Do you think

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Do you think

Do you think food should be imported? 


I don't mean things you can only get in another country, I mean vegetables and fruit. 

At many grocery stores the same veggies and fruit are there the whole year. That means, in summer apples are imported from Australia (or wherever) or when it's not corn season, corn is imported from Argentina (or wherever). This takes fuel and ruins the earth's atmosphere because all these planes are flying through the sky and polluting it. Now, in winter veggies and fruit doesn't grow but that doesn't mean it has to be imported, right? If you are thinking, greenhouses, you have just one a million euros/dollars! Just joking. My point is if we try to sell fruits and veggies at grocery stores only when they're in season, we would be saving fuel AND the earth. In winter, local farmers could grow them in greenhouses. Win/Win.

Now, Germany mostly has food from Germany and in season... We just need to get it down to no imported foods or only what is needed. What about the USA? And what do you think? 


This is a very good topic, Elizabeth. Thanks for initiating it.


submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 18, 2011 - 11:14 am)

I agree with you that food should only be imported when necessary and with Admin that this is a great topic! In the US, quite a lot of food, especially produce, is imported. My girl scout troop has decided to start trying to mostly eat things that come from within 100 miles of us, though. Unfortunately, in America, most people don't even seem to think about where their food comes from, let alone how it got there, let alone whether they agree with that, let alone whether there are other options--is it like that in Germany? You're the only person I know from there. But most people have at least heard of this sort of thing. Anyway, we're also going to interview people about it. It should be interesting.

submitted by Ima
(October 19, 2011 - 7:18 pm)

Well, in Germany I think they try to have a lot more "in season" things. I think in winter they usually grow stuff in Green Houses, and I've also noticed that some things (when not in season) are imported from the Netherlands. 

In Germany, I think a lot of people are much more contious (sorry, I don't know how to spell that) about their health and what they eat. For example, a lot more people it organic food.

Now, in Germany if we could get to ALL_GERMAN products that would  be great.

Ima, farmer's markets are really great places to get food because it's usually from the area. Do you have a farmer's market around you? 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(October 28, 2011 - 7:27 am)

I agree that food should not be imported often! Our family tries to only eat food that's in season, like berries/peaches/plums in summer, and apples/oranges in fall and winter. We are also getting more organic produce, but it's a lot more expensive! Usually we just get what's on sale, and I think the main problem when it comes to food is popular demand. The grocery is going to sell what people want, because they want to make more money. The people who wouldn't mind just food that's in season see the sales, and can't resist. The cycle continues...

Farmers Markets: We used to go to one every so often several years ago before we moved, and I remember tents and shaded walkways with lots of samples and fresh food (I was very young).  However, the "farmers markets" that are in our area now are more like a carnival, which is sad, because most of the food was not local! There was jewelry and resteraunt stands, singing and (this is really wierd) a BLACKSMITH selling decorative things made out of horseshoes! It wasn't a Farmer's market at all. 

submitted by SusyQ
(October 30, 2011 - 9:10 am)

Oh, we have farmer's markets around here! Also, Washington can sell apples all year round because (guess what) we are one of the world's leading producers of apples. They just get kind of mushy out of season.

submitted by Emily L.
(November 7, 2011 - 12:35 am)