Just a note

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Just a note

Just a note to the Admins:

I posted a thread about 2012 and I cannot find it!
Also, I posted a thread about the rapture.

Did you delete any of  them?






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Vida, the Admins review all of the comments and don't post the ones that we decide are inappropriate for our youngest readers. If your comments aren't showing up, they may have been deleted. Or maybe a glitch occurred or they're somewhere but you just can't find them. If you have something important to say that is appropriate, please send it again.--Admin

submitted by VIDA S., age 11
(February 8, 2011 - 11:58 am)

By what do you mean, rapture?  And what did you say about those topics that would possibly be deleted by the Admins?

submitted by R~D~, Wa
(February 9, 2011 - 1:06 am)

Rapture, Jesus coming back? 2012 someone already commented!!!


So whatever goodby.

submitted by Mad Vida, age 11
(February 12, 2011 - 4:21 pm)

This is so unfair!! This makes me so mad! I think I am going to quit!! None of that stuff was innapropriate! THe topics were all approriate! Goodbye. If you don't see me again, you know why!


Vida, maybe your comment was just lost. Or maybe it's somewhere you just can't find. That can happen. If you think it is appropriate, please submit again. Thanks. We enjoy your lively comments and hope you'll stay.




submitted by Vida, age 11
(February 12, 2011 - 4:20 pm)

Goodness, goodness, take a deep breath.  I didn't mean to offend, if you're mad at me, I was simply asking a question.    :)

submitted by R~D~, age 14
(February 12, 2011 - 10:30 pm)

Vida, like Admin said, your topic might have just been lost (commented  on once and nowhere to be found). But the rapture and 2012 are fairly flammable and debatable topics that would be likely cause some hurt feelings or disagreements or stuff like that. So if some of your comments were deleted, it's probably for the best. The Admins, after all, are very wise. ;-)

 Oi. I sound very mean and rude. Sorry. And I'm not saying that your comments are, um, *can't remember the right word* debatable. *headdesk* And that you meant them to be... flammable. (the word I'm looking for starts with a P I think) I'm just trying to get a point across. And I'm not trying to be mean in any way. Please stay. 

 (Wow. I said, 'Oi'. Strange... O_o)

submitted by Olive
(February 12, 2011 - 8:17 pm)

I think Olive is trying to say that threads on controversial topics - even if the threads themselves aren't very - may get deleted to avoid arguments. 

But it's highly possible your computer just ate it. That happens to me all the time, especially if the Internet connection is in and out. (There's nothing worse than typing out a huge post and then having your computer eat it, so now I copypaste all my longest posts before I post them.) 

This would be a really silly reason to leave CB, Vida. Please stay.  

submitted by ZNZ, age 13, Thulcandra
(February 13, 2011 - 8:23 am)

There is no need to get so worked up, Vida. Every time something doesn't go your way, it's really not necessary to try to get so much attention by saying you're leaving and try to guilt people into apologizing. I'm sure you can work everything out in a calmer manner. :) If you're sure your thread was appropriate, why don't you try posting it again? It's that simple. :D

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14
(February 13, 2011 - 12:57 pm)

Vida, please don't leave. No-one meant to offend you! Just about everyone here has probably had a comment lost or deleted or at least edited at one point--I can't be sure of this as I obviously don't see the deleted comments, but that's the general impression I've been getting. It's no reason to get particularly upset.

But... Vida... please, please, please don't take any offense at this, but you've been saying you were going to leave quite often now and then always changing your mind; I get worried when you say you're leaving, and then I find out that it was for nothing and just really wish you had never mentioned it in the first place... Could you please try not to say you're leaving unless you're certain you're leaving? You don't have to do that if I'm asking too much, but just... try and think before you announce something so major, please. But again, we really, really want you to stay! Please, Vida, don't go now just because two threads were deleted; it really isn't worth it.

submitted by Ima
(February 13, 2011 - 1:56 pm)

ZNZ, Mary Jo and Ima all have amazzzzing points.  My Internet is CONSTANTLY going out when I type things, so I always check before I submit.

Like Ima said, everyone gets things deleted!  I actually had some of my other comment deleted on this very thread.  I'm honestly not sure why.  See?  Yes, I'm mad it was deleted because I said the exact same thing Mary Jo said and he's was posted, but not mine?  That gets me angry, but, I'm not going to quit!  Or say I'll quit!  Because I trust the Admins.  Anyway, we are supposed to respect our elders, and, well, the Admins are our elders!  (I'm not saying you're old or anything, Admins :D:D:D:D)  So yes, it scares us when you say you're going to leave because we DON'T want that!  All CBers are close, and having anyone leave is horrible.  It does seem you want us to say things like we're saying now, "Don't go..." "Please stay...." Do you want to see how much we like you... is that it?  Because WE DO!!!  :)



P.S.  Oh, what a surprise!  My Internet is out.  So now, I leave this screen up, close my laptop, then open it up again and the Internet is back. 


There are usually three Admins, and what one may delete another may think OK to post. We're all human and individuals. While we try to stick to certain guidelines, we can't have a list of every possible comment that may arise. We each use our own best, human, imperfect judgment. Thanks for understanding!


submitted by R~D~
(February 13, 2011 - 4:18 pm)