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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

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This thread is about hair! XD A short questionairre begins now.

1-Do you like your current haircut/hair color?

2-If you could change it, what would it look like?

3-How do you style your hair, and do you like it?

4-Which celebrity's hair do you most love/want to have?

5-Is your hair based off of a celebrity's? If so, which one?

My answers:

1-My haircut is okay, there's only about one way I can style it so that I like it, but that's okay. =) I like the style. ;) I actually do like my hair color, it's pretty dark brown, but a nice brown, and I have some naturally honey-blonde highlights on the top. It's nice. =)

2-I'd probably die it black (temporarily), to see how I liked it, and I want to get my hair changed a bit. Probably have the salon thin it with a razor so it's choppy, and have lots of layers, but still be able to get it in a ponytail. =)

3-I DO like how I style my hair. I've changed it every couple of weeks lately, but I might stick with this style for a while. After I wash my hair and it dries, when I stick it up in a ponytail and ruffle it up (a LOT), it looks like dreadlocks! And I love the look of them, but I can't really get them, because of dance, and my mom would shave my head, and because they'd be permanent and I don't want that. ;) But, it looks really good right now! Yay! =D

4-So many..... hmm, well, I love Tom Kaulitz's hair (the OLD way, not his cornrows that he has now), because they're dreadlocks (big surprise). But then his brother Bill has changed his hair a ton... I like his big poofy hair style (if you Google Bill Kaulitz, you can see it, trust me), but I don't think I'd want to have it permanently... And of course, I love Georg Listing's hair. If I actually manage to straighten mine, it looks like his! =D

5-Tom Kaulitz... XD And Georg Listing. XD

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 13 3/4, Humanoid City
(December 28, 2010 - 11:41 am)

Si her hair naturally curly/wavy like that?

submitted by HI KAULITZ!-BRYNNE
(January 5, 2011 - 1:00 pm)

Hey, Brynne! =D Yeah, it's natural that way. =)

submitted by Lucy (EW), age 13 3/4, The Sky (With D
(January 5, 2011 - 4:42 pm)

My answers:

1-Do you like your current haircut/hair color? I think my haircolor is gorgous! My hair is longer than shoulder length so it is a pain-in-the-butt to take care of it becasue its curly (SUPER!!!!!!!!!!)

2-If you could change it, what would it look like? Ummm?? Shorter???

3-How do you style your hair, and do you like it? I recently (Christmas) got a straightener so I straighten it now. Before I got the hot iron I mostly put it in a frenchtwist or a ponytail.

4-Which celebrity's hair do you most love/want to have? NO ONES!!!! I mean who has good hair?? TAylor Swift, Kinda I dunno!

5-Is your hair based off of a celebrity's? If so, which one? Nope, AND IT NEVER WILL BE!!!!!!


I tried to post a pic of the hair I want and the hair I have, but it didn't work. Sorry guys (and girls).


submitted by VIDA IS 11 in 3 days, age Finally 1!
(January 5, 2011 - 1:26 pm)

I forgot on my post to say that my hair is red. Not SUPER red. Hardly even red anymore. Kinda Auburn but with wayyy more red!

submitted by Vida, 11 in 3 days!!, age Almost 11!
(January 5, 2011 - 1:29 pm)

1-Do you like your current haircut/hair color? - yes, I love it. It's dark brown, shoulder length, and curly.  

2-If you could change it, what would it look like? - I would like to see how I looked with really long, raven black hair that had big curls at the end. But I am satisfied with how it is now.

3-How do you style your hair, and do you like it? -I sometimes put it in a messy bun, but mainly it poofs up and gets really curly after I shower, so I just leave it like that. And yes, I love it.

4-Which celebrity's hair do you most love/want to have? -Emma Watson had absolutely gorgeous hair before she went and chopped it off, and I really like Selena Gomez's hair when it's short and fluffy.

5-Is your hair based off of a celebrity's? If so, which one? -nope. I want it the way I like it.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14
(January 5, 2011 - 5:36 pm)

1: Yes, I do, but it won't stay the same.  I'm growing it out.


2:  How iIm growing it out.


3:  With a comb; yes I like it.


4: Gerard Way


5:  Yes, I'm growing it out like Gerard Way.


submitted by Chad, age 10, St. Louis
(January 9, 2011 - 9:26 am)

1-Do you like your current haircut/hair color?  Yup...  It's a little below my shoulders, and light brown/dark blonde and kind of thin.  Both my parents used to have blonde hair, then it changed to brown, so I think that my hair may be like that, too.  It's getting darker and darker!  And sometimes my hair is naturally curly, with a bunch of small banana curls, and sometimes it straightens itself and becomes only wavy.  

2-If you could change it, what would it look like?  I would make it thicker, and curlier, and probably a dark golden brown colour...  That would be absolutely amazing!  Or just as it is with a bob cut.  I think I'm going to get my hair cut soon...  And it will be free, because my grandma cuts hair!  On my eleventh birthday, when my mom cut my hair, she told me not to trust my mom to cut my hair because she did it horribly and fixed my mother's scissor-work.  xD  Then I might dye it blue...    I also want my hair to have dreads, but it's not thick enough or tangly enough for that.  My sister could though...  She has really pretty long, golden brown, thick hair.  :)  

3-How do you style your hair, and do you like it?  Well, I usually wear it down, but sometimes I have it in a bun, or bobby pinned to me head, or under a bandanna.  I also hold my bangs out of my face with a clip.  

4-Which celebrity's hair do you most love/want to have?  Hmmm...  I don't know.  I don't really pay attention to celebrities hair.  Plus I don't want hair that looks like a celebrity. 

5-Is your hair based off of a celebrity's? If so, which one? I would never base my hair off of a celebrities; I'd rather be unique and different.  Though I would love to base my hair off of a character in a book I've read. Veralidaine Sirrasri, who has thick, shining brown hair with many curls...  <3  


I usually am not interested about hair and clothes and things similar to that, but on CB I find it more interesting because we can't see each other, and it's fun to explain what we look like.  It's like practice writing!  :)

submitted by Meadow, age 12, IL
(January 9, 2011 - 5:54 pm)