In ~counts on

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

In ~counts on

In ~counts on fingers~ three days I will offcially be 13!!!!!!!!  Sleepover on Friday with Ad, Am, B and my sister.  Mom says I'm having a party and she's having a wake.  Clean room? Check.  All the food? Check.  Movies?  Check.  Invites?  Check.  I think I'm ready.  Mom might let me have a facebook, so could someone remind me what the Chatterbox thing on it is?  This party is also for my puppy, Amethyst, who is the seventh (oh, yes, I'm the fifth).  I need to get her something!!!!! ~scrambles around looking for a toy that the dogs haven't bee given yet~ 

submitted by Charlotte/Cocheta, age 12, Lost in my mind
(February 1, 2011 - 2:50 pm)

Happy, happy, happy birthday Cocheta! *<:) I hope that you have a really fantastic day and that all your birthday wishes come true. You really add fun threads/comments to CB, thanks for sticking around! :) I bet your sleepover is going to be awesome, let us know how it goes! *gives candy, favorite books and large birthday cake* Oh, and happy birthday to Amethyst too! ;) *gives doggie bones and treats*  *hugs*

submitted by Kimberly B, age 15, USA! :)
(February 4, 2011 - 11:08 pm)

It was really fun and went well.  And, yes, I got a facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Cocheta, age 13!!!!!!!!, Lost in my mind
(February 5, 2011 - 4:54 pm)

I'm so glad you had fun! :) It is so fantastic that you got a Facebook! :)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 15, USA! :)
(February 5, 2011 - 11:14 pm)