Picturing other chatterbo

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Picturing other chatterbo

Picturing other chatterboxers.

I used to picture other Chatterboxers, associate them with certain things, and imagine them doing certain things. Some examples:

-Adina would have long, black hair, with a few touches of brown. She'd swirl around in a dress in a fantasy world.

-I always associated Vida with butterflies.

-Kimberly was always in an RV. She'd have long black hair and would constantly be grinning.

-ZNZ I associated with evil (guess why? here's a hint: jellybeans) and magic.

-Leaf, I pictured as a dirty blonde, who would be reading under a giant tree.

-Mary.W would have short orange hair and would be doing scholarly things (i.e. reading, debating, etc).

-Bellatrix would have black hair done up in a bun with a couple of dark brown stripes. I kept imagining her as a vampire, even though her namesake was from Harry Potter.

-Maggie would have curly brown hair and freckles, and was usually at a lake of some sort.

-Rachel had some kind of blond hair. She would usually be texting. That was about it.

-Julia would have long blond hair.

-Choco I associated with-you guessed it!-chocolate.

-Elizabeth M. was associated with the globe. I guess that had to do with her living in Germany.

-Paige was the same as Kimberly, but I associated her with smiley faces.

-Blue Fairy I imagined as an actual blue fairy.

-Laura was the same as Kimberly and Paige, but with blond hair.

-Koffee would have brown hair. She'd usually be drinking coffee and going insane.

-Kit Kat would have very orange hair, and also went insane often.


So, I kept on making these associations and visuals, until I found the CB Facebook page. (Don't ask how-it's another story I'm not in the mood to tell.)


Everyone looked so different then what I thought they were. (I loved TNO's fez!)


How do you guys imagine me? What do you picture me doing? Do you associate me with anything? How do you imagine the others? POST, PLEASE!!

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(August 2, 2011 - 3:45 pm)

I automatically visualize everything I read, so I certainly do what you did! I'll do that for all the people you mentioned, you, and anyone who comments here. I'd love it if anyone mentioned how they pictured me.

Adina has long, straight, dark brown hair and eyes, tannish skin, and a very calm smile despite the slightly crazed look in her eyes. She wears... red, I think.

Vida also has dark brown eyes and hair, and the latter is sort of shaped like a flower petal, getting thinner farther down. She has big eyes and is always smiling except when she is clearly unhappy. She has  a loud voice.

Kimmie I've met, so I know exactly what she looks like. Before I met her, I imagined with long medium brown hair and eyes, a perpetual grin except when she's clearly unhappy, tannish skin, and a friendly expression.

ZNZ has... dark brown hair and eyes. I promise I don't envision everyone with dark brown hair and eyes, just... most people, XD. Her hair is sort of like Vida's but not as dark. She is always grinning from ear to ear except when clearly unhappy. She wears purple. Come to think of it, so do Kimmie and Vida...

I've seen a picture of Leaf, so I know what she really looks like, but here's how I envision her despite that: Leaf does not have any brownish features or straight hair and does not wear purple! She has chin-length, wavy, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, and wears green! She does often smile, but not in the same way as everyone else, more like my former friend Ashley (who was really nice; we just had nothing in common and drifted apart; there was no fight or anything)... It's hard to describe, but it's really nice and always there. Leaf is also really, really pretty. She looks sort of like Rhea from The Lost Years of Merlin books but with a different hair color and facial expression. She has a high voice. Also, I have an association for her. When I read her name, first I envision a narrow, green leaf, but then I imagine her.

ML has mouse brown hair the same length as Leaf, brown eyes, and pale skin. She wears blue.

Bellatrix looks like a younger version of how I picture the HP Bellatrix: Tall, with long, dark brown, very tangled hair, very pale skin (Azkaban prisoners can't go outside), dark brown, insane eyes, and an evil grin. She often laughs in a typically insane/evil way. She has thick eyelids and a low voice.

