Haircut So

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Haircut So


So I've been growing out my hair for about two years, not really intentionally, but I haven't gotten more than an inch off at a time since fall 2008 and I love my long hair. (It's currently to my waistband.) I'd been planning for a while to cut it this summer, and only just decided to cut off more than I was planning to and donate it. After doing some research, I'd like to donate it to Wigs For Kids (not Locks Of Love), which requires 12 inches of hair. After the chop and then the evening out, my hair would be about an inch above my shoulders--quite a change. Anyone else ever donated hair? Where to? Any tips on dealing with suddenly and drastically shorter hair? Perhaps this is weird, but while I'm donating it to someplace I believe in and fully support, I'm sort of attached to my super long hair, and I'm a little nervous I might be slightly shocked when I cut 14 inches off! 


It will be a big change for you, but what a wonderful, selfless donation! You'll get used to the shorter look. Will there be a good stylist at the chopping place? If not, you could make an appointment at a regular beauty salon. Find pictures of a few styles you like to take along to show the stylist what you like. You may love your new look! And it will grow again, too.


submitted by Brynne, age 15
(May 16, 2011 - 2:55 pm)

Okay, that sounds EXACTLY like me! I got my hair cut in fall of 2008. I never really needed to get my hair cut to keep it neat (like my sisters and my mom have to), so I just kept growing it out for no reason at all. Last year, my mom suggested getting my hair cut and donating it to Locks of Love (the only place we knew of). I thought about it, and agreed to getting it cut in six months which ended up to be April of this year. A few days before the scheduled haircut, I began to have second thoughts about it. I really liked my waist long hair. I liked to braid it, and I didn't mind washing and brushing it at all. So I was going back and forth for a few days. I knew that my hair would be going to a good organization, and I knew that it would grow back, but I really liked it, and I thought that I would miss it if I cut it. We were at the haircut place, and it was my turn to get my hair cut. The hair stylist washed my hair, combed it, put it up, and I STILL hadn't decided whether to cut it or not. After about ten minutes of waiting (I can be very indecisive!), I said that I would do it. But five seconds later I changed my mind. But then I wanted to change it back, but the hair stylist (we know her pretty well) said that she was going to cut off about six inches and not donate the hair. She said that she knew one girl who couldn't decide, so she cut her hair, and the girl decided that she didn't like it and was mad at her for a while. :-(  So she just cut off a few inches so that it was about seven inches below my shoulder. It took a while to get used to it, but I finally decided that I didn't mind my hair being short(er!). I thought I wouldn't be able to do anything with it, but I can still do the styles I liked to do. And I know that my hair grows fast, so if I ever decide that I want to donate it, then I can. I figured that I could grow my hair out for another two and a half or so more years, and it will still be REALLY long if I cut it! So this is just my opinion and story. I don't want to discourage you from cutting and donating your hair, but I thought you might like to hear my story and my decision. Anyways, hope this helps!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 16, 2011 - 5:35 pm)

I did like hearing your story and decision. Thanks for sharing. :)

submitted by Brynne
(May 17, 2011 - 11:34 am)

TOP please!

submitted by TOP
(May 16, 2011 - 5:35 pm)

By the way, are you new? TOP please!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 16, 2011 - 9:11 pm)

No, I'm not new. I'm actually one of the oldies--since the first week Chatterbox was open. I just haven't posted much lately, though I'm still reading everything. :)

submitted by Brynne, age 15
(May 16, 2011 - 9:47 pm)

I hope I can give advice. I've never donated hair but I did cut it pretty short. It was about elbow length when I was seven and I finally decided to cut it to my shoulders. I felt good about it at first and then well, I basically cried the night away. You shouldn't feel bad about cutting your hair (though it will be a MAJOR change). There are a lot of cute shorter cuts. I recommend getting it cut in a nice layer and if you like wearing ponytails or something you shouldn't cut it really short. Yeah, sorry, if I didn't help! :)

