Very Random Quiz

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Very Random Quiz

Very Random Quiz



1. What is the favorite part of your room and why?

 My loft bed because it's my cozy place where no one else can go. It's like an extension of my room.

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read?

Cricket, American Girl, and I check out the star magazines at the library... 

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)?

Hedgehogs, dolphines, beluga whales, dogs... 

4. What is your favorite book quote?

I have two: 

The world isn't split into good people and deatheaters. 

Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the way we expect. - 

5. What is your favorite subject at school?

French, HIstory 

6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language?

German, French :)  


submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 3, 2011 - 11:27 am)


1. What is the favorite part of your room and why?

probably my desk.  It's from Ikea, and I also have a lamp on it from Ikea, and I've always wanted to have an "ikea room" so it's my little ikea corner. :)  But, it has shelves and I keep picture frames and other things I really like on them.

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read?

I get Cicada. And I like to look through clothes magazines.

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)?

Dolphins! Dolphins! Dolphins! And turtles! And most "nice" animals that live in the ocean.

4. What is your favorite book quote?

I'll come back to this.  I don't really quote books.  I tend to quote movies and tv shows more. 

favorite subject at school?


6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language?




submitted by R~D~
(March 3, 2011 - 12:00 pm)

What is the difference between Cicada, Cricket, Muse etc?

Cricket is our literary magazine for 9-14 year olds and Cicada is the lit mag for 14+. Muse is one of our science magazines for 10+ year olds. Cricket and Cicada include stories, poems, and usually one non-fiction piece (at least for Cricket), written mostly by contemporary writers who submit to us, but some classic stories as well. Muse features mostly nonfiction articles on history, science and the arts--basically anything really cool and interesting. You should check out the rest of the Cricket site and the Muse site ( and read what the most current issues had in them to see which you might be interested in. -Admin 

submitted by Elizabeth M , age 11, Germany: stuck
(March 4, 2011 - 8:15 am)

1. What is the favorite part of your room and why?

Well, my room is kind of small, so there isn't really any one place I like to be. Either on my bed reading/playing my Game Boy/practicing my flute, or by the window looking outside. 

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read?

Cricket and Stone Soup. 

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)?

Dogs, horses, and wolves, but I can find something to like about all animals. 

4. What is your favorite book quote?

Laugh, but it's:

"I love you, Charles!"

A Wrinkle in Time, for those who don't know. 

5. What is your favorite subject at school?

Well, I'm homeschooled, but it's language arts, which is incredibly easy. 

6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language?

I know a little bit of Japanese-enough to say, "I don't understand"-and a little more of Spanish.


That was fun. Thanks! :)

Andy P. C. says ntnz.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age ~13~, Running with a
(March 4, 2011 - 1:50 pm)

1. What is the favorite part of your room and why? I can't choose between my bed and my wall. My bed itself is normal enough (though comfortable and high), but the blanket is pretty (it has a rose pattern on it) if not very neatly arranged (I have the bad habit of not making my bed until night, so it looks best when no-one sees it), and I have a tardigrade pillow ontop of the 2 normal pillows, and I sleep with a plush tardigrade, and it's just really relaxing for me to sit on a bed. My wall has things on it, things like a blanket with a pivture of a horse, the periodic table of elements (a completely up-to-date version, of course), pictures of the covers of books, pictures of nudibranchs (really, really, really pretty sea slugs. If you don't understand how a slug can be beautiful, you need to look up 'dudibranchs' on Google Images now.

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read? Muse

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)? I don't really have them. I love them all. I'm most obsessed with tardigrades, of course, but I don't actually like them better than other animals; I just think they're fascinating.

4. What is your favorite book quote? I'm not sure.

5. What is your favorite subject at school? History, but it was science for most of the year and will be again soon; the only reason I don't like the subject now is that we're learning about human anatomy, which bores me

6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language? Hm... Not really, but I know a bit of Spanish

submitted by Ima
(March 4, 2011 - 3:27 pm)

1. What is the favorite part of your room and why?

Either my bed or my desk. Probably my bed. It has a ton of pillows on it, plus it's so nice to sleep in on weekends. But my desk is great for writing letters, daydreaming, drawing, etc.

2.What magazines do you get and/or read?

I used to get American Girl, as of recently, until I threw the towel in and gave my subscription to my little sister because the stories were so shallow and pointless. It makes me appreciate Cricket greatly. Plus every single issue seemed to be the same.

3.What is/are your favorite animals?

Marine animals (hopefully I'll get to go to the Georgia Aquariam for my birthday), pigs, kittens

4. What is your favorite book quote?

I don't really have a favorite book quote. But my family does have a bunch of movie quotes that we love to throw around. My specialty is putting on an Irish accent and impesonating a character from the A&E "Horatio Hornblower" series. (they zee best, watch 'em)

5.What is your favorite subject in school?

Ermmm......math, I guess? Or composition.

