What do you

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

What do you

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Post here your plans for your future! :-)

submitted by Rosie G.
(July 26, 2011 - 10:09 am)

I want to be a teacher or a librarian. :)

submitted by Olive
(July 26, 2011 - 1:08 pm)

TOP please!

submitted by Rosie G.
(July 27, 2011 - 4:23 pm)

I really want to do something graphic design or writing related. I also like making zines, but I don't know if that qualifies as a career....

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(July 28, 2011 - 6:35 am)

I want to be an ethologist, someone who studies animal behavior in the wild. I want to specialize in an endangered species so that I can do some conservation work as well or maybe find some information that could help them, but I don't yet know which endangered species. It's been my dream since I was 8 years old, though. I also want to live somewhere that gets cold. In colllege, I want to study ethology, conservation biology, and the study of whatever species I decide to specialize in, but I don't know which will be the biggest priorities, or whether I'll be getting a double major and a minor or just one major with a double minor. I also don't know which college I want to go to. I'll figure it out when I'm older.

I might write a book or 2 about what I choose to study, but I don't know whether or not it'll be a priority. It depends largely on the public's attitude toward the animal I study--if I think they need to be educated about it and how they can help, I'll try to educate them, but if it's something they already know and care a lot about, I may not.

Other plans for the future? I don't know if I'll get married, but I don't want to give birth. If I do get married, I might adopt, but I don't know. (I know you can adopt a child without getting married, but I don't want to be a single mother with a busy job; it would be extremely stressful and the child(ren) might end up neglected, which I really don't want).

I really want pets. I especially want a ferret and some snails. I do not want an outdoor cat, an exotic, captured pet, a toad, or a frog (unless it's an African dwarf frog). I'm against exotic pets for ethical reasons, and while I love anurans (frogs and toads), I do not want to feed them live insects or dead mice. African dwarf frogs eat these tiny dead worms that look like pencil shavings, though, so that's all right. I know they're exotic, but if I get one, I will never let it escape, and I will make sure it was captive-bred and not captured. Unfortunately, some companies do capture them, which I think is horrible. In addition to the fact that it must be terribly traumatic for them, especially in the case of highly intelligent and undoubtedly self-aware animals such as parrots, it has been known to sometimes have a quite significant effect on the size of the population in the wild. Anyway, ADFs aren't necessarily on the list of pets I really want, just not on the list of pets I really don't want. Also, if I get a commonplace pet like a dog, cat, or gerbil, I'll be sure to rescue one instead of supporting poppy mills and so on. And yes, it is possible to get gerbils from the SPCA. I've done it. It gets you some odd looks, unfortunately, but it's much better than getting one from pet stores who don't always treat their animals very well. The African dwarf frog tanks at my local pet store are swimming with disease, for example.

I'll probably want a garden, but it'll be an organic garden with only plants that are native to the area, especially ones that attract birds, butterflies, bees, and other creatures I want in my yard. I might also have a separate kitchen garden, whose plants will be mostly nonnative, but it'll still be organic.

I want to do a lot of volunteering. I already volunteer at my local wildlife rescue place, feeding baby birds, and once that's over (the program is only for the summer because after that there aren't any baby birds), I want to volunteer at a local park I won't name, mostly pulling weeds from what I've heard. Next summer, I'll be old enough to volunteer at the zoo, so I'll also do that, and I'll see if I have time to volunteer at the wildlife rescue place, but I don't know. Of course, once I turn 16, I'll be able to do much more.

submitted by Ima
(July 28, 2011 - 1:30 pm)

@Ima: I grinned when you mentioned a ferret. :P

Anyways, my goal in life used to be that I would go to Harvard, get a good job (specifically one that involves computers), then a house big enough to fit in a Fazioli grand piano (which cost around $180,000 I think). Mm-hm!

As I mentioned before, I want to be a teacher or a librarian, but, if possible, I want to have a job that involves software engineering, like my mom's. I also want to study abroad *coughcough*France*coughcough* (hopefully by then I'll be fluent in French).

I don't know if I want to get married. I think I do. Also I probably won't want to give birth. I might adopt or foster (if I get married) because if I give birth, my child might inherit some of my brother's qualities (my brother's awesome and all, but he's "different") and I've seen how stressful it is on my mummy so...

submitted by Olive
(July 29, 2011 - 10:30 am)

I want to be many things.  Some sort of writer.  A photographer.  A 1st grade teacher.  And others.  But those are probably my top three.  Right now I'm working on photography (taking classes and such) so that's probably at the top of the list but I just don't know! 

@Olive: Children are a gift not a burden no matter what qualities they possess. ;)

submitted by R~D~, age 15
(July 29, 2011 - 9:13 pm)

Lots of writers are also teachers, and lots of written things need photos. You could combine the jobs if you wanted; it's not impossible. Also, if you become a first grade teacher, you can use stories to teach your students.

submitted by Ima
(July 29, 2011 - 11:28 pm)

I want to be a creationist. Actually, to be more specific, a creation scientist. Except for then I'd have to like science, which isn't exactly my favorite subject at the moment...Or I'll be an apologetics person. I forget what it's called. :-)  Or I would want to be an astronomer. A creationist astronomer. Or I can be a creation scientist that majors in astronomy! That might work... :-)  Mostly, I'd like to be a mom. I might adopt, I might not, but I do know that I want to have kids. But before that I'd have to meet a man and marry him...Anyways, sorry if that's sort of rambling. :-)   Here's my real answer: I would like to be a creation scientist/astronomer, and then become a mom and have kids. Straight and to the point. And easy to read! :-)


Olive-If you don't mind me asking, does your brother have special needs? I have a little sister with CP (cerebral palsy)...except for she's adopted. :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(July 29, 2011 - 7:53 pm)

Really? I can recommend some books to help you along if you want. I don't believe that the Biblical creation story is literally true, but I still think it's a great idea.

submitted by Ima
(July 29, 2011 - 11:24 pm)

By "apologetics person," do you mean apologist?

submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(July 30, 2011 - 1:30 pm)

AAh! Creationism is my big thing too! I especially like the biology portions of it. I don't know about that being like, my career, but I definately love the subject. :D

submitted by Emily L., age 16, WA
(July 30, 2011 - 6:18 pm)

ZNZ-Yeah, that's what I mean. Thanks! :-)

Emily L.-Wait, remind me again. What's biology? :-)  I'm not yet in high school, so I haven't taken biology yet. Thanks for bearing with my ignorance. Smile  Yeah, I haven't completely decided if it's going to be my career yet, but I really enjoy the subject, too! :-)


Biology is the study of living things.


submitted by Princess P.
(July 31, 2011 - 2:40 pm)

Oh, okay, thanks, Admin!

submitted by Princess P.
(August 1, 2011 - 10:27 am)

@Princess P.: Oui oui. He has autism.

Okay, I probably sounded terrible and heartless when I mentioned that I don't want to have kids because of my brother. Sorry. That was just me being my attention-seeking self. *blushes madly* I do want to have kids, I guess, as long as I'm happily married and have a supporting job first.

APC says pang. Pang? Do you have a pang of something, APC? 

submitted by Olive
(July 30, 2011 - 7:11 am)

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Olive! Finally, I meet someone else with an autistic sibling! I feel so alone sometimes! :-( Only I have a sister, and not a brother. We should discuss, if you feel comfortable. You too, Princess P. We should make a thread for people who have siblings with down syndrome or celebral palsy or autism or etc.

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(July 30, 2011 - 6:14 pm)