Maggie looks like a girl named Maggie I used to know: dirty blond, wavy hair, about shoulder-length and very wide and thick with some red highlights and green eyes. She grins a lot.

I have the same mental image for everyone named Rachel: long, wavy, thick, medium brown hair with some dark brown and light brown highlights, brown eyes, pale skin, and a serious face. She had an accent until she started typing in full words. I can't help it, but in my head, everyone who uses text talk or doesn't capitalize or frequently misspells sounds a bit strange, especially when pronouncing vowels.

Julia looks like an older version of my preschool friend named Julia: dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. She grins.

I also associate Choco with chocolate, so her eyes and shortish hair are chocolate brown.

Elizabeth M. has beautiful, long, curly black hair and black eyes. Her expression is... curious.

Paige has brown hair and eyes and pale skin. When she was Paige, she was always smiling and loud and sunny. Now that she's Kenzie, she looks... less ecstatic.

I associate Blue Fairy with blue fairies. When I read the word blue, I see a blue screen in my head, and then I read fairy and imagine a beautiful fairy with long, curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and pink wings and dress and ballet shoes made of flower petals. Then my mind puts the 2 together and makes her wings and dress blue. Then I realize it's Blue Fairy the ChatterBoxer, and her wings disappear as she grows to normal size.

Laura is tall, with chin-length, dirty blonde hair and big, brown eyes.

Koffee has long, curly, blonde hair, blue eyes, an insane grin, a white shirt with a peace sign on it, and blue jeans.

I associate Kit Kat with Kit Kat bars. I see that first, then her. She has long, very straight brown hair, brown eyes, ad brown clothes.

TNO was mentioned, so I'll do her, too. I've seen a picture, so I know what she really looks like, but in my head, she has long, straight, light brown hair, blue-green eyes, pale skin, and a low voice.

WW has short, pale blonde hair, and blue eyes. I associate her with writing and warriors, so her facial expression is similar to those of many of the female warriors I read about in books. It's hard to describe but very determined.

submitted by Ima
(August 2, 2011 - 6:07 pm)

re:Kit Kat: EXACTLY!

When I think of you, I first think of science and tarigrades as well as logic. Your actual self is hard to describe. I imagine you with blonde hair. That's about all I think of.

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(August 4, 2011 - 6:06 pm)


My mom says it's a problem... 

My hair is actually auburn, short, and curly. I actually also have green eyes!

Ima, I imagine you as pretty tall. Skinny. Short brunette hair. You're always wearing green. 

submitted by Vida
(August 10, 2011 - 2:19 pm)

Still haven't left for vacation yet, and I have some spare time, so I'm posting here. :-)

WritingWarrior I associate with writing, of course! I picture her as about fifteen years old, or at least thirteen or older. She has curly brown hair, and always has a pen behind her ear. :-)

Ima I think of as a pioneer, for some reason. :-)  It's sort of strange, but it might be her name...:-)  Anyways, she has long, straight brown hair, brown eyes, and her hair is usually in a bun.

Elizabeth M. I pictured with short, blonde hair. She is kind and, as Ima said, curious. (by the way, Ima, that was a good way to describe E.M.! :-)  )

Lizzy is determined, likes to write, and for some reason, I associate her with my friend Lizzy who is three years younger than the CBer Lizzy. :-)

I'll do a few more later...:-)


submitted by Princess P.
(August 3, 2011 - 10:26 am)

I need facebook. *headdesk* Sorry. Anywho, when I read, I'm a visual reader, but I normally don't picture characters' faces unless the movie. Version. Of. Themself. Is. Stuck. In. My. Head. I. Should. Not. Have. Watched. The. Harry. Potter. Movies. Before. Reading. The. Books.

So I have trouble imagining people's faces and I usually imagine people's names highlighted in a specific colour.

WW- I used to imagine WW when she went by CJ as having short brown hair and fair skin. Now when I think of WW, her name's blue.

