Some people around

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Some people around

Some people around have been wanting a dragon RP, so I am going to start one.(And the other one's been going for a long time.)There are lot of different ideas of what dragons actually are,and this is not really my idea of what they are,but I think this will fun. 

There will be five different types of dragons:sun,moon,water,fire,ice. These different types will live in hoards, of their own kind.

River dragons are the gentlest,and live in,well,rivers.

Sun dragons are the nicest, and REALLY prefer to fly by day.

Ice dragons are the mean,cold and vain. They live in cold, isolated areas.

Moon dragons are very mysterious and also vain. They REALLY prefer to fly by day.

Fire dragons are the meanest and sneakiest. They love to live and play in fire.

Each of the dragons colors look well,how you would expect their type to look. You are very welcome to make more than one dragon. The main thing will be that there is a five-side war.

I will post my characters later, I'm very hungry....... 

submitted by Maple
(June 4, 2012 - 2:39 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(August 19, 2012 - 1:34 pm)


submitted by T, age O, P
(August 19, 2012 - 3:28 pm)


submitted by TOP, age TOP, TOP
(August 20, 2012 - 6:22 pm)