6. Are you learning/do you speak another language?

Latin. It's so hard, all the declentions and conjugations and such, but I'm able to identify the meanings of Enlish words, now that I know the meanings of the roots. And I know a wee bit of Spanish. Pero solo un pocito.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 14, the library
(March 4, 2011 - 4:02 pm)

1)Uh..... my bed? I share a room with my little sis and her toys (she has18 dolls!!!!!) are just getting out of control! No, I love my bookshelf!

2)Cricket, and I really want to get Aiglos.

3)Hedgehogs, horses, and dogs.

4)So many-but I can't think of any right now. Here's one.

"I wish I had never lived to see these times, " said Frodo.

"So do all who live to see those times," replied Gandalf.

"All we must do though, is use wisely the tome that is given us,"

5)Writing and Mock Trial. (That's another story.)

6)Nope. Well, does Elvish count? ;)

Ciao, peoples! 

submitted by Mattie
(March 4, 2011 - 4:18 pm)

Oh, bookshelves! I forgot about them. Mine are definitely my favorite parts (they're not in the same place) of my room; forget my bed and wall. I love my bookshelves so much that I decorated them with all the little things I have that are pretty, but I never really use, so that it looks nice.

submitted by Ima, Planet Terra
(March 4, 2011 - 6:52 pm)

1. What is the favorite part of your room and why? I don't know if I have a favorite part of my room, really. Right now I kind of like underneath my bed because it's the cleanest it's ever been- and it's cockroach free. *shivers* I stepped on one once. *double shiver*.

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read? Cricket and Odyssey.

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)? Koalas, bunnies, and werewolves.

4. What is your favorite book quote? "Of course this is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean it's not real"-Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And "Just do it for the sake of it" -Marian, Robin's Country (this wasn't excactly what she said because this was just from memory since I don't actually have the book! Sorry!)

5. What is your favorite subject at school? Uhhh, I used to like grammar, but now I have to do Literature instead. Ich. Don't get me wrong, I love to read, but I just can't stand literature as a subject! I guess math is pretty good now. Some science, like ocean science and astronomy, are cool, but I don't really like any other kind.

6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language? I'm trying to learn Sign-Language, and I can speak English fluently! I think it would be super cool to make up my own language.

-Peacing out for now,

Hannah ☺☻

submitted by Hannah ☺☻, age 15, Jarjuh
(March 4, 2011 - 6:54 pm)


1. What is the favorite part of your room and why?
Probably my bed because it is cozy and the most comfortable place to read. 

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read?
I read Cricket. The Economist or U.S. Weekly occasionaly I read occasionaly.

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)? Goats, horses, northern cardinals, mocking birds, eastern bluebirds, house wrens, ravens, dogs, wolves, bears, cats, badgers, otters. I think I will stop there because this could go an a long time.

4. What is your favorite book quote?
I really couldn't say.

5. What is your favorite subject at school?
Grammar, somtimes math.

6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language?
I was learning Latin I stopped for awhile. In high school I hope to learn French.

submitted by Elizabeth D., age 14, Texas
(March 4, 2011 - 7:19 pm)

@Ima: I just googled nudibranches and they are really beautiful. :-)

1. What is the favorite part of your room and why?

 My bed. It's comfortables and I usually use it whenever I'm in my room. *sigh* I wish I had a desk.

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read?

I used to get and read Cricket but my subscription expired so...

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)?

Domestic ducks, penguins, small dogs...

4. What is your favorite book quote?

Um, it usual changes but right now it's:

"If people are only good because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."

-Albert Einstein 

5. What is your favorite subject at school?

Language Arts, Math, or Tech.

6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language?

I'm doing core French this year, and I pick up some words from Google translate and from some of the ESL students.  

submitted by Olive
(March 4, 2011 - 7:38 pm)

1. What is the favorite part of your room and why?

My bookshelf/bed. Books are fun; beds are good for reading on.

2. Which magazines do you get and/or read?

I used to get Ladybug. Spider/LEGO Club are my current ones though.

3. What is/are your favorite animal(s)?

Cats. Though Cheetahs are my very favorites.

4. What is your favorite book quote?

It's very long. It's the last 4 pages of Warriors: Forest of Secrets, and is the first and last bit of book that made me actually cry.

5. What is your favorite subject at school?

...homeschooled. But I suppose reading because i do it without anyone telling me EVERY DAY because I love it!

6. Are you learning/ do you speak another language?

I know enough Spanish to get by, I dad speaks Spanish. I know a few words of French, One that I REALLY don't want to say of Arabic, one in Latin, and I ought to know a lot more Latin/Ancient Greek because I read In a Word.

That's all? Wow.




Vick says ngay. 

submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(March 8, 2011 - 8:54 pm)

My desk.  It has my sewing machine on it.


Cricket.  Muse.  Long story.


Dogs?  Cats?  Nice animals.  Animals that won't attack you if you touch them.


Nooooo idea.


Writing.  Creative writing.  Actually that's not a subject.  Oh well.


Latin.  Ancient Greek.  At one point or another, French and German.   


Thanks!  That was fun!  TOP TOP TOP!!

submitted by Oregano, age 13, theloveseatgardenspi
(May 24, 2011 - 3:02 pm)