Heeeello. I'm back,

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Heeeello. I'm back,

Heeeello. I'm back, (though i've only posted on "Pudding's Place". Check out Michael Jackson Fan Thread/FUUUUUUNK! on there.:):))


Yes i'm back.


It's true.

With a big smile..


Soo anyone happy? (*coughbehappycough*)

I'm probably going to spread the word around by posting elsewhere. Soo, Bye!


Vick says ywdc. Why you D.C.? I'm not in D.C. I'm in N.C.



submitted by NDT, age 10, Back where I belong.
(August 18, 2011 - 6:03 pm)

Yay, you're back NDT!!!  I missed you!  (Sorry I'm pushing this to the bottom.)

submitted by Leaf, age 14, on a tree!
(August 19, 2011 - 12:10 pm)

Top! :):):):)


Vick says udwb. You D.W.B? No, I'm N.D.T.




p.s. My name is not Derick Winter Brach. or Derell White Brunch. or....

submitted by NDT, age 10, Here. DUuuhhhhhhhhhh
(August 19, 2011 - 7:22 pm)


submitted by top, age top, top
(August 30, 2011 - 6:06 pm)