XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SUPER DUPER EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS! Haha, I know most people don't think about Christmas till after Thanksgiving, but it snowed like a week ago and I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS! IT IS THE MOOOOOOOSTTT WONDERRRRFULLLL TIIIIIMMMMMEEEEEE OFFFFF THEEEEEEEEE YEEEEEEAAARRRRRR! Haha I was singing. I hope i didn't ruin anyone's ears! o.O

submitted by Maggie S., age 14, MN
(November 21, 2010 - 1:53 pm)

Hey Maggie! :) Super happy to see you on the CB. :D I'm excited for Christmas too! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but I was actually listening to Christmas music yesterday and drinking hot chocolate, soooo I'm ready for the holidays! ;)  We might go somewhere with snow, so I'm so excited! :)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15, USA! :)
(November 22, 2010 - 12:07 pm)

TOP!  :D

submitted by TOP!, age TOP! TOP!, TOP!
(November 22, 2010 - 4:25 pm)

Top! Top! Top! :D

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15, USA! :)
(November 22, 2010 - 4:28 pm)



submitted by TOP!, age TOP!, top!
(November 22, 2010 - 4:36 pm)

For some reason, TOP-ping doesn't work unless the last post has been posted.  Well, back here.  But hopefully this will send it up!!!! :)

submitted by R~D~, age 14
(November 22, 2010 - 6:33 pm)

Just so long as you know it's still only November. But, eh, Happy Hogswatch! 

submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Death's Domain
(November 22, 2010 - 8:03 pm)

I know! haha! I told all my friends how exicted I am for Christmas and they laughed :D :D haha I'm sometimes WAAAAY too happy! But I like being happy! It's ...a strength! hahahaha!

submitted by Maggie S., age asoldasiam, in an icecube!
(November 23, 2010 - 4:02 pm)

I AM SO EXCITED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wanted to decorate the house but mom said Dad wouldn't want the tree up until like a week before Christmas.  I'm listening to Christmas music right now (Deck the Halls over and over and over again).  After Thanksgiving maybe I can persuade my sister to at least decorate or room, we have a little Christmas tree and nativity set for our room, but we'd have to clean it first.  At least I'm going to help decorate the library Friday.  I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S I was going to make a thread about this, but you beat me.  ~pouts~

submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Lost in my mind
(November 23, 2010 - 11:51 am)

OOHH! sounds like fun! We usually decorate the tree the first week of December! hehe! During Thanksgiving for my family we pull a name from a hat and whoever we get we have to buy presents for! Except we didn't do that last year because two of my family members didn't have a job so we did something else! Hopefully we can do it this year!

submitted by Maggie S., age 13+1 , Here
(November 23, 2010 - 7:56 pm)

Maggie, I love your hat idea! That sounds like fun. :)

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is TOMORROW!!!! :D

submitted by Kimberly B, age 15, USA! :)
(November 24, 2010 - 2:17 pm)

Christmas!!!! My favorite holiday of the year!!! Though in my house, unless you would like to end up as a pale, cold, lifeless form on the floor (don't worry, it's an exaggeration. I could throw in some more detail, but it would get gruesome :P), do not, I repeat, DO NOT listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving. I can't wait for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!! I have school off tomorrow (to help prep for Thursday) and no school on Thanksgiving!!! Sorry, I'm getting off topic. I'm supposed to be talking about Christmas.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14
(November 23, 2010 - 7:49 pm)

hehehe! Im not listening to Christmas music right now...I'm waiting to listen to Xmas music so I don't get bored! haha My mom doesn't like Xmas before she just shakes her head and rolls her eyes because she thinks I'm a BIT crazy...but I am! hehe I have school off today and the rest of the week! YAY! But we just ended a trimester so that's probably why we have such a LONG break! WHICH I  LOVE!

submitted by Maggie S., age 13+1, HOME!
(November 24, 2010 - 12:52 pm)

Ha, ha, ha, ha, MJ, your post made me laugh. :) That's what my brother is like, he can't stand Christmas music/decorations before Thanksgiving! :)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 15, USA! :)
(November 24, 2010 - 2:18 pm)

I adore Christmas music, and today I finally caved and started listening to it. *sings along with The Lord's Servant* But it *is* the day after Thanksgiving, so... I can stay alive, right? 

submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Death's Domain
(November 26, 2010 - 5:03 pm)

I cannot WAIT for the Holidays! My mom always says that we can't even think about Christmas until Thanksgiving's over. Now here we are, Black Friday, and all we're doing is Mom: Watching TV and drinking coffee (yum :)) Brother: Playing video games Me: Well you can probably guess what I'm doing right now. But what really stinks is that we always say that we're going to take all of the Christmas stuff down today, but really we just clean the house. But hey, it's a start!

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:), age ima goddes, Mount Olympus,
(November 26, 2010 - 10:41 am)