Pie Wars!!!!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Pie Wars!!!!!!!!!

Pie Wars!!!!!!!!!

Just so you know, I made this because I was bored, so don't blame me if you think I'm crazy.

Anyways....I declare a PIE WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!  [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} % (that's someone who's falling over because they got hit by a pie. His eyes also got knocked out of whack) Who's next to throw/get hit by a pie?

submitted by Princess P.
(April 29, 2011 - 3:40 pm)

Ouch! You hit me! *Throws pies at Princess P.* {]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]==

submitted by Jess the piethrower
(April 29, 2011 - 6:35 pm)

Top please!

"Ahhhhh!!!" *gets hit by pie thrown by Jess* "I'll get you for that!!!"

[} [} [} [} [} [} [} = = = *throws a pie back at Jess the pie thrower and then ducks as Jess thows one back*

submitted by Princess P.
(May 1, 2011 - 2:19 pm)


Btw, are we the only ones on here? 

submitted by Jess
(May 2, 2011 - 10:40 am)

Yeah, I think so. *ducks pie and throws another one while chatting*

[} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} ============


submitted by Princess P., Need more "warr
(May 2, 2011 - 6:26 pm)


*Throws pies at Jess and PP! Her pie throwing enemies!*

[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[} % 


One down, one to go!!

[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[} *Bang!* %


submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 21 Day
(May 3, 2011 - 7:57 am)

*Gets back up and brushes pie out of her eyes* Elizabeth, prepare to be demolished!!






submitted by Jess the piethrower, age pi, All over the pl
(May 3, 2011 - 4:38 pm)

~Sneaks up and no one notices until...~

HEY PRINCESS P.!!!!!   [} [} [} [} [}  %

submitted by Charlotte, age 13
(May 3, 2011 - 3:02 pm)

~Smacks Jess~

[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}  *SPLUT* %

submitted by Charlotte, age 13
(May 4, 2011 - 8:37 am)

[}[}[}[}[} *Gets hit by pie from enemy* AHHH!!! % 

♣ *Four Leaf clover* *Luck*

{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{] *Gets up and points at Jess* 

 [}[[}[[}[[}[[}[[}[[}[[}[[}[[}[[} *Jess dodges*

 {]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{] *No one can defeat Elizabeth!!!*


Ordi says: rmoi. Moi? Me? You want me?? {]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{] *Ordi's down* 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 20 Day
(May 4, 2011 - 9:58 am)

HEY!!!! [}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[} *SPLAT* *SPLAT* *SPLAT* *SPLAT* *SPLAT* *SPLAT* *SPLAT* *SPLAT* % <---Charlotte

submitted by Jess the piethrower, Ducking beneath
(May 4, 2011 - 11:24 am)

Welcome, newcomer enemies!!! Are you ready to be pied????


*sneaks up on Charlotte who is about to throw a pie at Jess*

*throws pie at Charlotte*

[} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} SPLAT! %

"Gotcha!" laughs and runs away.


*sneaks up on Jess who is about to throw a pie at Elizabeth M.*

*throws pie at Jess!*

[} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} SPLAT! %

"Gotcha!" giggles and runs away as Jess turns around and tries to throw a pie back at her.


*sneaks up on Elizabeth M. who has seen the whole thing and is pretending to throw a pie at Jess*

[} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} SPLAT! %

*Elizabeth M. throws a pie in Princess P.'s face and yells "Gotcha!" and runs away*

*Princess P. wipes off the pie on her face and chases Elizabeth*

"I'll get you for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

submitted by Princess P.
(May 4, 2011 - 12:48 pm)

[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[} %

Down with Elizabeth!!!!  MWA HA HA

submitted by Charlotte, age 13
(May 4, 2011 - 3:55 pm)

*Runs into the fray throwing pies everywhere*

[} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} %

%{] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] 

*Charlotte and Jess get hit with pies*


submitted by Elizabeth D. , age 14 , Texas
(May 4, 2011 - 9:36 pm)

Not too fast, Charlotte! 

{] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] {] *Charlotte down*


 [}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[} *Elizabeth D. shoots at Elizabeth M.*

 {]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{] *Bang!*

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 19 Day
(May 5, 2011 - 10:32 am)

~brushes pie of face and glares at everybuggy~

[}[}[}[}[}[}[} %  Elizabeth D. down!!!!

%  {]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]  There's to Jess!!

[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}[}  %  Take THAT Princess P.!!!!

%  {]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]{]  And banana CREAMS for Elizabeth M!!!!

~Ducks storm of cherry pies thrown at me~


[AWWWW!!!  Spammy says paaw!!!!  DOGGY!!!  Now he says cair.  Is that Care or Claire?]

submitted by Charlotte, age 13
(May 5, 2011 - 8:10 pm)