Ima- I imagine Ima as having pale skin, brown hair that's in a bun, and a dainty nose (I can imagine her face right now). Also, pointy glasses. Her name's white with a purple-ish tint.

PP- Her name is in pink and she has brown hair. Um, no glasses. (I told you I'm bad at picturing people) 

ZNZ- Blonde hair, white t-shirt, blue eyes or brown hair in braids, chocolate-coloured skin and white teeth. Completely different, I know... And her name is in green and blue.

TNO (umlaut)- Dark brown hair in a ponytail. Her name is in dark green and brown (a nice brown).

Vida- Black hair in a ponytail, tanned skin. Her name is in black and a reddish-pink.

Choco- Dark brown hair, tanned skin. Her name is in black and chocolate brown.

Elizabeth M.- Blonde hair, blue eyes. Her name is in blue and read.

Leaf- Her name is green. And she has brown hair.

Lizzy- Her name is in bright green. And she has blonde hair.

ML- ML has dark brown hair in a ponytail and red, pointy glasses. Her name is in red and the W. is in purple. 

submitted by Olive
(August 3, 2011 - 12:11 pm)

Oh....wow. What you thought of me when I was CJ is actually pretty close to what I look like. :0

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(August 4, 2011 - 5:26 pm)

And I like blue! ;)

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(August 4, 2011 - 6:07 pm)

I do have long(ish), straight, brown hair. It's not in a bun, though, and my eyes are hazel. I'm not sure whether I look like a pioneer... I just asked, and I was told no.

Princess P. looks sort of like the way I imagine another online friend of mine, Princess Magnolia, who very occasionally goes by Princess M: wavy, light brown hair, blue-green eyes, a pink dress.

Lizzy has long, curly, brown hair and dark eyes.

Olive has straight, chin-length, light brown hair and pale, turquoise eyes.

submitted by Ima
(August 3, 2011 - 3:52 pm)

@Ima: You are, and always will be, a tardigrade.

submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(August 3, 2011 - 7:32 pm)

Yay! *starts singing the water bear song to the tune of Greensleeves (because I hate the tune some random youtube user gave it, and I love this one, and I haven't yet found a better solution)* I've started writing the religious text for The Land Where Everybody Worships Tardigrades so I can continue my quest to convert one of my other imaginary countries, and It Has Been Revealed To Me by the Great Arctisconia that the Ultimate Goal is to become so close to perfection in ones soul (although, "No creature has ever been their equal in anything, nor shall any creature ever be, for of all the possibilities that ever were, they are the greatest, the strongest, the most magnificent".) that once this life ends, your soul shall enter the Perfect, Ideal form of the tardigrade. Of course, as Her Ladyship, Who is Their Prophet (Ess. Prophetess. That will do.), it is obvious that I am, of all humans, the most pure, but I am glad that this fact is recognized by others.

submitted by Ima
(August 4, 2011 - 2:02 pm)

And I should probably add that sometimes I picture the tardigrade wearing glasses and holding a book. You're a very literate tardigrade.

I find it funny that you picture me grinning ear to ear. I don't grin. Not much, anyway. 

submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(August 4, 2011 - 8:10 pm)

I can easily imagine a children's book illustration of that... I've seen a few done, although there's no real book for them to go with. There's an old man tardigrade dancing to a song on a record player, a businessman tardigrade in a suit and tie with a financial chart, and a lazy tardigrade watching TV and eating popcorn. They're brilliant. The artist hasn't drawn any that look like your version of me, though.

submitted by Ima
(August 5, 2011 - 10:32 am)

That sounds awesome. What's the artist's name?

submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(August 5, 2011 - 3:25 pm)

Um... I think it was solidgoldpants? I'm not sure. You can find it by doing a Google Image search for olde man tardigrade, though.

submitted by Ima
(August 5, 2011 - 8:45 pm)

It was solidgoldpants. Thanks!

submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(August 6, 2011 - 7:03 am)