Chatterbox: Down to Earth



it's SMECKDAY!!!

The immortal sheep are coming to town with the little orange aliens and batbot...yay!!!

doobi doobi doobi doobi doobi doobi doobi

the vorpal blade snickersnack it went




YODA speak.

The robot terrorized the table and killed the bacteria.

singing swords


Spammy says mhap. Mayhap.

submitted by SC, gone
(December 11, 2011 - 10:55 am)

"Spammy says mhap." Mayhap SC is going insane.

submitted by Alexandra, age XIII (13), Never Land
(December 11, 2011 - 7:22 pm)

Schmeck. Mayhap SC going insane? BEEP BEEP BEEP. wrong. SC already insane.

Heh heh: dis is funny:

Monkey see

Monkey do


I'm regressing into five year old giggly laughy funny state. HAHAHa

platypus: that's a good hangman word.

Manhang: hangman

what is the f-1(x) of f(x)=.3x+16? I don't know, and I don't care.

Math homework is no fun.

Interesting not so random quote to me from Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance, whom I'm completely obsessed with. Right now I'm listenting to SING, another of their songs, that Glee did a not very good cover on.

So, Na Na Na quote:

Everybody wants to change the world

Everybody wants to change the world

But no one, no one wants to die.

Wanna try, wanna try, wanna try, wanna try, wanna try, wanna try!

End quote.

So totally true.

Spamboy says yfpx. Dunno what that means.

I'm going to rename Spamboy sometime soon. I just dunno when.

submitted by SC, age gone
(December 11, 2011 - 9:44 pm)

Okay, mayhap SC is going more insane than SC already was. :) I'm bored so I'm going to post random GLaDOS quotes YAY PORTAL


"You think you're doing some damage? Two plus two is...ten. IN BASE FOUR!! I'M FINE!!"

"Unbelievable. You, [SUBJECT NAME HERE], must be the pride of [SUBJECT HOMETOWN HERE]."

"The Enrichment Center promises to always provide a safe testing environment. In dangerous testing environments, the Enrichment Center promises to always provide useful advice. For instance, the floor here will kill you. Try to avoid it."

"Although the euthanizing process is remarkably painful, eight out of ten Aperture Science engineers believe that the Weighted Companion Cube is most likely incapable of feeling much pain."

"When I said deadly neurotoxin, the 'deadly' was in massive sarcasm quotes."


submitted by Alexandra, age XIII (13), Never Land
(December 20, 2011 - 12:01 pm)