Science Fair!!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Science Fair!!!

Science Fair!!!


Is/has anyone else here doing/done Science fair? 'cause we had the Regionals (I think thats what it's called/how it's spelled) yesterday (March 1st) and two people from our school moved on to state, and our school had the most awards too! The whole time I basically followed my *insane* friends around saying to anyone that would listen, "I swear I didn't do it, whatever they did it wasn't my fault!" (and when they went into the Barnes and Noble in the college we were at without shoes I also said, "I wasn't part of it!") and documenting the entire day with my camera, and drinking green tea from Starbucks with, like, 10 packs of sugar and lots of milk. In other words it was really fun! The judging wasn't so bad either. The judges just came around and asked you to explain your project, and they were really nice and like, "You're so smart" but didn't treat you like you were 5 years old and as you can see I'm still hyper from all that Starbukcs!!!


Science Fair!!!

submitted by Kat, age 12, ([sp.}continueu
(March 2, 2011 - 10:15 pm)

Yes, I did science fair.  We haven't had our county fair, but I got first place at my school fair.  My project was on if playing the violin affects the development of the left hand finger bones (it does).  It was a very interesting project, but interestingly, it was hard to get a lot of subjects.  Oh well, the judges liked it and I worked soo hard on my project.  My science teacher is... not so good about deadlines.  For example, she'll just spring these tests on us that will come up out of nowhere.  And the problem is, they're really, really hard tests (I'm supposed to be studying for one now).  But anyway, she broke up our science fair project components and had them due at certain times throughout the year.  And it just so happened that my huge experiment report was assigned over winter break.  It was horrible.  So the middle of working on my project was a drag, and I was glad when it was over, but I did learn a lot!  And it was so nice to see all my work all together looking really nice and being appreciated by the judges.


@Kat: I can see you had a lot of fun!  Hope county for me is that exciting... :)

submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(March 2, 2011 - 10:52 pm)

Top! *stares menacingly at thread* Now. 

submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(March 3, 2011 - 9:42 am)

Oooooohhhh. We're doing science fair right now. It's not fun at all. Possibly because I hate my topic. Because I had to be able to do the experiment in a month. Because the fair's in March. And I got sick in January when I had planned on doing my project. *groan* Well, glad you, Kat, and you, Leaf, had fun!

submitted by Olive
(March 4, 2011 - 7:47 pm)

@ Olive: You mean you didn't even get to do your own topic? Wow, that's really too bad...

Anyway, I love science fairs! I did one in kindergarten about birds and won first place for my grade at both school and district, and the same happened in 1st grade except that my project was on plants, and I won twice again in second grade with a project on alpaca. I never got to go to state because I was too young; you had to be in middle school. The school I went to after that didn't do science fair until I was in 5th grade, and even then, it wasn't a competition; it was an optional project for a grade. I got 2 points out of... I don't remember how much, but a lot, taken off because the purpose of my project wasn't stated clearly enough, but that was all. The public middle school I went to in 6th grade had no science fair, and the virtual school I'm in now has one, but you're only allowed to do experiments. Before, I'd been about to do exhibits, which were basically just research projects. I like experiments, but not nearly as much as research, so I didn't sign up.

submitted by Ima
(March 4, 2011 - 11:19 pm)

I was in a science fair last year. It was a very small homeschool science fair but it was still fun.  I did a model of the Earth. I won first place, but there were only two other people in my age group.  The judges were really nice, but when they asked me what machine scientists used to tell the density of the Earth's layers (I think that was the question) my mind went blank. They told me it was a seismograph and afterward I felt so stupid for forgetting the answer.

submitted by Elizabeth D., age 14, Texas
(March 4, 2011 - 11:45 pm)

I know this thread hasn't been posted on in awhile, but I have important news:

I'm going to the county fair today!!  I'm both nervous and excited.  I'm a little nervous, because I'm not sure I'm completely prepared for my presentation, but I've been going over my speech, so I guess I should be fine.  I get to miss school (for better or worse :D) and the people participating in my class are going in a big bus and then we'll be there the whole day.  When I set up my project yesterday, I got this really awesome badge that says my name on it and it's soo cool!  It's so official looking and it makes me feel special. :)  So, ah, we'll see how it goes.  

submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 14!!, on a tree!
(April 6, 2011 - 8:34 am)