
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Everyone knows what I think about this, so anyway...  What about you?  Not just what you think, but if you have any info, please post it!!  Wendy, good thread idea!! :):):):)
So...  Anyone??
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Dead bunny :(:(
submitted by BellaTrix
(January 8, 2009 - 11:36 am)

Info???? OH, GOSH I HATE IT!!!!!!!!  AAAAAHH!!!!  Not FAIR!!!!!  Why kill innocent little, or big, actually, animals!!!!!!????????

Good bunny.  :)   I have a Netherland Dwarf bunny, her name is Hazel, and she is SOOO CUTE!!!! But anyway, my grandpa used to always tease me by saying he'd eat her!!!  I was soooooo mad!!!!  He said when he was growing up, they raised bunnies, just to eat!!!!!  Poor things!!! Cry



submitted by Laura M., age 15, Santa Rosa, Ca
(January 8, 2009 - 3:23 pm)

Bleh, bleh, bleh.... :P:P Nasty.  Have you ever been to a Cabela's?  One just opened near Gorham.  It's similar to L.L. Bean, just more dead animals/heads.  I counted twenty or twenty-three moose.  Seventeen bears (grizzley, black, and polar).  Bison.  Even several endangered species!!!!  They have an African 'exhibit', with the critically endangered Giant Sable Antelope, and some rhinos!!!!!!  It's AWEFUL!!!! :(:(

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submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(January 8, 2009 - 7:12 pm)

Huh??  I thought that was illegal!!!  THAT'S HORRIBLE!!!  Is it allowed in Canada??  

submitted by BellaTrix
(January 9, 2009 - 9:42 am)

You thought what was illegal????  Having a stuffed sable antelope????  They probably found it dead on the side of the road or something, but it still disgusts me!  Allowed in Canada???  If it is in the US, then I'm guessing it is...  There's a Cabela's in Canada!  Ummmmm,  Winnipeg, Canada!  Probably nowhere near where you live!!! :D:D:D:D =:(   -Giant Sable Antelope!

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(January 13, 2009 - 5:56 pm)

Personally I think hunting for sport is wrong.  However in the past it was acceptable.  If there are any endangered animals in stores (like Cabella's) then they were probably hunted a long time ago.  Did you know that hunting can sometimes help animals?  In places where deer/elk populations are too large, the animals starve because there isn't enough food.  So when hunters come in, they keep the population in check.  Also hunting has very strict rules to keep the animal population safe, and ensure the species survival.  Here's another case where hunting helped an ENDANGERED animal! (I just read about this in the January 2009 National Geographic.)  The Southern White Rhino is no longer endangered because of hunting.  Here's how:  some people realized that they could get a lot of money for allowing people to come in and shoot the rhinos.  So they started breeding and caring for the rhino population--the money they made off of hunts went to breeding more rhinos.  Through these breeding programs the rhinos are no longer endagered.  So hunting isn't always bad.

submitted by Wendy C., age 16, Ohio
(January 10, 2009 - 9:33 pm)

Sorry...  I don't agree.  Thing is, if no one hunted, the White Rhino wouldn't be endangered in the first place!  And letting people hunt them seems like a pretty sick thing to do, even if in the end it still helps.   The reason deer\elk populations are unstable is because we exterminated all the natural predators.  What we should really do is introduce predators like wolves to keep the population in check.  Wolves were completely exterminated from the US.  The natural cycle: when prey populations are low, predator populations are low, too, and vice versa.  This gives them time to regenerate.  If one dude goes out to kill one deer, I don't really have a problem with that.  But unnecessary killing is jut cruel, and I think there are other ways to generate money than letting people kill rhinos.  Why not make a natural park?

  But otherwise I agree with you. :)       
submitted by BellaTrix
(January 10, 2009 - 11:41 pm)

I agree with you, Bellatrix, all the way.

submitted by Meghan, age 15
(January 13, 2009 - 2:32 pm)

I agree that killing animals is cruel.  However now that people have messed up the earth they have to get it back to normal.  Just reintroducing natural predators is not an option in most places (however there are growing wolf populations in national parks around the US).  I used to live in Colorado and I can tell it's not fun to live with predators.  We weren't allowed to go out after dark because of the mountain lions and bears.  School recess was sometimes cancelled because dead deer were found stashed on the playground (from the mountain lion).  Reintroducing predators near cities leads to more problems and many people (not me) say the human life is worth more than an animal's life.  Right now hunting to keep the population in check is the best thing that can happen.  You also must admit that allowing people to hunt the Southern White Rhino was pretty ingenious.  They managed to bring back the population and sastisfy hunters which leads to a decrease in poachers.  Poaching I think is THE worst thing ever.  It is what endagers many animals.  I think that it is sick but I also realize that it is some people's only way of survival.  What do you guys think?

submitted by Wendy C., age 16, Ohio
(January 13, 2009 - 4:24 pm)

Sigh . . . Humans shouldn't just have gone into other animals' homes without thinking.  Animals were there first, you know.  Oh!  Idea!  Tell me if it's completely crazy.

Humans could build treehouses!  If we built elevated houses instead of building houses on the ground, we wouldn't have to cut trees, we would be out of predator's reach, and we wouldn't need to disturb nature!
So whatdaya think??  But maybe too much unnatural shade . . . *is deep in thought*
Poaching is terrible, but you know, if people didn't understand why they shouldn't hunt, you can't exactly blame them.  But if they know it's wrong and do it anyway, that's WRONG.  
submitted by BellaTrix
(January 21, 2009 - 5:52 pm)

I live in an area where there is a lot of hunting, and it drives me crazy!  All I hear are guns being fired off!  I know someone who had a dog and the dog was killed because someone shot it. :'( Now, every time I hear a gun I think about some poor innocent animal being killed.

submitted by Meghan, age 15
(January 13, 2009 - 2:29 pm)

A while ago in Maine (I don't remember when.... Zoe, tell me if this sounds familiar), some person was actually shot in her own backyard, because some guy was hunting (in a prohibited area!) and he thought she was a deer!!!  She died!! :(:(:(

submitted by Paige P., age 12 :), Gorham, Maine
(January 13, 2009 - 6:03 pm)


submitted by MaGgIe S., age 12 (but al, Somewhere and N
(January 14, 2009 - 4:06 pm)

Wow, that's awful.  But you really can't base all hunters off the stupid ones.  Most hunters follow the rules and are sure to be extra careful.  Also many hunters avidly support the environment because they realize how much of an impact people have on it.

submitted by Wendy C., age 16, Ohio
(January 17, 2009 - 3:27 pm)