorite season? : Winter/fall.

What is you favorite holiday? : Christmas:)

What is your favorite hairstyle? : Braids.

What is your favorite thing on the CB? : Doing quizes? Lol.

If you could be a celebrity what kind would you be? : Does an author count?

If you had a chance to perform with any music star, who would it be? : Taylor Swift, maybe.

Why? : Because I like to sing her songs.

How tall are you? : Ummm, *runs to look at doorway* 5ft, 5 and 1/2 inches. I used to be tall for my age, age 10-12. But then I sort of stopped growing. Well, I'm sure I'm still growing, but much much slower than before.

When you play a pretend game with a sibling, what is your pretend name? : When we played "Medieval Times" at a friend's house, I would always be "Stella".

What is your favorite TV show? : "Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman"! "Good Luck Charlie is pretty good, too. And I super liked "That's So Raven" when it was still being played on TV.

What is your favorite book?? Only one?! Okay, Harry Potter. Any of 'em. Juniper and Wise Child is to die for, too.

-Hannah ☺☻ Peacing out for now

submitted by Hannah ☺☻, age 14, Georgia
(November 6, 2010 - 5:14 pm)

Well ah... um... ah...ah..ummm... I guess an author counts if it is a well known author - such as ah... um... the lady who wroter Twilight (I don't like it, but just an example)

submitted by Vida =) =)
(November 7, 2010 - 4:27 pm)