Les MisIt

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Les MisIt&#3

Les Mis

It's all I think about/talk about/care about/watch/listen to/read nowadays, so. I saw it for the first time over the weekend (25ac), and it's INCREDIBLE, in a way that feels like having your heart torn out and repeatedly stomped upon.

The book is good as well - I'm a fair way through it, and when Hugo's not ranting (as he often is) he's excellent.

submitted by ZNZ
(December 8, 2011 - 5:57 pm)

*jaw drop* Really? You're so lucky! I've wanted to see that for a while but not while they were here sadly. And I want to read the book but I heard it's 1000 pages long and I don't really want to be haulling something like that around classes.

submitted by Olive
(December 9, 2011 - 5:21 pm)

Not live, I should probably clarify, AMAZING as that would be; it was a dvd of the twenty-fifth anniversary concert. With, yes, Nick Jonas, who I actually didn't mind at all, ridiculous facial expressions notwithstanding - and everyone else is so amazing that complaining about nj would be wrong. 

I don't know the page count; I got it on my kindle from Project Gutenberg. Pretty big, though, yeah. Worth it.

[SPOILERS] - ohmygosh, guys. I'm in the middle of a rewatch and I just realised that the song JVJ sings after he meets the bishop and the song for J's suicide are exactly the same tune and some of the same lines HOW DID I MISS THIS BEFORE gahieo[agha['oiegh[ia i can't even. feeling so stupid. [/SPOILERS]

submitted by ZNZ
(December 9, 2011 - 8:01 pm)

The Broadway version's coming to Boston.  I'm not going to see it, though.

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(December 10, 2011 - 4:24 pm)

I. Love. Les. Mis. with a burning passion.  Especially Javert who I would give a huge hug if I could ever meet him. <3 Javert  Anyway, that's fantastic that you got to see it!  I saw the 25 anniversary tour when it was in L.A. and it was absolutely amazing.  I absolutely love thinking about the characters and singing the songs and pondering themes, and all that nonsense.  I've been meaning to read it as well, but haven't got around to it.  Oh, and yes, I love how different tunes are reused in different cases like [SPOILER] the tune of "Who Am I?" is the same as "Javert's Suicide."  That suicide song is very much like a Javert saying, "Who am I?"  And for that matter, "What is the law?"  Valjean loses himself when Javert is sure of himself, and then Javert loses himself when Valjean begins to be sure of himself.  There are some fantastic parallels. [END OF SPOILER]

submitted by Leaf, age 14, on a tree!
(December 13, 2011 - 9:47 am)