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany: 7 Days
(May 17, 2011 - 9:46 am)

That sounds exactly like me!  I cut mine in November and I'm pretty sure my hair is growing faster now than it did before I cut it... which is counterintuitive.  Shouldn't the long hair pull out the new growth faster? That was a joke.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat/ga
(May 17, 2011 - 7:48 am)

If your hair is curly (like mine), you could get it cut right around your chin. That's where mine is right now. If you're hair is straight, get a pixie cut! Talk about drastic. ;) I'm thinking of getting my hair uber short at my next appointment this Thursday.

submitted by MJ, age 15
(May 17, 2011 - 9:47 am)

My hair is pretty much straight, but since I started washing it with baking soda and apple cider vinegar (something I highly recommend), it has slight waves. I don't leave it completely down very often, so it's usually textured according to how I put it up that day, like a French braid.

The problem I'm having with this is that I don't want to wait any longer to get it cut, but I have a square face and so my hair needs to stay longer than my chin.

And actually, I think I've changed my mind and will donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths instead, because they only require 8 inches, though they encourage more. I think I would donate about ten (everyone I know or came across on the internet while figuring out the pros and cons of each donating place donated more than 8). Since more people donate more than 8 inches, I think I'd be okay doing that and knowing it wouldn't just get cut off to 8 anyway, like at Locks of Love where no matter how much you give, they usually cut it all to 10 because the majority of their donations are 10.

@MJ: That would be a little too drastic, I think. :)

submitted by Brynne
(May 17, 2011 - 11:32 am)

Well, I did it. Twelve inches off for Wigs For Kids, plus one for evening. It's actually about three inches longer than I thought it would be--it didn't bounce up at all when the weight from the length came off. So it's about shoulder length, just a little longer. I actually like it!


Great! Congratulations, Brynne! I've found that often the worrying in advance is worse than the event itself. And thank you for making such a valuable donation!


submitted by Brynne
(May 19, 2011 - 8:50 pm)

I know you have already cut your hair, but I am just going to add my little story/comment thing....

When I was about 8 or so I had hair that was to about the middle of my back, at least.  I cut it into a bob, like in the middle of my neck, and donated it to locks for love (I think they require at least 8 inches, not sure), and I have done it about 1 or 2 other times since then.  I really like short hair, and I personally think it suits me better.  On another topic, I was thinking about cutting my hair into a pixie cut right before school starts....I still am going back and forth about it though, I might just get a bob.  Any Suggestions????

Well, I'm glad you like your new hair cut.



For what it's worth, Claire, I had long hair and had it cut into a pixie in the spring of 7th grade. As soon as I did it, I hated it and couldn't wait for it to grow out. So I'd go for the bob. But that's my story, not yours. Maybe you'd like the pixie.


submitted by Claire E, age 12.5, Wisconsin
(May 22, 2011 - 10:56 am)

Hmm, not knowing what you look like, I'm not sure what to recommend. I'd probably go with a short bob and then if you think you'd like it even shorter, go for a (still longish, not totally shaved!) pixie cut. It's up to you though!

submitted by Brynne
(May 22, 2011 - 5:17 pm)


Thanks for your story/comment!



So did you get your hair cut yet? A pixie?


submitted by Claire E, age 12.5, Wisconsin
(May 24, 2011 - 7:15 pm)


I recently cut my hair in... March?

Well, i cut off 12 inches and donated it to Locks of Love. My mom did this so she was really proud. I don't like the short hair, but its a change. Oh, and i had really really long hair, it was curly!!!!

You should cut & donate it! It will make you feel so good. And, if you do decide to do it, and you dislike your short hair [like me], then just imagine the little girl that is wearing you wig that can go to school and not be made fun of because of being bald. It is a great thing to do. You should go for it!

submitted by Vida, age 11
(May 22, 2011 - 10:41 pm)